スズメ見なくね?58 we haven't seen many sparrows

2019年03月20日 | 日記

When I see sparrows
In the morning, I'm happy
It's like a supportive push

仕事へ向かう足取りが重くても、朝チュン(= 朝スズメに出会うこと)があれば、軽くなるさ。

When I feel that my feet are heavy... it means that I wouldn't like to go to work... But if I could see sparrows in the morning, my feelings would be better because I am happy to see them.
I'm not sure if they have the same feelings as me. (I guess, they might think... something like that, if you take our photographs, feed us, please. (Oh?)

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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