one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


新橋 Shinbashi

2008-02-06 21:55:12 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

They lay a locomotive engine in the northern square of the station.
And a big wheels in the southern.

(新橋駅、Shinbshi station, Chuo ward)
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新橋駅銀座口 gare de Shinbashi

2008-02-06 21:51:15 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The red letters on the wall of the building can be read;
"The strangest tale of the tombs in the world."
Nobody have explained to me what they want to tell us with this wall sign.

(@新橋駅銀座口、Shinbashi station, The exit for Ginza, Chuo ward)
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たこ焼き boules de poulpe

2008-02-06 21:50:30 | Foods(食)

I have five piece of these baked octopus balls.
THis appearance cries the taste loudly. Yes it's the pulpy and sloppy taste of the Osaka culture. It is very good. I like it.

(@西友、西荻駅、Nishiogi station, Suginami ward)
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陽だまりの犬 chien ensoleille

2008-02-06 21:48:59 | dog(犬)

The dog is standing there without appearance of waiting for his lady or master.

(@西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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サイフォンコーヒー siphon pour cafe

2008-02-06 21:47:47 | Foods(食)

The master of this coffee shop makes coffee with the old siphon.
The glass pot of siphon has been colored in coffee brown for the long long use. The taste is very good.

(ビーイン、西荻北、Nishiogikita, Suginami ward)
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雪だるま Bonhommes de neige

2008-02-06 21:45:12 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

It snowed not so much. So they couldn't gather only clean snow.
But they made it! Now it's slowly melting. I love these snow man and boy.
(@本駒込、Honkomagome, Bunkyo ward)
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赤い柵 barriere rougeatre

2008-02-06 21:43:54 | LA

I like the combination of the red fence and green garden.
I admire this sense of the Californian people.
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