スキマ草Plant - 灯台草と言うそうな it must be spurge

2021年03月21日 | 日記







I think that this plant has strange structers with itself, I thought that it was a garden speices but it is a wildflower.

At around the top, there are five like cups, in there, there are tiny small flowers. Weird!

The same shapes leves, they get more than double from the bottom to the top, about colour, green at the bottom to light green/yellow green at the top, it changes gradually.

When I picked two of them on the ground, it was leaking some white liquid the bottom of culm, I was a bit surprised. I checked it on the internet, be careful of it, it might be poisoned by that.

By one by, notice and know. remember thier names. I appreciate their world that are so wide and deep on the ground.

*not sure about my English...

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スキマ草Plant - ホトケノザが

2021年03月20日 | 日記

クサリに紛れてと言いますか、共にと言いますか、かわして? まあとにかく咲いていました。

I found that some henbits were blooming mixed(?) with the chains, or jsut being(?), or avoiding successfully(?).

*not sure about my English...

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スキマ草Plant - 君の名は。 No.5

2021年03月19日 | 日記





I noticed this flowre last or two years ago but sitll not sure about the name of her(him?).
As I researched her on the internet and also the app they told me that it would be Carolina geranium, but the shape of flower is a bit differet from them.
They might be mixed? The pale pink flower is tiny, around 3mm, lovely! I'm so happy to meet them.
In my memories to them are haze, they are blooming already in the mid of March, I wasn't sure about that.
Writing about them on the blog must be useful, let's note! 
*not sure about my English...
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オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : いつか踏まれるんじゃないか(someday it will be stepped on)3

2021年03月18日 | 日記






About the first picture: It's been a month and a half from last report on the blog. It would have been stepped on human beings but anyway, the plant has been growing up because of these warm days recently. I wish that the plant will be there and keep on growing up.

The second picture: A bit far away of view from the first one, you may know how size the plant is. It might be around 3cm, I think.

*not sure about my English...

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スズメ見なくはないね?71 we have seen some sparrows

2021年03月17日 | 日記

雀って声が大きいと思うのです。あれだけニンゲンを嫌がっているのに、声が大きかったら見つかりやすいのでは? と訝しむのですが。



君たちの会話を盗み聞きしているニンゲンがここにいるけど? とは勝手なこちらからの一通的な話しかけ、には関心が無いような様子で、熱心におしゃべりを続けておりました。とさ。

I found some(around 10?) sparrows who were chatting loudly on the tree in the evening. I was succeeded to photograph them by hiding the roof of a bicycle-parking lot. As soon as humans try to get close to them, they fly away in a single moment.

I guessed that they would have been having a chat about what they did and what about a plant tomorrow. I was listening to them but they didn't care. OK. I just enjoyed myself being with them.

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: コブシの仲間かな it might be a kind of Magnolia kobus

2021年03月16日 | 日記






hananona app told me it was Magnolia stellata, but not sure.
The tree is at around the bottom of a small cliff and wrapped by something like ivy. Many branches lengthen in different directions that wound not look good. I haven't taken notice to them very much but this year, I found that they have been having much white flowers.
Some of the flowers were shining by receiving the light of evening sun and the others were still white. There was the evening sky behind them then would have told me like this, "Didn't you know we have white flowers in early spring before Sakura?".
Oh, well....
In japan, seeing taller trees in spring, at first, Japanese plum, next is Sakura(cherry blossom) but between them, there is Manolia(s), we can see their white of violet coloured flowers....
*not sure about my English...
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オサンポ walk - 植物plant: キブシかな Stachyurus praecox?

2021年03月15日 | 日記





I think that this plant might be a garden peices of that. The height is low. The flower is very small and like a bell that is in a queue from up to down with many ones. So lovely!

In these days, we can see them anywhere in the neighbourhood. I go for a walk around there but I just noticed it one year ago.

I believed that I see/look at any plants but I didn't know this flower. How stupid I am! Can I say I love plants/flowers??

I nearly disliked myself but anyway, I remembered this flower then went to see them again. I should say that I am OK...


*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ六十九

2021年03月14日 | 日記




ニンゲンはそうだと思いますが、「猫もそうなの?」 っと思うようなことがしょっちゅうあります。


I believe that cat must understand ironies to them.

When I see his behaviours and if he is close to us, I feel sure that of course he does!

I believe that we human beings can do the same and clearly listen to that things rather than the others.


*not sure about my English.

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ六十八

2021年03月13日 | 日記





…本当に「無い」なのか?!  探してみてくれるフリくらいしてくれてもいいのではないのか?! っと言いたくなる時が。


You reject it for just a second.


"We haven't got it".

Sometimes, a shop assistant answers so quickly to my(our) requests. About this situation, I feel like duvious that assistant, if they say the truth. At least, I'd like them to pretend to look for things that I ask for.


*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ六十七

2021年03月12日 | 日記






Yawning is the same as crying.

(If so, yawn would have a good meaning...it wouldn't be just sleepy...)


*not sure about my English... 

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