


2008-07-14 18:26:04 | Telegraph (UK)

Federal Reserve bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
By James Quinn in New York and David Litterick in London
The US government last night moved to provide state support to ailing mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac amid heightened concern over their solvency.


The Federal Reserve took the unprecedented step of bailing out Fannie and Freddie in a move designed to prevent their collapse and with it to secure the stability of the wider mortgage market.


The board of the Fed, chaired by Ben Bernanke, voted to allow the New York Federal Reserve to lend to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should such lending prove necessary.


Meanwhile, the US Treasury said it would seek approval from Congress to increase its long-standing credit lines with both agencies as well as approval to buy an equity stake in each company if necessary.


The decisions ミ similar to the earlier opening of the discount window to struggling investment banks ミ effectively ensures the future liquidity of the state-sponsored mortgage agencies, which in recent days have been the subject of intense speculation regarding their capital levels.


The Fed’s decision came after a weekend of intensive talks between it, the US Treasury and other parts of the Bush administration on what to do to stop further speculation harming the mortgage companies when the markets reopen this morning.


In the past week, Fannie and Freddie have seen their share prices fall more than 50pc on rumours that they did not have enough capital and speculation that the government planned to nationalise them.


Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was forced to deny the rumours, saying he was committed to supporting Fannie and Freddie “in their current form”.


As a direct consequence, the US Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday launched an immediate probe into the manipulation of stock prices amid fears that some in the market are deliberately spreading false information.


The SEC examination will focus on the compliance controls that traders and investment houses have in place. It follows similar attempts by the Financial Services Authority to crack down on rumour-mongering and short-selling in the UK in the wake of the March plunge in HBOS shares.


Meanwhile, the Treasury department has been working behind the scenes to ensure that Freddie Mac’s planned sale of $3bn of short-term debt today will be successful by ensuring banks that normally purchase such debt still place bids.


This is already expected to be a difficult week for the global economy.


Investment bank Citigroup saw its shares fall to a 10-year low last week ahead of posting quarterly earnings that are expected to reveal further writedowns totalling nearly $9bn.


Merrill Lynch is expected to announce up to $4.2bn of further writedowns as it posts its fourth consecutive quarterly loss.


"The bottom line is that we're in the middle of a financial tsunami. This is a storm the likes of which this country has never seen," said Peter Kenny, managing director of Knight Equity Markets.


Google will report this week and its figures could be an acid test of the economy.


Meanwhile, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke will appear on Capitol Hill to give his biannual testimony on monetary policy.


In the UK, official statistics are forecast to show a further rise in inflation to 3.7pc.






