


2008-07-11 18:29:53 | Telegraph (UK)
Spain pulls bond sale amid economic crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Spain has suspended an auction of sovereign bonds as investors take fright over the country's property crash and accelerating slide into economic crisis.


The treasury pulled an expected sale of 15-year bonds after probing the market informally, saying it would wait until credit conditions began to calm down. "We are not facing financing problems. We placed a successful three-year note on Wednesday," said a spokesman.


Government officials have been shocked by the intensity of the downturn now engulfing the country. Car sales fell 31pc in June, industrial production has fallen 5.5pc over the past year and the collapsing property sector is shedding almost 100,000 jobs a month.


Miguel Sebastian, the industry minister, said the economy had ground to a halt in the second quarter and was now in "virtual recession".


Standard & Poor's has issued an alert on the banking sector, warning that "the sharp deterioration in economic conditions" would lead to a surge in bad debts. The fears are shared by Miguel Blesa, head of the lender Caja Madrid, who says the wave of defaults are "not just coming, they're galloping". Last week's interest rate rise by the European Central Bank to 4.25pc has tightened the screw further.

この懸念は貸付業者Caja MadridのMiguel Blesa代表も感じており、彼はデフォルト連発は「ただ近付いてきているんじゃなくて、駆け足で近付いてきているんだ」と言っている。

Spreads between Spanish bonds and German bunds have risen from four basis points last year to 27 yesterday. While state debt is low, there are concerns that bank losses from housing and commercial real estate could have knock-on effects for the government and possibly complicate euro membership.


It is unclear how Spanish authorities could conduct a rescue operation along the lines of Bear Stearns, given that there is no clear lender of last resort in the eurozone system. Fears the Bank of Spain could find itself hamstrung in a crisis have begun to unsettle investors.


Elsewhere in Europe, growth is now slowing across the board as the strong euro takes it toll. French industrial output fell 2.6pc in May, and in Germany it was down 2.4pc. Elga Bartsch, from Morgan Stanley, said Germany's resilience "seems to be melting away" as exports stall.

モルガン・スタンレーのElga Bartschは、ドイツの回復力も輸出が停滞するにつれ「消滅しつつあるようだ」と語った。

Europe's Aerospace and Defence Industries Association yesterday held a meeting with ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet to express "deep concern" over the euro exchange rate, now widely believed to be 25pc overvalued against the dollar bloc.


They believe the ECB could steer down the euro if it gave a clear signal that the tightening cycle is over.






2008-07-11 18:09:02 | Telegraph (UK)

Israel will not hesitate if threatened, defence minister says
By Alex Spillius in Washington and Carolynne Wheeler in Jerusalem
Israel's defence minister warned Iran his country was ready to act if threatened, as Tehran test fired another salvo of missiles capable of hitting the Jewish state.


Ehud Barak said that while military action was a last resort, his country had proved in the past it would not hesitate when "its vital security interests are at stake."


"Currently, the focus is international sanctions and vigorous diplomatic activity, and these avenues should be exhausted," Mr Barak said.


But he added: "Israel is the strongest country in the region and has proved in the past it is not afraid to take action when its vital security interests are at stake."


The comments came after Iran conducted military exercises, launching a second round of Shahab 3 ballistic missiles in as many days. With a range of 1,250 miles, the missiles can hit Israel.


In response to Iran's war games, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned that America would not back down in the face of threats against Israel.


Closing a three-day European trip in Georgia, Miss Rice said: "We are sending a message to Iran that we will defend American interests and the interests of our allies.


"We take very, very strongly our obligations to help our allies defend themselves and no one should be confused about that," she said.


She linked the first round of the Iranian missile tests to US plans for a missile shield based in eastern Europe, which would theoretically offer protection against missiles launched from Iran.


Such a shield "will make it more difficult for Iran to threaten and ... say terrible things, because their missiles won't work," Miss Rice said.


However she conspicuously stopped short of issuing a direct threat to Tehran, and US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said on Wednesday that there had been a "lot of signalling going on" in the escalation of rhetoric but he added he did not think confrontation was any closer.


In Israel, the Iranian tests were received with dread. Fears have raised that Iran will soon reach a point of no return in its quest for nuclear weapons.


The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has often called for Jews to be removed from Israel, though he recently dismissed the idea of an Iranian strike on the Jewish state.


Earlier this week, British and American warships wrapped up Persian Gulf exercises on defending key petroleum installations, in case of conflict, and last month Israel held a major training exercise over the Mediterranean widely seen as a dress rehearsal for a pre-emptive strike on Iran.


Both, military experts say, have likely encouraged Iran to show off its own capabilities.


Ephraim Halevy, a former director of the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, told The DailyTelegraph that the missile testing signals that crisis is nearing a peak.

Ephraim Halevy元モサド長官はデイリー・テレグラフ紙に、ミサイル発射実験は危機がピークに近付いていることを示していると語った。

"Both sides, Israel and the West on one side and Iran on the other, are engaged in one-upmanship in anticipation of this crisis breaking, and it can break in either direction," he said.


"I think the breaking point is approaching. There comes a moment where you say we have exhausted our abilities to make proposals and that's it. And I think Iran also understands this."


Western nations last month proposed assistance for a civil nuclear programme and other economic incentives in exchange for a freeze on Iran's uranium enrichment activities. Iran has invited further negotiations led by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, leading Washington observers to conclude that it is either biding its time until the Bush administration ends in January 2009, or is genuinely divided about how to proceed.


Suzanne Maloney, an Iranian expert at the Brookings Institution, a leading think tank, said: "Last week the buzz was Iran is being more receptive. This week the buzz is sabre-rattling is intensifying. This is something of a certain pattern in US-Iran relations, and it seems the Iranians are hedging their bets."






2008-07-11 10:56:14 | Telegraph (UK)

House prices falling at fastest rate since 1990s
By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Correspondent
House prices are falling at the fastest rate since the 1990s crash and have shed almost £20,000 from their peak values last summer, according to the latest house price survey.


UK house prices fell by 2 per cent in June, and are now 6.1 per cent lower than a year ago, with the average home costing £180,344, Halifax said.


Britain’s biggest lender reported that average house prices were now at the same level as in August 2006.


As the Bank of England prepares to announce its interest rate decision at noon, Halifax chief economist Martin Ellis warned that a squeeze on consumers’ finances and the lack of availability of mortgages were hurting the housing market.


“These factors have curbed housing demand. There has been a slight fall in ‘real’ earnings over the past year,” he added.


The figures from Halifax confirm a similar fall experience by rival Nationwide, which said the average home costs 6.3 per cent less than a year ago.


Economists warned that house prices were likely to carry on falling for many months to come.


“Grim numbers and little to suggest things will get better any time soon. In fact we expect to be in negative double digit territory from next month,” said Alan Clarke, UK economist at BNP Paribas.


The Halifax figures came as Barratt became the latest housebuilder to slash its workforce. The company said it was cutting 1,200 jobs owing to the housing slump and the squeeze on mortgage lending.


The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is widely expected to keep rates on hold, disappointing home owners who have suffered from banks and building societies putting up their rates on an almost daily basis.


According to data from the Bank, the average two-year fixed-rate mortgage is now at a ten-year high, with home buyers or people remortgaging having to pay a rate of 6.63 per cent.



