


2008-07-14 18:34:06 | Telegraph (UK)


フィール・グッドはプリンス・ハリーに頼りっきり(ノ∀`) アチャー。

Prince Harry plays with children in Lesotho
By Laura Clout
Prince Harry showed his playful side as he frolicked with a group of abused youngsters in the African kingdom of Lesotho.


The 23-year-old demonstrated a warmth with children reminiscent of his late mother Diana, Princess of Wales during a visit to a counselling centre and home for vulnerable youngsters.


Prince Harry, an officer in the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals, spoke about balancing army life with his charity work.


"The Army gets in the way sometimes and I wish I could be out here more often. But there are certain responsibilities that one has to do - I've got a job," he said.


"So when I can I'll come out here but a lot of the time, you know, it's a long trek, but I do the most I can to come out as often as I can to see the kids."


After chatting with staff from the centre, which earlier this month moved into new premises, Harry joined eight children in the facility's central courtyard.


As a group of young girls, dressed in coats and woollen hats to keep out the winter wind, played catch with a basketball, the Prince pushed four-year-old Mojabeng around the courtyard on a tricycle.


After the fourth trip around the open space the Prince pleaded: "No more - I'm exhausted".


Prince Harry and Lesotho's Prince Seeiso founded the charity Sentebale - which means "forget me not" in Sesotho - to help orphans and vulnerable children.


The brightly coloured Lesotho Child Counselling Unit is just one of a number of projects in which Sentebale is involved.


"The vulnerable children of Lesotho will always be welcome here," the Prince added.






2008-07-14 18:33:34 | Telegraph (UK)

China's £4bn drive to buy Africa's mineral wealth
By Mike Pflanz in Lubumbashi
China's modern-day "Scramble for Africa" to buy up the continent's mineral wealth enters a new phase this week.


Full scale work by the Chinese begins to rebuild 2,050 miles of roads in the Democratic Republic of Congo, left to rot in the rainforest after the Belgian colonialists pulled out 48 years ago and further shattered by seven years of war.


The vast project, which will triple Congo's current paved road network, is part of China's largest investment in Africa, a £4.5 billion infrastructure-for-minerals deal signed in January.


As well as the roads, Beijing has promised to repair 2,000 miles of largely defunct railways, build 32 hospitals and 145 health centres, install two electricity distribution networks, construct two hydropower dams and two new airports.


In return, China has won the rights to five copper and cobalt mines in Congo's southern minerals belt which boasts some of the world's richest ore deposits.


The deal has confirmed Beijing as Congo's largest foreign investor and extended its dominance over swathes of Africa previously allied to the West.


Britain has increased its aid to Congo sixfold since 2002, and is now one of the country's leading bilateral donors, but analysts in the capital Kinshasa said that "the Europeans are now largely playing catch up to the Chinese, and they are unlikely ever to succeed".


"Really to engage with the Chinese you have to move pretty quickly," a senior European diplomat in Kinshasa told The Daily Telegraph.


"They are setting themselves up as being unlike other donors who are seen as too slow and always telling governments what to do, and there is a sense that the Europeans have been caught a little on the hop."


Victor Kasongo, Congo's deputy minister of mines, said: "To be honest, China was Plan B.

コンゴ副鉱業相Victor Kasongoは「正直なところ、中国はプランBだ」と語った。

"We first approached the Europeans but they said they did not have the muscle to do what we needed.


"China has stepped into that opening, very quickly."


More than 1,200 miles to the south, beside a corrugated earth road snaking through dense bush, Mambwe Katenta, 45, watched a mechanic trying to fix his battered Toyota pick-up, broken once again by Congo's atrocious roads.

南へ1,200マイル以上行った深い茂みをくねる道路の脇で、Mambwe Katena(45歳)はコンゴの悪路でまた故障してしまった自分のボロボロになったトヨタのトラックを直そうとするメカニックを見ていた。

"It is only 30 miles to the city, but we cannot reach there with the things we have to sell: tomatoes, cassava, charcoal," he told The Daily Telegraph.


"The road is too bad, the trucks are too expensive, and we are facing too many difficulties. It has always been this way, but now we hear that the Chinese will come and fix this."


Mr Katenta will not have long to wait. South of his village, on the other side of Congo's mining capital Lubumbashi, the Chinese are on their way.


At the unheard-of speed of half-a-mile a day, crews from the Chinese Railway Engineering Company are rebuilding the key road linking Congo's south to Zambia, the first 60 miles of what will eventually become a 1,000 mile highway to Kisangani, the rainforest capital far to the north on the Congo River. Already, stretches of pristine asphalt have been laid.


"Our former rulers made so many contracts but we never saw the colour of that money, we saw nothing being built," said Moise Kitumba, the newly-elected governor of the Katanga, Congo's richest province.

コンゴで最も裕福な地方Katangaの新しく選出された知事Moise Kitumbaは「前の支配者は沢山の契約をつけてきたが、金も建設作業も一度も見たことがない」と言った。

"The Chinese contract is much better because people will see the roads, the railways, the hospitals."


Not everyone agrees. Congolese opposition leader Jean-Lucien Mbusa said the agreement is, "incoherent, unbalanced ... and forces us to sell off our heritage to the detriment of several generations".

コンゴの野党党首Jean-Lucien Mbusaはこの合意は「支離滅裂で、アンバランスで、我々に数世代を犠牲にして我々の遺産を売り飛ばさせるものだ」と語った。

Patricia Feeney, director of the British organisation Rights and Accountability in Development, said: "If you start to unpick the deal, you find the Chinese are setting conditions which are much stricter and which are going to be more difficult to meet."

イギリスの組織Rights and Accountability in Development(発展における権利と説明責任)のパトリシア・フィーニー代表はこう語った。

Congo's government has been forced to include loan guarantees in the deal. If the mineral deposits are lower than estimated or more difficult to extract, it will need to borrow more to keep up its repayments.


This threatens International Monetary Fund programmes to scrap Congo's outstanding £4bn of debt owed to the West.


The country is also politically fragile, still stumbling after seven years of war which has killed more than 5.4 million people, mostly from hunger and disease, in the deadliest conflict since the Second World War.


President Joseph Kabila was elected in 2006 but faces an ongoing civil war in the east of the country, grumblings of discontent from old-school corrupt hardliners and the constant threat of political efforts to unseat him.


"The worst case scenario is that the Chinese pull out and leave half-built roads or half-built hospitals all over the country," said Mrs Feeney.


According to the Chinese ambassador, Wu Zexian, that will not happen.

中国大使Wu Zexianによれば、そんなことにはならないのだそうだ。

"No-one is ever 100 percent sure of what will happen in the future, but if you wait until the point where there is no risk, the opportunity will have passed," he said.


"Congo was ready to offer cooperation with anyone who came here to invest - any others could have come but they did not ask. We just took up the offer which was there."





ボスは僕がチームプレーヤーじゃないって言うのさ 2

2008-07-14 18:27:55 | Telegraph (UK)
This untapped potential among adults with AS and autism - only 2 per cent are in full-time employment - caused the NAS to launch its "I Exist" campaign this year to call for more help.

NASに今年、更なる支援を呼びかけるための「I Exist(私はここにいる)」キャンペーンを開始させたのは、このASや自閉症の成人(たったの2%しか正社員として働いていない)の使われていない潜在能力だった。

It says many sufferers struggle to find work simply because they don't know how to conduct themselves in interviews - or if they are in education, may lack the concentration to take notes in lectures. A large number are confined to living with their parents because they haven't mastered basic life skills such as going to the supermarket.


Norman Darwin, the employment co-ordinator at Prospects, which provides training and advice for those with autism and AS, says it is often with the "unwritten rules" of office life where problems arise. "One extremely talented computer-aided designer with AS was having problems with his colleagues simply because he'd never made a cup of coffee at work - which after 15 years was causing resentment," he explains.


"His logic was that if somebody was making coffee, why did he need to? And of course, nobody had told him it was part of the office etiquette. Once I explained to him that he needed to make the coffee once a week, it was resolved."


Darwin adds that those with AS often display inappropriate behaviour such as walking out of meetings before they have finished or being too honest with the boss.


"The logic for someone with AS is if they are in a meeting and have said what they need to say, they reason: why bother staying in the meeting?" he says. "Also they are extremely honest. Often it can be the 'do you like my dress?' situation: when a diplomatic answer is required they cause offence with their colleagues by answering with inappropriate candour."


Prospects, which has offices in London, Glasgow, Sheffield, Leeds and Manchester, helps AS sufferers to write a CV, prepare for interviews, and gives advice on basic office skills. It works directly with employers to find job opportunities which match the skills of the candidate with AS and can assign a support worker to help the new employee break down tasks into easily manageable chunks.


Around 300 people are currently being supported. Darwin adds that people with autism and AS can excel at their jobs and with the right guidance and support can be invaluable members of the workforce. "They tend to be extremely focused and dedicated, and are also very reliable, trustworthy and honest - all of which are attributes that employers look for."


Back in Stockport, Danny is certainly honest about his own dreams and talents. Resuming eye contact with me, he says: "I truly believe that - given the chance - I could become one of the greatest mathematicians of our time."


・For more information on autism and Asperger syndrome, contact the National Autistic Society's helpline on 0845 070 4004 or visit www.autism.org.uk




ボスは僕がチームプレーヤーじゃないって言うのさ 1

2008-07-14 18:27:34 | Telegraph (UK)
Asperger syndrome: 'Bosses say I'm not a team player'
Sheryl Moore
Danny Hancock has a brilliant mind but can't hold down a job. Sheryl Moore talks to him and his mother about changing workplace attitudes to Asperger syndrome


Surrounded by a pile of well-thumbed science journals and maths textbooks, Danny Hancock comes alive. The 22-year-old enthuses at length about the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and his French contemporary, Pierre de Fermat.


"Fermat's Last Theorem," he muses. "Now that's an interesting one." For a moment he makes eye contact with me - perhaps believing he has found an intellectual sparring partner - and he's off. It's hard to get a word in edgeways as he talks excitedly about his hopes of becoming a mathematician.


But ask Danny, who was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS) earlier this year, about getting a job and he becomes subdued: "Employers don't seem to want people with disabilities like mine. They say I'm not a team player and haven't got the right skills for the workplace."


Help for children who suffer from autism, whose cause is thought to be a mixture of genetic and environmental factors, and AS has dramatically improved in recent years. Yet once those children grow up, that help often evaporates, according to the National Autistic Society (NAS), despite the fact that one in 100 adults and children in Britain is thought to have some form of autism.


Without basic life skills such as knowing how to pay bills or follow office etiquette, the society says large numbers are trapped in their homes feeling hopeless and isolated.


Asperger syndrome is on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum, which ranges from those who live relatively normal lives to those who may not be able to communicate at all. AS sufferers, however, tend to have above-average intelligence.


Like all people with autism, they may still find it difficult to communicate with others and process information - for example they may be unable to make eye contact, read facial expressions correctly or understand jokes or sarcasm - but they do not usually have the learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, which are associated with autism.


It was Danny's increasingly alarming behaviour which finally prompted his mother Paula, 44, from Stockport, to seek help last year. "He was having more and more temper tantrums which often resulted in him throwing things," she says. "He was also locking himself in his room and refusing to engage in any form of conversation, but what was really worrying was the fact that he was storming out of the house and going missing."


Paula, a single mother to Danny and his 18-year-old brother David, says Danny's problems started at an early age. "By three he could barely say any recognisable words and had almost made up his own language," she says.


"As the years progressed, Danny's speech improved and he was regularly seen by a therapist. But he was never invited to birthday parties and didn't have any himself because he had no playmates to invite - it was heartbreaking."


By the time he was 13, his school suggested that Danny was evaluated by a psychologist. Paula says the report revealed that Danny was on the 93rd centile for intelligence, but only on the eighth in terms of his social skills.


"I was handed the report but didn't really know what it meant," she says. "I wasn't given much explanation apart from the fact that there are only seven per cent of people in the country more intelligent than Danny, and that he was an anti-social child."


While most parents would be thrilled to be told their son was intelligent - Paula admits she was "very proud" - she says nobody explained that the low score for his social skills was cause for concern. "I wasn't offered any help or advice," she says. "Danny's school offered to help with exam training, but Danny was being bullied, and didn't want to be singled out."


Danny went on to pass a set of GCSEs, gaining an A in maths, and then achieved three grade Cs at A-level in maths, physics and chemistry. Yet despite this success, since leaving school he has only had a couple of part-time administration jobs.


He is on leave from his current job after a frustrated outburst led him to kick boxes around the office. "There was the mother of all mail-outs," says Danny. "There was a better way of doing it but nobody would listen to me."


"Danny has extreme difficulty in engaging in casual conversation," adds Paula. "He also refuses to make eye contact and finds it hard to communicate what he is thinking, unless the conversation is about maths, science or his third fascination in life - the Irish band The Corrs... [But] his intelligence is being overlooked. Employers need to wake up and see the enormous potential people like Danny, have to offer."

「それにアイ・コンタクトを拒絶しますし、数学か科学か、彼の3つ目の大好きなもの、アイルランドのバンドThe Corrsに関する会話以外、何を考えているか伝えるのが難しいようです。(でも)彼の知性は見落とされています。会社は目を開いてダニーのような人たちが持つ大変な潜在能力を知るべきです」。


2008-07-14 18:26:04 | Telegraph (UK)

Federal Reserve bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
By James Quinn in New York and David Litterick in London
The US government last night moved to provide state support to ailing mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac amid heightened concern over their solvency.


The Federal Reserve took the unprecedented step of bailing out Fannie and Freddie in a move designed to prevent their collapse and with it to secure the stability of the wider mortgage market.


The board of the Fed, chaired by Ben Bernanke, voted to allow the New York Federal Reserve to lend to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should such lending prove necessary.


Meanwhile, the US Treasury said it would seek approval from Congress to increase its long-standing credit lines with both agencies as well as approval to buy an equity stake in each company if necessary.


The decisions ミ similar to the earlier opening of the discount window to struggling investment banks ミ effectively ensures the future liquidity of the state-sponsored mortgage agencies, which in recent days have been the subject of intense speculation regarding their capital levels.


The Fed’s decision came after a weekend of intensive talks between it, the US Treasury and other parts of the Bush administration on what to do to stop further speculation harming the mortgage companies when the markets reopen this morning.


In the past week, Fannie and Freddie have seen their share prices fall more than 50pc on rumours that they did not have enough capital and speculation that the government planned to nationalise them.


Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was forced to deny the rumours, saying he was committed to supporting Fannie and Freddie “in their current form”.


As a direct consequence, the US Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday launched an immediate probe into the manipulation of stock prices amid fears that some in the market are deliberately spreading false information.


The SEC examination will focus on the compliance controls that traders and investment houses have in place. It follows similar attempts by the Financial Services Authority to crack down on rumour-mongering and short-selling in the UK in the wake of the March plunge in HBOS shares.


Meanwhile, the Treasury department has been working behind the scenes to ensure that Freddie Mac’s planned sale of $3bn of short-term debt today will be successful by ensuring banks that normally purchase such debt still place bids.


This is already expected to be a difficult week for the global economy.


Investment bank Citigroup saw its shares fall to a 10-year low last week ahead of posting quarterly earnings that are expected to reveal further writedowns totalling nearly $9bn.


Merrill Lynch is expected to announce up to $4.2bn of further writedowns as it posts its fourth consecutive quarterly loss.


"The bottom line is that we're in the middle of a financial tsunami. This is a storm the likes of which this country has never seen," said Peter Kenny, managing director of Knight Equity Markets.


Google will report this week and its figures could be an acid test of the economy.


Meanwhile, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke will appear on Capitol Hill to give his biannual testimony on monetary policy.


In the UK, official statistics are forecast to show a further rise in inflation to 3.7pc.



