スキマ草Plant - ハナニラかと it would be a spring starflower

2021年03月22日 | 日記



大柄な鳥のカラスなどが球根を食べて? その球根の食べ残し?を食べこぼしている?? それともフンと一緒に出している???






About the first photo, a few years ago I noticed this flower then I remembered its name around last year.

I'm wondering how dose the flower spread themselves as they are bulb plant.

A big bird such as a crow might eat their bulbs then spead some leftover ones? Or spread some with their poo?


About the second photo, seeing the flower from the far away, that is.

I really appreciate where they are, as the place doesn't seem to a good place to live but they are living. At the same time, I've got a mixed feeling. I'm happy to see them like at there but I'm worried about their number, if they would destroy our Japanese ecosystems.

*not sure about my English...

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