自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十五

2021年10月21日 | 日記











The tree in the neighbourhood was cut.


The tree was in the garden of someone' house. It was higher than the roof of second floor. I saw it when I went to the station. The many branches of it were wide into the sky. I love trees but I don't know many names so I was wondering the tree's name.

Sometimes, I thought that the tree was really big and tall, excellent. When I went to the station, it was not easy to see it but when I returned from there, I could face it so I looked up it. 

Very big. I was a bit worried about "big". The tree was in the garden but it was narrow.

One day, my anxious turned into reality. When I went back from the station, it was my habit to look up the tree but there was just empty.

I was shocked. I stopped my bicycle. The garden belonged to a person(family) who I didn't know. But I peeped into inside. I found that there were ... a pile of cut-branch and shaft. I was vacancy.

I understand. People cut trees in their gardens. Each trees had a long life in everybody's gardens. There are many kinds of reasons and things. Although I understand everything but I felt sad, my eyes have tears. I missed an opportunity to know its name forever.

Any trees living in residential areas and trees living close to humans, they sometimes cut by humans, just because humans's reasons. A tree might be dangrous to humans if it fell, or a tree becomes too big so it will bottleneck... I understand. I cannot stop feeling sad when I know, a tree was cut...

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十四

2021年10月20日 | 日記







Even it's October, a rose is opening.


There was gray clouds in the sky, it looked cold. A rose that belonged to a long brunch at the high position was opening on the back of it. Until only a few days ago, we've been having days with high temperatures, like 25C. So, the rose has just been opening?

Looked at the gound, there was a 1cm yellow flower that might have been cudweed was opening. There were  other flowers as the same one more than a few on the areas where close to the one. Its activiy season is from April to around early summer. 

I'm happy to see them as there wouldn't be many flowers in this time but they seem to be out of their seasons. Oh my.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十三

2021年10月19日 | 日記




「ちょうどいい」「暑くもなく寒くもなく」的な季節のは無くなってしまったのでしょうか。このクイックな季節変わりに、アタマもカラダもジリツシンケイもついていけていません…。I need autumn!!

Seasons can be changed just one day.


"So comfortable" "Not hot, not cold" , like these comments, Mild season, autumn, there is not autumn now?

We suddenly have got two seasons between yesterday and today.  Yesterday it was (late)summer but today it is (early)winter. It's quick and changealable. Whole of my bodies cannot follow such the temperatures differences. I miss autumn.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十二

2021年10月18日 | 日記






Recently, when I'm watching a TV drama, also doing an online video.


We haven't got much time, have we? I'd like to watch TV dramas, but also should watch online events, so I'm trying doing it at the same time.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十一

2021年10月17日 | 日記







About myself, suddenly I understand what happened on me.


"I understand why happened!" "Is that so, isn't it?" My eyesight suddenly becomes clear as it was in a haze.

I'm so happy when my brain gets clear. I wonder how it happens. In my brain, what things are happening??

*not sure about my English.....

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant&昆虫insect : 待宵草にバッタかな The evening primrose has a grasshopper

2021年10月16日 | 日記






It's almost the middle of October, so it's a bit too late to open its flower.. this evening primrose. It also had the little grasshopper, I'm not sure if he(she) was baby/young. Both of them would have made a mistake, it would be warm season, but actually the beginning of autumn, even it's been still warm.

In the same day of earlier, before sunset, I found a caterpillar creeping on the footpath that had a black body and many little red nubs...it looked uncomfortable but he would be a butterfly(Argyreus hyperbius).

I've seen many imagos of it in September rather than before summer around August. The baby might have connected from them? He will emerge from a pupa then overwinter? Or, if he becomes a butterfly, how to spend his life, it is going to be winter. I was worried about him but anyway, saving him first from being stepped by a human. I put him in the tussock with a mini stick.

I hope that everyone will have their own longevity.

*not sure about my English...

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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 『やっぱり、それでいい。人の話を聞くストレスが自分の癒しに変わる方法』 The book is about how-to not get tired

2021年10月15日 | 日記

『やっぱり、それでいい。人の話を聞くストレスが自分の癒しに変わる方法』by 細川貂々&水島広子(創元社 2018年 1,200円+tax )


だがしかし。まだまだ不安定で、もう大丈夫! っという確固としたモノではありません。なんかもう少し、もう一押ししてくれるモノはないかな〜と探していて、このホンに出会いました。



うーん、これには目から鱗がポーロポロ! でした。なるほど納得でっす!

何故忙しくなるのか!? お知りになりたい方は、読んでくださいね。(因みに図書館で借りて読みました。スミマセン…)

これからこのことを意識して実行をしていって、疲れないどころか副作用じゃない福効果?( =造語作ってみました)もあったらいいなを目指します!

This book is only written in Japanese. You may find many similar books in English or other languages. The people from all over the world, not everyone but many people...might think deeply about our any kinds of relationships... the book gives us many hints how to control our minds, try not to get tired from our conversations between others.

*not sure about my English...


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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 『英語独習法』by 今井むつみ (岩波新書 2020年 880円+tax) a book is about how-to book

2021年10月14日 | 日記




コンナ自分でも、このホンにはすぐに実践できそうなヒントやメソッドがたくさんありました。痩せないのは頭の出来も関係しているかも? と不安になったりしていましたが、そんなことより日本人頭(?)が邪魔しているそうです。

よし、痩せるぞ! コツっコツっとでも痩せてくぞ〜!(いや、上達していくぞ〜)

The book is about how-to book on learning English for Japanese. We, Japanese wouldn't be good at learning English. The author found some methods of "how-to". And, she tells us why we wouldn't be so. I've got understanding about that. Well, just move into action!

*not sure about my English...

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ホンヨミ Book-loving - 『ウルド昆虫記 バッタを倒しにアフリカへ』 the book is about a young professor

2021年10月13日 | 日記

『ウルド昆虫記 バッタを倒しにアフリカへ』by 前野 ウルド 浩太郎 (光文社 2020年 1,800円+tax)




興味を惹かれたトピックはいっぱいありましたが特に自分も!? と強く思ったモノは、著者がアフリカのサハラ砂漠でバッタの調査で格闘している時、ちゃんと疲れていることでした。環境が過酷なアフリカに行くヒトはみんながみんな強靭、と思ってしまいがちですが、疲れてしまうことがきちんと描かれているので、普通の体力のヒトでも行けるのかな? と思ってしまいました。


ま、そんな忸怩たる(?) 思いを抱えなくても、読み物としても十分楽しめまっす!


The book is about some young post-doctoral research fellow who went to Mauritania to research one of Locusts, Desert locust in Africa. His writing skills are so excellent. I enjoyed reading it very much. It's now only written by Japanese. The author is Koutaro Ould Maeno.    

*not sure about my English

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ百四十

2021年10月12日 | 日記






You said, you are my footman. But who made me become like such an arrogant cat?


My cat, he dosen't care about me, even I'm busy. He requires me to feed him. I grumbled about his behaviour. Just one second, he quickly replied the comments above. Actually, it's my imaginations. Well, I'm truely a cat-loving person.

*not sure about my English...

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