Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

North Korea-US war now 'a real possibility

2017年09月29日 03時08分53秒 | Weblog
the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi)

A war between North Korea and the US is now a “real possibility”, and would likely result in thousands of people being killed or injured, a respected defence think tank has warned.

War between the two countries would likely involve a full scale invasion of North Korea, and combat would be neither “surgical nor short”, the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi) said in a report.

In the event of an attack by either country, the UK would only have a few hours “at most” to decide how to respond, it adds.

The disturbing analysis, written by Rusi director general Malcolm Chalmers, says a war could be triggered by either Washington or Pyongyang, but it warns there is a growing risk action could be taken by Donald Trump to “resolve” the issue “sooner rather than later”.

War is now a real possibility,” the report states. “With North Korea making rapid progress in its missile and nuclear programmes, time is not on diplomacy's side.”

The Rusi report sets out a number of ways a war could be started.

It says these could include a pre-emptive strike by Pyongyang if it believed the US was planning a surprise attack.

Washington could be provoked into an assault if North Korean test missiles were fired into the ocean near California or Guam, an American territory, it said.

An outbreak of war would be likely to involve an early large-scale US-led air and cyber offensive, the report said.

This scenario would likely provoke retaliation by Pyongyang against South Korea - where around 8,000 Britons live.

American bases in the region would also be a target, and Mr Kim’s regime would probably use conventional, chemical or possibly nuclear weapons.

That would mean a full-scale invasion of North Korea would be highly likely, the report said.

Though Pyongyang is known to have developed its nuclear technology faster than previously thought, even without the use of nuclear weapons, the casualties would likely reach into the hundreds of thousands, the report says.

A war would also have “far-reaching consequences” for the global economy.

Should the US launch a “preventive strike” on North Korea without South Korea's agreement, it would send a signal that Washington was willing to “sacrifice Seoul to protect New York”.

The report calls on the UK government to continue work to intensify international sanctions on North Korea and to support efforts to find a diplomatic solution.

The UK government must also urge the US to rule out preventative strikes and begin preparations for a range of military scenarios, the report says.

However, it adds the UK should not give the US unconditional support should Washington launch a surprise attack on North Korea, and said London must listen to South Korea and Japan.






また、イギリス政府はアメリカを無条件に支持すべきではなく、日韓の言い分にも耳を傾けるべきだ、と 英国王立防衛安全保障研究所。



2017年09月28日 15時39分42秒 | Weblog




2017年09月28日 15時37分20秒 | Weblog
田原総一朗2017年09月28日 08:08安倍首相が「大義なき」解散という賭けに出た理由とは?




South Korea soldier: ‘Criminal because I’m gay’

2017年09月28日 15時23分18秒 | Weblog

Homosexual activity is illegal in the army in South Korea, and the country still has conscription, meaning that all men will have to serve in the army for some point.

In June this year, it emerged that 32 South Korean soldiers had been charged in what was described as a “witch hunt” against gay men and those thought to be gay.
One soldier was given a suspended prison sentence after being found guilty for having sex with another male soldier.




韓国大統領の民族主義的傾向を勘案すれば 西村氏が、元人権弁護士として、世界で評価されるみたいなもんじゃないの?

Australia in the firing line of nuclear war between North Korea and the US

2017年09月28日 13時48分54秒 | Weblog

Retired Major General Jim Molan said nations are planning and preparing for nuclear war, and emphasised the difficulty of defending Australia from attack.

'Can we protect ourselves by a ballistic missile defence system? Well, it's very very difficult and fabulously expensive,' he said.


Korea has not faced the darker parts of its past

2017年09月28日 13時18分00秒 | Weblog
When History’s Losers Write the Story

Russia has not faced the darker parts of its past, something I spent a lot of time thinking about as a correspondent there. But my own country has memory problems, too. Take the Civil War. Historians tell us it was fought over slavery. But an entirely different version unspooled last month at an Applebee’s in Delaware.

“It’s too simplified to say the war was over slavery,” said Jeffrey Plummer, head of a local chapter of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans. “That’s what’s been taught in the schools, but there’s more to it.”

Selective memory, it seems, is a global phenomenon. Think of Turkey and its blank spot where the Armenian genocide should be. Or Japan with its squeamishness about its aggression and mass murder in China. It starts as a basic human impulse to take the sting out of defeat or to avoid admitting some atrocity. But it’s also a way to help cope with a difficult present. And like a growth on a tree ring, it can keep the past off-kilter until some future generation is brave enough to right it.

“In most countries you are more likely to get evasion and nationalistic versions of history than tough grappling with the darker parts of your past, and the U.S. is no exception,” said Gary Bass, a professor of politics and international affairs at Princeton.

In the United States, the Civil War remains “the most divisive and unresolved experience Americans have ever had,” according to David Blight, a historian at Yale. “The Civil War is like a sleeping dragon. If you poke it hard enough, it will raise its head and breathe fire.”

That is, in part, because the loser was allowed its own interpretation. The South, facing catastrophic loss of life and mass destruction on a European scale, wrote its own history of the war. It cast itself as an underdog overwhelmed by the North’s superior numbers, but whose cause — a noble fight for states’ rights — was just. The North looked the other way. Northern elites were more interested in re-establishing economic ties than in keeping their commitments to blacks’ constitutional rights. The political will to complete Reconstruction died.

The argument over Confederate monuments has surprised historians like Dr. Blight, who has studied the war for decades. It is a moment for public education like no other, but with risks. When history’s losers get to define the story, it can create rifts — with allies, with adversaries or even with our fellow citizens. But so can a sudden, emotional rush to rectify it. Historians say the Confederate statues should be removed slowly, with deliberation, not destroyed in the middle of the night.

“This sudden, almost rage to get rid of monuments kind of violates our instincts as historians,” he said. “Be careful, slow down. If they are taken down, let’s preserve and curate them. These are part of our historical landscape. To just destroy them is not educational.”



Photo: Patrick Christain/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Jon Schwarz
September 24 2017, 9:00 p.m.

From that point forward, the Soviet attack on Afghanistan went pretty much like the American attack on Vietnam: carpet bombing, tons of napalm, widespread rape, countless massacres of civilians. Just as in Vietnam, we have only the vaguest sense of how many people were killed, because no one with power was counting.

THE UPCOMING FINAL episode of Ken Burns’s “Vietnam War” will end with its narrator — after repeated revisions by Burns and Novick, to be sure they were expressing themselves precisely — coming to the following conclusion: “The Vietnam War was a tragedy, immeasurable and irredeemable.”

So despite the voluminous evidence the series provides, it turns out the Vietnam War was not a crime, nor malefaction, nor an abomination. It was merely a tragedy, as the directors also say twice in a New York Times op-ed.





麻生氏 「大年増の厚化粧では希望もてない」と・・・・・・虚報新聞

2017年09月28日 12時26分54秒 | Weblog





2017.9.28 12:09
民進「解党」に野党側は右往左往 自公は全員当選へ気勢



麻生氏 「大年増の厚化粧では希望もてない」・・・・・・とかいう虚報新聞の見出しはでないのかしら。


2017年09月28日 00時28分36秒 | Weblog


そうなんだけど、都の選挙のときと同じで、自民党にお灸をすえよう、自民党 ☓ でも、野党も ✘ で、都民ファースト ? でペケを避けて未知に受け皿として票がいく可能性はある。