one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


中目黒駅そば magasins fermes

2008-02-07 19:43:26 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The shops under the railroad have had to be closed owing to the construction of the station. The lane looks deserter and deserter, day by day.

(@中目黒、Nakameguro, Oota ward)
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スペアリブ刀削麺 nouille et les cotes

2008-02-07 19:42:19 | Foods(食)

This chinese noodle is made with slicing with swordlike knife.
They call it "sword sliced noodle".
The bowl of ribs and soupe noodle is the great one.

(@西安、Sih-an, 新橋2丁目、Shinbashi, Minato ward)
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デラックスクリームパン photo du pain

2008-02-07 19:41:43 | cake(ケーキ)

It looks very delicious. The powder sugar is very beautiful.
When I take it back home, I am disapointed at finding there is no sugar on it.
The surface of bread is wet with the melted suger. The picture is not beautiful.
So I manage to take a picture of it in the shop at the checkout.

(@Bon Dessert,西荻駅、Nishiogi station, Suginami ward)
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ペットボトル回収機 machine ecologique

2008-02-07 19:40:03 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

A woman throws plastic bottles, one by one, into the plastic bottle collecting machine. But a few hours later, the machine kick out any bottles. It gets something wrong in the system. They say there has been lots of troubles on the machine.

(@西友、西荻駅、Nishiogi station, Suginami ward)
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感知器のテスト essai d'appareil

2008-02-07 19:38:42 | what?why?(ん?)

An engineer gets the flame of lighter near to the fire sensing device.
But the alarm system wouldn't work.
An elder engineer starts reading the caution behind the device.

(@西荻駅、Nishiogi station, Suginami ward)
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線路の雪 neige de chemin de fer

2008-02-07 19:37:26 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the morning, the sun light can't reach to these railroad.
In the afternoon, the snow begins melting slowly but steadily.
Tomorrow, they will be able to see no snows here.

(@駒込ー田端区間京浜東北線、between Komagome and Tabata, Bunkyo ward)
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赤い花の塀 mur et fleurs rouges

2008-02-07 19:36:42 | LA

Red flowers and a white wall.
The Mexico is very near to L.A.
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