Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Kim’s forces will be met with a powerful strike out of all proportion to the attack

2017年09月21日 23時05分10秒 | Weblog

Enemy tanks were the primary target. Iraqi armor had literally nowhere to hide in the open desert; their steel hulls were painfully clear from the skies and defenseless to air attacks.
Yet as we discovered when we closed with the enemy, more than 80 percent of the enemy’s tanks and other armored vehicles had survived the air attacks. An enemy that can’t hide or defend itself can still survive sustained bombardment under near-perfect attack conditions, even in open desert.

The implications are clear: if missiles and unimpeded air power are insufficient to destroy enemy armor out in the open after forty-two days, and if men clothed in mere robes can survive on the surface of a mountain against heavy weapons, then the tens of thousands of North Korean artillery pieces, their mobile missile launchers, and hidden nuclear-missile silos would be able to withstand even the most withering and sustained attack.

Kim will most likely launch a massive artillery strike of limited duration on the South Korean capital of Seoul, causing enormous damage and killing tens of thousands of South Korean citizens—and then stop his attack and warn that if the United States doesn’t cease its attack, then North Korea will obliterate the rest of Seoul, inflicting casualties in the hundreds of thousands. The most dangerous course of action for Kim would be to detonate a nuclear bomb on Seoul or launch a nuclear missile against Japan, killing millions—and then threatening to fire more if the U.S. does not cease-fire.

The Trump administration can and should, however, communicate an unambiguous and certain promise that if North Korea were to attack any U.S. personnel, citizens, or allied nations—or if the administration discovers that North Korea was about to launch such an attack—then Kim’s forces will be met with a powerful and punitive strike out of all proportion to the attack. That is a credible and justifiable use of U.S. military power.

The objective must be to prevent war, secure the lives of American and allied citizens, and to keep sustained economic and diplomatic pressure on North Korea to eventually give up its nuclear weapons. Diplomatic engagement combined with a credible military deterrent has a reasonable chance of accomplishing that outcome. Launching a misnamed “preventive” strike will fail catastrophically.






Another former South Korean president faces a criminal investigation

2017年09月21日 21時36分18秒 | Weblog

via Toru

ソウル市長、李明博元大統領を告訴へ 職権乱用で
2017/9/19 18:46



Motoko Rich(NYT) should leave her bias behind.

2017年09月21日 20時21分58秒 | Weblog
odd man out
an unusual or atypical person or thing. I'm odd man out because I'm not wearing a tie. You had better learn to use the new system software unless you want to be odd man out.

odd man out
1. A person who is left out of a group for some reason, as in The invitation was for couples only, so Jane was odd man out. [Mid-1800s]
2. Something or someone who differs markedly from the others in a group, as in Among all those ranch-style houses, their Victorian was odd man out.

odd man out
n someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group


via Toru

“President Moon appears isolated from the other two,” said Lee Won-deog, an expert on Korean-Japan relations at Kookmin University in Seoul. “There is a suspicion that Prime Minister Abe is using his close personal chemistry with President Trump to help shape the American leader’s views on South Korea.


But as North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests have accelerated since his election in May, Mr. Moon has aligned himself closely with the tough line espoused by Mr. Trump and Mr. Abe, while continuing to oppose their openness to a military option



High possibility of war with North Korea, warns new South Korean president
'We will sternly deal with the North, together with the international community'

Samuel Osborne @SamuelOsborne93 Wednesday 17 May 2017

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has said there is a high possibility of war with North Korea, as he warned its recent missile launch is a serious threat to global peace.

"The reality is that there is a high possibility of a military conflict at the NLL (Northern Limit Line) and military demarcation line," Mr Moon said, according to South Korea's Edaily.

South Korea in response dropped eight bombs at a range near the Korean border
28 August 2017 |

'If North Korea Korea threatens the security of the South Korean people and the South Korea-US alliance with their nuclear weapons and missiles our air forces will exterminate the leadership of North Korea with our strong strike capabilities,' South Korean Colonel Lee Kuk-no warned in the video.

. The leadership in the South also does not want the country dragged into a struggle for regional hegemony between American-backed Japan and China, which is angry at Mr. Moon’s deployment of an American-made antimissile system on South Korean soil.

Japan is not such a great power that it can struggle for regional hegemony.

Rather it is the struggle between China and U.S.: U.S. does not want to see the rise of a regional hegemon against U.S.

“Although there is not much common ground between Moon and Abe, the gravity of the North Korean nuclear crisis has brought them together in an uncomfortable partnership,” said Yun Duk-min, a former chancellor of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy who now teaches at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul.

Some South Koreans suspect Mr. Abe of using the growing threat from the North to push his nationalist agenda at home. They also wonder whether Mr. Abe has been encouraging the Trump administration’s increasingly combative stance toward North Korea, making the situation even more volatile.


Sure, Abe kisses Trump's ass, but he has never opted for military option. What he is saying is that now is not the time for dialogue because North Korea has been breaking promises. All he is saying is that now is the time to raise pressure on North Korea

“For Prime Minister Abe and his administration, the deeper issue is the way in which he and his supporters can use the North Korean missile tests to generate increasing apprehension throughout Japan that Japan cannot rely on the United States alone, that Japan needs to have a much more proactive military,” said Alexis Dudden, a professor of history at the University of Connecticut and an expert on Korea-Japan relations.

When the world changes, we must change;otherwise, we can't survive.

(As a side, Dudden is a professor who does not speak up for Korean sex slave for U.S. military, No ?)

“If the righteous many don’t confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph,” Mr. Trump said in his General Assembly speech on Tuesday

Look at what Kim is doing to his people. Is that what Liberal President can put up with?

Last week, hours after North Korea fired its second intermediate-range ballistic missile over Japan, Mr. Moon called talks with the country “impossible” unless it stopped such behavior.

After all, he agreed with Abe. But as I pointed out, military wise,
Moon is more aggressive than Abe.


2017年09月21日 18時26分02秒 | Weblog
2017年09月21日 16時45分

The aid package did not include cash payments, the ministry said, and there was “realistically no possibility” that it could be of any use to the North Korean military.

Trump has called Moon’s approach “appeasement,” and Japan has also expressed disagreement Seoul’s decision to send aid.
At home, a Gallup poll in August found that more than half of South Koreans think aid to the North should be suspended if it doesn’t give up its nuclear weapons, while opposition conservative parties have blasted Moon’s aid decision.
South Korea’s decision to send aid to the North comes at a time when a growing number of countries are putting pressure on Pyongyang in various ways. Mexico, Kuwait, Spain, and Peru have expelled North Korean ambassadors in recent weeks. Taiwan—which isn’t a member of the United Nations and therefore not bound to comply with sanctions—said this week it would stop exporting energy to and importing textile products from North Korea. Qatar and Kuwait, key US allies, said yesterday (Sept. 19) they would stop issuing visas for North Korean laborers, curtailing another source of hard cash for Pyongyang.
The leaders of South Korea, Japan, and the US will talk at the UN later today. Seoul’s approval of humanitarian aid to North Korea may have complicated the meeting even more.






2017年09月21日 18時02分28秒 | Weblog

「いまなら選挙に勝てそうだから解散」は許される? さすがにダメ、と憲法学者が語る理由

2017/09/21 06:01





S.Korea needs Nuclear Subs to develop Nuclear Missile Subs

2017年09月21日 17時03分23秒 | Weblog
Moon gets US to agree in principle to let South Korea build nuclear subs: report

South Korean president reportedly pursuing idea with Trump during UN visit









 「韓米首脳が電話協議 800万ドルの対北支援問題は事前協議で回避」(9月18日、韓国語版)で読めます。






Donald Trump’s speech applauded by Japan

2017年09月21日 16時58分15秒 | Weblog

We do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures, traditions, or even systems of government, but we do expect all nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties, to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation.

Trump UN speech: Why his rhetoric was a game-changer
By Barbara Plett Usher
BBC News
20 September 2017


Why the left hated Trump’s U.N. speech

This is classic conservative internationalism: a vigorous defense of freedom, a bold challenge to dangerous dictators and a commitment to the principle of peace through strength. No wonder Trump’s critics on the left are so upset.


The most surprising thing about Trump’s U.N. speech

When you discount the rhetorical overkill, the most surprising thing about President Trump’s address to the United Nations on Tuesday was how conventional it was. He supported human rights and democracy; he opposed rogue regimes; he espoused a global community of strong, sovereign nations. Pretty shocking stuff.

Trump’s address offered a heavier dose of nationalism and self-interest: he wanted to root collective action in sovereignty and reciprocity, rather than a vaguer “globalism.” He spoke about righteousness defeating evil, a “great reawakening of nations” and other fuzzy Reaganisms. But at its core, this was a speech that any president since Harry S. Truman probably could have delivered. (Interestingly, Trump twice favorably mentioned Truman, the haberdasher from Kansas City whose stubborn common sense shaped the liberal order.)


Right and Left React to Trump’s Speech at the U.N.



But it was Mr Trump's mention of the 1977 kidnapping of teenager Megami Yokata by North Korean agents that made headlines in Japan, where the event remains etched into the national consciousness.

"We know [North Korea] kidnapped a sweet, 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for North Korea's spies," Mr Trump said.
Professor of international relations at Tokyo Christian University, Stephen Nagy, said the inclusion of the line was a clever idea to get the Japanese people on side.

"That was something very emotional for the Japanese, that some of their citizens have been taken away to North Korea and terrible things have been done to them," Professor Nagy said.

"So the fact that President Trump acknowledged this aspect, something that the Japanese have been trying to get him to acknowledge for a long time, I think plays to the Japanese in an emotional way."

President Trump will meet the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and South Korea's President Moon at the UN this week.




2017年09月21日 12時54分28秒 | Weblog

Pyongyang’s relentless pursuit of a nuclear arsenal capable of striking the continental U.S. has caused outrage in Washington, provoking U.S. President Donald Trump to threaten to “totally destroy” North Korea in response. But it is Japan that lies on the nuclear front line.

Japanese fears have grown more acute after North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on Sept. 2. The 120-kiloton explosion was around eight times the ferocity of the bombs that devastated the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. Nuclear fallout is no hypothetical peril for Japan’s 126 million people, and certainly not in Sakura, which lies just 75 miles (120 km) from the Fukushima nuclear plant that went into meltdown following an earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Sakura was evacuated after that catastrophe and people still worry about radiation contamination in local crops.
Japan’s propensity for severe seismic activity means disaster preparedness is treated with the utmost seriousness. The threat from North Korea has heightened these existing concerns.

themselves to protect loved ones.
Hiroko Omori, 42, serves iced tea on a white lace tablecloth. An outsized framed picture of a cartoon mermaid jars incongruously with her suburban Tokyo living room’s quaint floral wallpaper. In the opposite corner is the single mom’s newest statement piece: a box-like steel shelter the dimensions of a single bed, where Hiroko and her eight-year-old daughter can retreat in case of emergency. Inside the 1.2 million yen ($11,000) sanctuary is a wide-screen television, an air-conditioning unit, a portable toilet and supplies of vacuum-packed chicken stew and tinned muffins. The manufacturer says it can withstand 15 tons of crushing force.

Not everyone agrees with the heightened state of readiness. In Nagasaki, where up to 80,000 people died in an Allied nuclear bomb on Aug. 9, 1945, 13 civil society organizations including atomic bomb survivor groups have called for emergency drills to be canceled as “they are impractical and unnecessarily provoke a sense of danger.”
Still, Nobuko Oribe, whose Oribe Seiki firm sells nuclear shelters in Japan’s southern city of Kobe, says it is better to be prepared. Beneath her house is a nuclear bunker with 20 cm-thick concrete doors, a hand-cranked air filtration system, six orange bunk beds and weeks of supplies. She says many people now share her apocalyptic fears: her entire stock of 60 Swiss-made air purifiers sold out since April, and she has had almost 40 times the orders for shelters already this year compared to last—enough to safely house 800 people.



The mother of a Japanese woman abducted by N. Korea praised Trump's speech

2017年09月21日 09時27分28秒 | Weblog





2017年09月21日 09時13分27秒 | Weblog






2017年09月21日 08時18分16秒 | Weblog

この問題で答えが1/3なの文章的に納得がいかない… 1/2派です。










2017年09月21日 02時27分59秒 | Weblog















2017年09月21日 02時08分35秒 | Weblog



最富裕層1~10% v.s. 大衆


大衆 v.s. 貧困層/在日/移民など軽視されている人々
