one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


鬼は・・・食べちゃう Je mange le demon.

2008-02-03 10:34:36 | cake(ケーキ)

In Japan today is the Setsubun(節分=The last day of winter).
Tonight children will throw fried soy beans around in their homes to kick the evil spirits out from their homes. Many fathers put on a Oni (a evil spirits) mask run around to escape from the beans which could get hurt them. With laughing children cry, "The evil out, the happiness in!(O-ni-wa-soto, Fuku-wa-uchi!)"
After the playing, people must have the same numbers of beans as their age.
So my mother used to buy a big package of peanuts with shells. In the evening of the Feburary 3 I and my sister threw the peanuts around in the home. And next day, we started looking for the peanuts to pick them up, to break the shells, annd to enjoy the taste of the peanuts. Some of the peanuts would be found in May or June. They could be eaten. Yes, it was a happiness and it is now a happiness. I'm proud of my mother and the ex-evil spirit palyer, my father.

(@栄太楼 Eitaro, 阿佐谷南1丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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109  le tour 109

2008-02-03 10:33:19 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The 109 tower has been a landmark of Shibuya for more than thirty years.
It's the gate tower of the shopping-center bock of the town.

(@宇田川町、Udagawacho, Shibuya ward)
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109広告張替え travaille de l'affiche gigantesque

2008-02-03 10:32:14 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The workers on the surface of the wall of the towerlike building are changing the giant poster. They are in the shadow so that they must feel very cold. It's a hard job, I shiver.

(@宇田川町、Udagawacho, Shibuya ward)
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跨線橋利用駐輪場 soule le pont du fer-chemin

2008-02-03 10:31:18 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Under the railroad bridge, the local gouvernment settles the park for bicycles and motorbikes.

(@宇田川町、Udagawacho, Shibuya ward)
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宮益跨線橋 le pont au Shibuya

2008-02-03 10:30:32 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Shibuya is the Paris of Japan, they have been writing since the 1930's.
It's the center of fashion in Japan, they say.
I can say the girls and women who are walking around this town love their fashion with confidence.

(@宇田川町、Udagawacho, Shibuya ward)
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大島ラーメン lahmen

2008-02-03 10:29:55 | Foods(食)

There is no relation between the Oshima soupe noodle and the Oshima ilsand which is belong to Tokyo. Oshima is a family name. They have two shops in Tokyo. Mr. Oshima opened the first shop thirty years ago.
The taste of soupe is very dense. It's so dese that I can't describe it and I can say it's good.

(@ 道玄坂1丁目、Dogenzaka, Shibuya ward)
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サイドジャンプ saute par velo

2008-02-03 10:27:58 | LA

I can't imagine Richard of heavy weight could jump with his bicycle.
Hop, hop, and hop. He turns it to the direction for the 90 degrees.
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