Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

N.Korea IOC member says "Nobody know" if S.Korea will be safe for the Olimpics

2017年09月16日 20時48分05秒 | Weblog
北朝鮮のIOC委員 安全か「分からない」


The Olympics are scheduled for Feb. 8-25 in Pyeongchang.

North Korea's IOC member, Ung Chang, said he hopes the Olympics will go on as planned. When asked if South Korea will be safe for the Olympics, he responded: "Nobody knows."


2017年09月16日 20時28分06秒 | Weblog


日本でも英語圏でも 北朝鮮のミサイルは、over Japan 日本上空 飛翔、と表現




Other rogue regimes will be willing to pay top dollar for N. Korean material and know-how

2017年09月16日 09時59分25秒 | Weblog

Unfortunately, with each North Korean success, America’s prospects of preventing North Korea’s further nuclearization grow dimmer. Economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation can and should be intensified, but China’s willingness to implement severe sanctions against North Korea is uncertain at best. Moreover, Pyongyang has for decades demonstrated its willingness to bear incredible poverty and isolation as the price of a credible nuclear capability.

Many outside analysts have speculated that encouraging regime change from within North Korea may be the most viable way out of this conundrum. Of course, as seen several years ago in the Arab Spring, even the most robust-seeming regimes may suddenly collapse, given the right circumstances. Regrettably, Kim Jong Un’s recent successes — getting closer to fulfilling the decades-old dreams of his father and grandfather — have likely strengthened his own domestic legitimacy, and diminished the chances that North Korean elites may choose to depose him.

Finally, preventative war is highly unattractive for the United States and its allies, because of North Korea’s ability to kill potentially millions of South Koreans, Japanese, and Americans. While the United States would ultimately be successful in a conflict with North Korea, in all likelihood that victory would come at a horrendous cost. Pyongyang knows this and does everything it can to emphasize the costs of war, which means that threats to attack North Korea therefore are likely to ring somewhat hollow to Pyongyang. This fundamentally undermines every attempt to negotiate with North Korea, as it severely diminishes U.S. leverage over what Pyongyang values most — its own survival.

If North Korea’s leaders feel safe behind their own nuclear deterrent, they may be emboldened to lash out against their adversaries. Recall the events of 2010, when North Korea first sank a South Korean military ship and then fired artillery at a South Korean island, killing a combined 50 South Koreans. Such dangerous provocations, and worse, may become more common in a world with a North Korean nuclear weapon.

A nuclear North Korea may also pose a significant proliferation threat, especially as more drastic economic sanctions take their toll. Other rogue regimes and terrorist organizations could be willing to pay top dollar for North Korean material and know-how. For a regime whose only ideology is survival and isolation, dealing with terrorists and other zealots would pose no ethical problem.

Building toward prevention will require significant investments by the United States and its allies that enhance defense and deterrence, but more broadly it will require us to reorient our posture toward capabilities that what would be needed for preventive attack — a combination of offensive and defensive capabilities that would be several orders of magnitude beyond what is presently deployed to the Korean Peninsula and the immediate vicinity.

China will certainly object to a major buildup of American military power, and that of its allies, in its neighborhood.




Penis is not necessary a sign of male power.

2017年09月16日 02時13分01秒 | Weblog

A team of entomologists from Japan and abroad won the 27th Ig Nobel Prize in biology for studying female insect genitalia that they say changes the definition of the word “penis.”

This year’s Ig Nobel prizes, awarded for research that “makes people laugh and think,” were announced at Harvard University on Sept. 14.

The research team includes Kazunori Yoshizawa, associate professor of systematic entomology at Hokkaido University, Yoshitaka Kamimura, associate professor of evolutionary biology at Keio University, and a number of international scholars.

The team found that female cave insects of the Neotrogla genus that were recently discovered in Brazilian caves have a penis-like organ that is inserted into the male bug during copulation.

The role-reversing insects are about 3 millimeters long and were registered as a new species around 2010.

In addition, the team found that one mating session between the bugs could continue for an impressive 40 to 70 hours.

During copulation, the male insect transfers nutrition, along with sperm, to the female penis. Yoshizawa and his team believe the physical makeup of the insects was created to allow the female to take control of the mating process to gain the nutrition.

因みに、”penis” って「ペニス」ではなく、どちらかというと「ピーナス」なんだよね。


2017年09月16日 01時46分36秒 | Weblog






2017年09月16日 01時34分03秒 | Weblog






2017年09月16日 01時00分34秒 | Weblog

 西岸 ヘブロンをリチャード・ギアが訪問ー昔のアメリカ南部と同じ。黒人は行ける場所や、水飲み場、レストランも制限されていた、と



2017年09月16日 00時54分52秒 | Weblog




