one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


アンミツ An-mitsu

2008-02-22 19:14:41 | cake(ケーキ)

An-mitsu (sweet red beans paste - sugar syrup)is a bowl of Japanese fruit parfait. Under the fruits there lie cubes of Japanese gelatine. It's sweet and delicious. Japanese girls and women have loved this sweets but these days they have prefered icecream to the traditional one.

(花麺、パールセンター、阿佐谷南1丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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ゆりかもめ goeland

2008-02-22 19:11:22 | birds, fish and others(生物)

I sit on the bench to have a lunch box. This seagul hovers in front of me. I rememver the seaguls of Redondo Beach in L.A. They always gathers around me with wating for my throwing the bagles of the yesterday. But none of them would request the food like this one. I can have only half of the lunch box.

(@芝浦3丁目、Shibaura, Minato ward)
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運河の緑道 promenade

2008-02-22 19:09:27 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Shibaura is the reclaimed ground town so that they have a little plants for almost one hundred years after the construction. So the local gouvernment have thought to make green belt promenades along the canals. They call it "Green way."

(@芝浦4丁目、Shibaura, Minato ward)
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芝浦4丁目バスストップ arret d'autobus

2008-02-22 19:06:36 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Shiba is the old Edo town and Shibaura is the old Tokyo town which has been an area of stock yards and factories and which is changing to a residential area.
But the way of life of the both town have atmosphere which one could image the life and culture of Edo era. These old beauties would be as beautiful as M.M. in their good days.

(@芝浦4丁目、Shibaura, Minato ward)
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芝浦橋から canal

2008-02-22 19:04:57 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the Edo era, the transportation with boat and canal was very important.
There were ten times numbers of canals than in Tokyo. The old canals have been reclaimed to become roads. Sometimes I miss those canals.
I like walking about the area of Shibaura Canal and bridges. Over there a monorail train runs from Haneda airport to the Hamamatsucho station.
But the canals in the area of Shibaura are new and broad. Those were constructed after Meiji era. In the Edo era, this area was only sea and beach.

(@芝浦4丁目、Shibaura, Minato ward)
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CENTRAL CAFEはこちら conduite

2008-02-22 19:00:23 | LA

At Central Cafe I take a breakfast every week day. My best favorite one is a bagle and egg which is not on the menu book. On the first day, I order "Bacon'Egg" to get "Bagle'n Egg." I have totally more than sixty bagles and egg at Central Cafe.
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