


2008-07-08 18:02:21 | Telegraph (UK)





Analysis: How George W Bush became an African hero
By David Blair in Rusutsu, Hokkaido Island
On the eve of his departure from office, President George W Bush's global reputation as a reviled war-monger might appear to be sealed.


Yet the most right-wing president in recent memory has become the unlikely darling of anti-poverty activists for his unsung efforts to help Africa.


Under Mr Bush's leadership, America is firmly among the countries who Oliver Buston, a prominent campaigner specialising in tracking the G8's promises, calls the "good guys".


Mr Buston places America among the G8 nations doing everything possible to redeem the Gleneagles pledge on raising aid budgets.


In the last year of Bill Clinton's presidency, America's direct bilateral assistance to Africa was only Pounds 700 million. Mr Bush has almost quadrupled this sum.


Combating Aids once played virtually no part in America's development policies. Mr Bush has established the biggest fund ever devoted to fighting an epidemic.


The President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief, funded to the tune of Pounds 7.5 billion, is paying for hundreds of thousands of Africans to receive the life-saving drugs which hold Aids at bay.


Mr Bush has also made America the biggest single donor to the Global Fund for Aids, tuberculosis and malaria, contributing one third of its Pounds 5 billion.


No other leader has given as much money to the World Food Programme as Mr Bush. America now provides about half of all the emergency food aid distributed across the globe.


Countries which desperately need this help often have viscerally anti-American governments. The rulers of Sudan and Zimbabwe, where millions depend on emergency food supplies, probably do not grasp the irony of the man they vilify keeping so many of their own people alive.


Bob Geldof, the anti-poverty campaigner, has often praised Mr Bush's "Africa story". Overall, however, this side of the president's legacy has earned him few votes and precious little international credit.


The point, as Mr Geldof stresses, is that Mr Bush helped Africa anyway.






2008-07-08 18:01:54 | Economist

The G8 summit:A world of troubles to tackle
Economist.com:Jul 7th 2008 | TOYAKO
The G8 leaders, meeting in Japan, have many challenges but few tools


THE leaders of the G8 group of rich countries kicked off three days of annual summitry hosted by Japan in Toyako on the northern island of Hokkaido on Monday July 7th. The remoteness of the venue―a bubble-era resort hotel overlooking Lake Toya―and an overwhelming policepresence around the summit and Japan’s main cities appear to have prevented the scale of anti-globalisation protests and street violence that have disrupted recent gatherings of the world’s self-appointed steering group, including last year’s summit at Heiligendamm in Germany. But even without the protests, the leaders of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, the United States, Japan and Russia, half of them new to their job, will be aware of how much the world has changed since Heiligendamm.


At last year’s summit the price of oil was at less than half today’s $140 a barrel. The world price of rice and other grains gave few signs of doubling, threatening political stability in Africa and Asia and mocking earlier G8 commitments to reducing global poverty. Meanwhile, mention then of structured investment vehicles or Northern Rock to a G8 leader would have been met with a blank stare.


Pricey oil, the food crisis and the credit crunch: the new challenges either have their roots beyond the G8, or have quickly raced across borders. Either way, they highlight how the G8’s supposed goals work increasingly at cross-purposes. The call for lower fuel prices stands at odds with energy efficiency, cutting carbon dependence and tackling climate change―as does the drive against nuclear proliferation. Emphasising biofuels means less land for food production, leading to higher prices and hungry bellies. The desire of rich countries to avoid recession raises questions about their resolve to nip inflation. The rich-country club (plus Russia), representing a minority of the world’s population, appears ill-equipped for the challenges.


As host, Japan’s prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda, is determined to make the best of the contradictions. The summit’s opening day addresses poverty and higher food prices in Africa, with seven African national leaders invited. Japanese officials, among others, have floated the idea of a grain stockpile that might act as a buffer against volatile prices. Britain’s prime minister, Gordon Brown, proposes a doubling of food production in Africa. Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, says that high food prices are "turning back the clock on development gains". But talk is cheap: non-government organisations give warning that even development goals agreed by the G8 just three years ago at Gleneagles in Scotland appear to be slipping. The head of the Asian Development Bank points out that food is not solely an African challenge: over 1 billion Asians spend some three-fifths of their income on food.


On the summit’s second day, the G8 leaders huddle informally, but on the third the “outreach” championed by Japan continues with China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Australia South Africa and South Korea all invited to discuss carbon emissions and global warming. That brings together the world’s biggest emitters, but few concrete decisions are likely: after all, a deal to replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012, is not due until a UN conference in Copenhagen at the end of 2009. Still, China and India might agree to make bigger verbal commitments to cutting emissions―provided the West makes money and technology available.


Until now, these two giants have argued that big cuts were an inequitable way to deal with a carbon-dioxide concentration in the atmosphere that was not of their making, but because of earlier industrialisation. Yet the United States is reluctant to adopt emissions targets without commitments from the newest industrialisers. Ahead of the summit George Bush promised to be “constructive” on climate change. If there is any sign of progress on this matter, some G8 leaders may push for something firmer than the Heiligendamm promise to “consider seriously” cutting emissions by half by 2050.


These, then, are the global challenges that the G8’s leaders will attempt to address (while also finding time to condemn Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe and gauge progress on North Korea’s denuclearisation). If only electorates were behind them. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France has yet to regain the popularity and authority that propelled him to office. Mr Bush, unpopular at home, is nearing the end of his term. Mr Fukuda will possibly not be around in a year’s time, with Mr Brown’s future only a little less assured. Popular restiveness against national leaders, even if it is not allowed to show itself in Toyako, puts the G8’s goals in even greater question.






2008-07-08 18:00:03 | Telegraph (UK)


David Cameron launches 'moral neutrality' attack on obese, idle and poor
By Andrew Porter, Political Editor
David Cameron has launched an attack on Britain's culture of "moral neutrality", saying the obese, the idle and the poor have no one to blame but themselves.


He said it is time people made judgments about what is "bad, good, right and wrong."


The Conservative leader acknowledged that he risked attracting attention to his own party's behaviour but he said society had become "too sensitive" about hurting people's feelings.


Mr Cameron admitted that the issue had been "troubling" him for some time, but claimed it is time to "say what needs to be said."


In a speech in the heart of a deprived area of Glasgow he said: "We as a society have been far too sensitive. In order to avoid injury to people's feelings, in order to avoid appearing judgemental, we have failed to say what needs to be said. We have seen a decades-long erosion of responsibility, of social virtue, of self-discipline, respect for others, deferring gratification instead of instant gratification.


"Instead we prefer moral neutrality, a refusal to make judgments about what is good and bad behaviour, right and wrong behaviour. Bad. Good. Right. Wrong. These are words that our political system and our public sector scarcely dare use any more."


Mr Cameron made the unexpected denunciation of political correctness while campaigning for the Tories in Glasgow East where his party will struggle to keep their deposit in a by-election there in two weeks time.


However, Mr Cameron used the opportunity to make his point in a constituency that Labour would never expect to lose, but is now under fierce pressure from the SNP.


It is a sign of the political confidence that Mr Cameron now has - backed by consistent opinion poll leads of around 18 points - that he feels able to make such strong comments.


Labour sources claimed Mr Cameron could provoke a similar negative backlash as the "back to basics" campaign caused for John Major.


Mr Cameron dismissed that notion and said: "Of course as soon as a politician says this there is a clamour 'but what about all of you?' And let me say now, yes, we are human, flawed and frequently screw up.


"Our relationships crack up, our marriages break down, we fail as parents and as citizens just like everyone else. But if the result of this is a stultifying silence about things that really matter, we re-double the failure. Refusing to use these words - right and wrong - means a denial of personal responsibility and the concept of a moral choice.


"We talk about people being 'at risk of obesity' instead of talking about people who eat too much and take too little exercise. We talk about people being at risk of poverty, or social exclusion: it's as if these things - obesity, alcohol abuse, drug addiction - are purely external events like a plague or bad weather.


"Of course, circumstances - where you are born, your neighbourhood, your school, and the choices your parents make - have a huge impact. But social problems are often the consequence of the choices that people make."


He added: "There is a danger of becoming quite literally a de-moralised society, where nobody will tell the truth anymore about what is good and bad, right and wrong. That is why children are growing up without boundaries, thinking they can do as they please, and why no adult will intervene to stop them - including, often, their parents. If we are going to get any where near solving some of these problems, that has to stop."


The Conservative leader toured the constituency with Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory leader who has carried out work for Mr Cameron on "the broken society."


Mr Cameron claimed that his party understands the "causes of our broken society" lie not just in policy but "in our national culture." He said it was vital that Government understood that encouraging personal and social responsibility must be the cornerstone of everything that it did.


He added: "Saying to parents, your responsibility and your commitment matters, so we will give a tax break for marriage and end the couple penalty."


He said head teachers, police officers and businesses must also help by taking responsibility for delivering results, but by powers from Government.


Mr Cameron concluded: "I believe that this cultural change needs to start at home. The values we need to repair our broken society and to build a strong society are values that should be taught in the home, in the family."


The Conservatives are also advocating a harder line on knife crime, but Mr Cameron stopped short of mandatory jail sentences for offenders.


He said: "We are proposing that anyone convicted of knife crime should expect to go to jail. I don't believe that the Government's 'presumption to prosecute' is enough."


Tony McNulty, the Police Minister, said: "David Cameron is trying hard to sound tough today - but this is from the man who says he wants to hug a hoodie.


"As the Prime Minister said last month, carrying a knife is unacceptable. We have doubled the maximum sentence for carrying a knife, and anyone over 16 caught with a knife should be prosecuted. When they get to court, they are now almost three times as likely to go to prison as 10 years ago. The Tories have consistently voted soft on law and order."



