

Nice question(嬉しい質問

2016-06-22 19:49:05 | Weblog
I just walked on Kawanishi History Road with Hikari Elementary School sixth graders students about 60 members. I had three local one’s cooperation and walked around in the rain.
I explained the topics that children seemed to be interested such as "why is a fox in Inari?". In addition, I told the way of worship difference between Shinto shrine and the temple.
When we went to Atagosan, one student found a small fox of the stone in the stone garden lantern then asked " why is a fox in the temple though I heard there was the fox in Inari?"
It is a splendid viewpoint. Because it is difficult to explain I was stopping talking about it, but I cannot but speak about "the large honorific title of a Japanese god". He noticed a careful thing and I became to be glad to have such question.

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My daughter challenged Triathlon firstly run whole distance

2016-06-12 19:47:18 | Weblog

Mr. and Mrs. daughter participated in triathlon of Osaki-Kamijima, Hiroshima today. The husband was the second, and my daughter was the first challenge. I worried for the challenge of my daughter who exceed 35 years old. The competition called the iron man's race is a eternal dream for me. She ran the whole distance in the rain before time in the last then returned from my house of Fukuyama to Kurashiki of the place of residence. I want to say take the rest enough

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Flower arrangement exhibition holding 華展開催

2016-06-10 16:16:56 | Weblog

We will hold a flower arrangement exhibition in a study and the Buddhist priests' living quarters of the important cultural property of Hiroshima at the House of national treasure Myooin on Sunday on Saturday, June 18 and 19th. It is the wonderful queen which the wife of the temple was arranged in of the Daikaku-ji Temple group. Please come to see it.

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Thanks for Fukuyama-shi  福山市に感謝

2016-06-01 05:48:40 | Weblog
According to today's Asahi Shimbun, the Board of Education informally decided Mr Kiso of Ambassador former UNESCO to "Special Counsel" advising the activity that aimed at the authorization of the inheritance of Japan .
I want to thank the Board of Education did the decision helping my local history activity. Because of behind with a start the hurdle of the inheritance of Japan is high, but I feel enthusiasm.(2016/5/31)

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