


2012-10-31 13:13:38 | Telegraph (UK)
Hungary plans to offer passports to investors buying its debt
By Emma Rowley
Telegraph: 7:02PM GMT 30 Oct 2012
Buy our debt and get a European passport, is the latest plan from Hungary's politicians to shore up its balance sheet.


Politicians in Hungary plan to grant a European passport to investors willing to spend at least €250,000 (£202,000) buying up the recession-hit country’s government debt.


Under proposed legislation, foreign investors who buy special “residency bonds” would receive preferential immigration treatment. Politicans have suggested buyers would be granted permanent residency and, ultimately, Hungarian citizenship – entitling them to live and work across the European Union, including the UK.


The plans, backed by the ruling Fidesz party, are targeted at Chinese investors, party member Mihaly Babak told a Hungarian newspaper.

与党が支持する同案は中国人投資家の標的になっています、とMihaly Babak議員はハンガリーの新聞に語りました。

“The condition of a preferential process is the purchase of €250,000 worth of bonds with a five-year maturity,” he said. “We can attract capital from the so-called Third World this way and also finance reducing state debt.”


Details of the proposed legislation have been published on the Hungarian government’s website. “The proposal ties gaining citizenship to buying bonds because it intends to aid state financing this way,” it read.


Hungary, which re-entered recession in the second quarter of this year, has been trying to reach an agreement with the International Monetary Fund over financial aid, but talks have stalled.


The country’s central bank on Tuesday pushed through a third consecutive interest rate cut in an effort to support growth.




2012-10-31 10:46:00 | Telegraph (UK)
Together, China and Europe will be stronger
By Song Tao
Telegraph: 8:45PM GMT 30 Oct 2012
Understanding and trust lie at the heart of one of the world’s great strategic partnerships, says China's Vice Foreign Minister


In the eight months since I became China’s Vice Foreign Minister in charge of European affairs, I have paid nearly 10 visits to Europe. During each visit, I witnessed the tremendous efforts made by Europe to cope with the debt crisis, and I am very glad to see that some of these are gradually showing effect.


China has provided firm support to Europe since the outbreak of the crisis. We contributed $43 billion to the IMF, and provided assistance to Europe through purchasing European treasury bonds and increasing imports. In my view, this is what we should do as the EU’s comprehensive strategic partner.


Next year, we will mark the 10th anniversary of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. In spite of vicissitudes in the international landscape in the past decade, China-Europe relations have stayed on an upward track. There have been frequent exchanges between our leaders, leading to enhanced mutual understanding and trust. China-EU trade has quadrupled, and we have also maintained close consultation on climate change and other global issues.


China is a staunch supporter of European integration. It is our consistent view that a united, stable and prosperous Europe is in the interest of the whole world, China included. When the European debt crisis was at its worst, some people propagated the idea of the “EU’s disintegration”. Yet China never changed its view, and remained confident about Europe’s future. As Premier Wen Jiabao said, “China is the EU’s trusted friend.”


As China moves to a high level in its development, the scope of co-operation between China and Europe will only become broader. There will be increasing demand in China for European products, technology and investment. We need to draw new plans for our co-operation in finance, urbanisation and sustainable development, and explore the possibility of establishing a China-EU free trade area.


At the same time, we need properly to handle our differences and disputes according to the principle of mutual respect, and do all we can to translate the huge potential of co-operation into reality.


A promising future of China-Europe relations requires our joint effort to uphold a peaceful and stable international environment. Both China and Europe went through the havoc of the Second World War and our people were the victims of wars. No one understands the preciousness of peace better than us.


I know that some European friends are concerned over the Diaoyu Dao issue recently. Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands have been China’s integral territory since ancient times, over which China has indisputable sovereignty. Japan stole Diaoyu Dao from China during the First Sino-Japanese War at the end of the 19th century. After the end of the Second World War, in accordance with the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international legal documents, all the territories Japan had stolen from the Chinese were restored to China, including Diaoyu Dao.


The current tensions over Diaoyu Dao were provoked solely by Japan. Last September, the Japanese government abandoned its previous agreement with China on setting aside the dispute and took the so-called nationalisation measures regarding Diaoyu Dao, which in essence are aimed at changing the islands’ legal status. The Chinese side was left with no other choice but to respond. China has been committed to settling the dispute through dialogue and negotiation. It is imperative that the Japanese side correct its wrongdoings and return to the track of negotiated settlement.


After the end of the Second World War, fascist crimes committed on the European continent were brought into full account. This paved the way for Europe’s integration process and has turned Europe from a continent deep in war to one of peace. Regrettably, some political figures in Japan still insist on paying homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where war criminals are worshipped. In blatant denial of the crimes Japan committed during the war, they are trying to rewrite history, challenge the international order and undermine regional peace and stability. These moves should put all peace-loving countries and people on high alert. To safeguard the victory of the Second World War and the post-war international order remains an important and real issue in Asia today, and should be the shared responsibility of the whole international community.


A peaceful and stable Asia-Pacific is in the interest of all parties in the world, including Europe. China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and friendly co-operation with the people of all Asian countries. China and Europe are two important players in the world and each other’s indispensable strategic partners for development. That is why China is ready to work with Europe to make an even greater contribution to world peace, stability and development.




2012-10-31 09:59:37 | Telegraph (UK)
UBS bankers in London head for the pub after being turned away at office door
By Jonathan Russell, and Nik Simon
Telegraph: 6:38PM GMT 30 Oct 2012
UBS bankers in London were turned away from their offices on Tuesday and handed a letter putting them on "special leave", just hours after the Swiss bank unveiled a radical restructuring to axe 10,000 jobs.


It was only when the UBS bankers had their passes refused that they realised they could be out of a job. Instead of being allowed into the bank’s City headquarters the traders were whisked to special offices on the fourth floor where they were handed an envelope containing details of the redundancy process.


“It was like a scene out of the Village of the Damned up there,” said one of the bankers.


“They said we would be getting two weeks paid leave and then we will be told what is to happen. I expect we’ll just get a call from human resources or lawyers telling us how much we are worth. We won’t be able to talk to our bosses.”


Turned away from their offices, the bankers congregated in The Railway Tavern, one of the only pubs in the area to open at 8am.

オフィスで門前払いを食らったバンカー達は、この辺りで午前8時に開店するパブの一つ、The Railway Tavernに集合しました。

“We were banging on the door,” said one. “Today is for drinking, tomorrow is for thinking about our careers,” added another.


Along with pints of premium lager and Guinness what the bankers were digesting was news this morning that the bank was to cut 10,000 jobs from its global workforce.


Although the bank failed to detail who many of its 6,500 London-based employees would be lost, scores were not allowed into the bank today, instead being placed on “special leave.”


“Dear colleague,” the private and confidential letter started. “You will not be required to continue to perform you current duties at this time…”


The impersonal letter and the manner they were treated was seen by some as an insult, by others as a natural result of current economic and political conditions.


“It is about regulation, about politics, Switzerland demands the highest capital ratios, around, 18pc,” explained one of the bankers who asked to remain anonymous.


“They are just shutting down the capital intensive side of the business. Switzerland has lost all appetite for risk.”


The job cuts in London came as the bank announced it aimed to cut costs by SFr3.4bn (£2.2bn) by 2015. The bank, which is also facing the embarrassment of former trader Kweku Adoboli’s rogue trading trial, announced a loss of SFr2.17bn in the three months to the end of September.


UBS said it had taken a one-time charge of SFr3.1bn linked to its restructuring plans and a debt-related charge of SFr863m.







2012-10-30 15:10:47 | Telegraph (UK)
What's the difference between these two brains?
By Alasdair Palmer
Telegraph: 7:00AM GMT 28 Oct 2012
They both belong to three-year-olds, so why is one so much bigger? Because one was loved by its parents and the other neglected – a fact that has dramatic implications


Take a careful look at the image of two brains on this page. The picture is of the brains of two three-year-old children. It’s obvious that the brain on the left is much bigger than the one on the right. The image on the left also has fewer spots, and far fewer dark “fuzzy” areas.


To neurologists who study the brain, and who have worked out how to interpret the images, the difference between these two brains is both remarkable and shocking. The brain on the right lacks some of the most fundamental areas present in the image on the left. Those deficits make it impossible for that child to develop capacities that the child on the left will have: the child on the right will grow into an adult who is less intelligent, less able to empathise with others, more likely to become addicted to drugs and involved in violent crime than the child on the left. The child on the right is much more likely to be unemployed and to be dependent on welfare, and to develop mental and other serious health problems.


What could possibly cause so radical a divergence in brain development? The obvious answer is that it must have been some illness or terrible accident.


The obvious answer is wrong.


The primary cause of the extraordinary difference between the brains of these two three-year-old children is the way they were treated by their mothers. The child with the much more fully developed brain was cherished by its mother, who was constantly and fully responsive to her baby. The child with the shrivelled brain was neglected and abused. That difference in treatment explains why one child’s brain develops fully, and the other’s does not.


Neurologists are beginning to understand exactly how a baby’s interaction with their mother determines how, and indeed whether, the brain grows in the way that it should. Professor Allan Schore, of UCLA, who has surveyed the scientific literature and has made significant contributions to it, stresses that the growth of brain cells is a “consequence of an infant’s interaction with the main caregiver [usually the mother]”. The growth of the baby’s brain “literally requires positive interaction between mother and infant. The development of cerebral circuits depends on it.”


Prof Schore points out that if a baby is not treated properly in the first two years of life, the genes for various aspects of brain function, including intelligence, cannot operate, and may not even come into existence. Nature and nurture cannot be disentangled: the genes a baby has will be profoundly affected by the way it is treated.


The details of how the chemical reactions that are essential to the formation of new brain cells and the connections between them are affected by the way a mother interacts with her baby are extremely technical. Suffice it to say that there is now a very substantial body of evidence that shows that the way a baby is treated in the first two years determines whether or not the resulting adult has a fully functioning brain. The damage caused by neglect and other forms of abuse comes by degrees: the more severe the neglect, the greater the damage. Eighty per cent of brain cells that a person will ever have are manufactured during the first two years after birth. If the process of building brain cells and connections between them goes wrong, the deficits are permanent.


This discovery has enormous implications for social policy. It explains two very persistent features of our society. One is the way that chronic disadvantage reproduces itself across generations of the same families. There is a cycle of deprivation – lack of educational attainment, persistent unemployment, poverty, addiction, crime – which, once a family is in it, has proved almost impossible to break.


The way that the development of a child’s brain is dependent on the way that the child is treated by its mother explains why this depressing cycle happens. Parents who, because their parents neglected them, do not have fully developed brains, neglect their own children in a similar way: their own children’s brains suffer from the same lack of development that blighted their own lives. They, too, are likely to fail at school, to be liable to get addicted to drugs, to be unable to hold down a job, and to have a propensity to violence.


The second persistent feature is the dismal failure of rehabilitation programmes that aim to diminish the rate at which persistent young offenders commit crimes. Many different approaches have been tried, from intensive supervision to taking young offenders on safaris, but none has worked reliably or effectively. Recent research indicates that a large majority – perhaps more than three quarters – of persistent young offenders have brains that have not developed properly. They have, that is, suffered from neglect in the first two years of life, which prevented their brains from growing. As a consequence, they may be incapable of responding to the same incentives and punishments that will steer those with more fully developed brains away from crime.


That result may lead you to conclude that nothing can be done about the social problems that result from childhood neglect. But that would be wrong. There is a way to break the cycle, and it is not terribly difficult to achieve. It consists in intervening early and showing mothers who neglect their children how to treat them in a way which will lead their babies’ brains to develop fully.


“Early intervention”, as the policy is called, has been tried in parts of the US for more than 15 years. It consists in ensuring that mothers identified as “at risk” of neglecting their babies are given regular visits (at least once every week) by a nurse who instructs them on how to care for the newborn child. Data from the city of Elmira in New York State, where such programmes have been in place longest, show that children whose mothers had received those visits did much better than children from a comparable background whose mothers were not part of the programme: they had, for instance, 50 per cent fewer arrests, 80 per cent fewer convictions, and a significantly lower rate of drug abuse.


Graham Allen, the Labour MP for Nottingham North, has been a fervent advocate of introducing early intervention programmes into the UK since at least 2008. That year, he collaborated with Iain Duncan Smith, now Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, on Early Intervention: Good Parents, Great Kids, Better Citizens, a report for the Centre for Social Justice which set out evidence that the neglect of children in the first two years of life damages the development of their brains. The report also looked at the social problems that resulted, and examined the effects that early intervention could have in helping to solve those problems. Mr Allen’s own constituency is one of the most deprived in England: it has the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in Europe, and one of the lowest rates of participation in higher education.

その年、アレン議員はイアン・ダンカン・スミス現労働年金担当大臣と共に、生後2年間の育児放棄が脳の発達に永続的ダメージをもたらすという証拠を示す『Early Intervention: Good Parents, Great Kids, Better Citizens, a report for the Centre for Social Justice(早期介入:良い親、良い子供、より良い市民、社会公正センターのための報告書』をまとめました。

“There is no doubt that early intervention can make a tremendous contribution to improving our society,” Mr Allen says. “Not the least benefit is the financial one. The amount it saves taxpayers, by reducing benefits, by cutting care home places for kids who would otherwise have to be taken from their parents, by reducing prison places, and so on, is staggering.”


Andrea Leadsom, the Conservative MP for South Northamptonshire, agrees. She is a passionate advocate of early intervention programmes. “I know they work because I have seen them in operation”, she says. “I helped to run an early intervention centre in Oxford, one of the first early intervention programmes in England. I have helped to institute such programmes in Northamptonshire. I can bear witness to the astonishing benefits. The biggest problem at the moment is that the programmes are far too small. In Oxford, the centre sees perhaps 300 babies a year. But there are 17,000 babies born in Oxford every year, which means there are 34,000 babies in Oxford in the first two years of life who might benefit from the programme. We need central Government to get behind early intervention so that it happens on a big enough scale everywhere.”


Frank Field, the Labour MP for Birkenhead, is another passionate advocate of early intervention. He has also introduced small-scale schemes in his own constituency, and is working hard to find ways to get such schemes adopted more widely.


There is a remarkable cross-party consensus that early intervention is a vitally important policy which needs to be supported nationally. Both David Cameron and Ed Miliband have endorsed early intervention, and insisted that it should be implemented. But nothing is happening to make sure that it is. “Quite the opposite,” notes Mr Allen. “The funding I thought was earmarked for it is being taken away. The plans that I have put forward are being hollowed out.”


“It’s crazy,” adds Mrs Leadsom. “This is a policy that has the potential to transform our society, to mean that the next generation of babies will grow into more responsible, less crime-prone, and better educated adults. We know what needs to be done to get those results: we need to ensure that mothers who are at risk of neglecting or abusing their babies in the first two years of life are instructed how to care for them and interact with them properly. But no one in central government is pushing it. In fact, they’re taking away the early intervention grant in order to pay for the pupil premium for two-year-olds.”


Frank Field is just as depressed about the prospects of getting early intervention adopted by the Government. “The Prime Minister asked me to write a report on early intervention,” he says. “My hopes were up when I delivered it several weeks ago. But as far as I can tell, he hasn’t even read it.”


What explains the failure to adopt early intervention programmes nationally? The greatest obstacle may simply be that the biggest benefits will not be obvious for 15 years. The babies who benefit from early intervention today will take more than a decade to grow into teenagers who do not commit the crimes they would have perpetrated had their mothers not been helped by an early intervention programme. Elections, however, are every five years. That means the benefits will not accrue to the politicians in power now, but to their successors – which could be why those in power now are reluctant to expend effort and money on early intervention programmes.


“I hope that isn’t true,” says Graham Allen. “Because if it is, it would mean we are politically incapable of implementing the one policy that will certainly make our society immeasurably better. And what more profound condemnation of our political system could there be than that?”




2012-10-30 10:26:07 | Telegraph (UK)
Two-thirds of Australians 'obese'
By Telegraph Reporters
Telegraph: 6:30AM GMT 29 Oct 2012
Two-thirds of Australia's adult population are overweight or obese, a study has found, with rates continuing to climb despite a drop in smoking and drinking.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) said people were continuing to pile on the kilos despite other findings indicating a switch to healthier habits.


The study found two thirds of the population are now classified as overweight or obese, which had increased over the past four years.


"The proportion of overweight adult Australians has increased by more than two percentage points, meaning that nearly two-thirds of the population are now classified as overweight or obese," said statistician Paul Jelfs.


The figure compares to 56.3 percent in 1995 and 61.2 percent in 2007-08.


Mr Jelfs said the 2011-12 Australian Health Survey of 33,500 people found that 70.3 percent of men and 56.2 percent of women were losing what he called the "battle of the bulge", with one-quarter of children also classed as overweight.


The survey, described by ABS as the "largest check-up on the nation's health ever undertaken", calculated whether or not people were too heavy using the Body Mass Index system.


The formula for calculating a person's BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared. The resulting number then tells researchers whether the individual is overweight for their height.


Australia is ranked fifth among advanced nations in terms of obesity after the United States, Mexico, New Zealand and Chile, according to the OECD.


Despite the worrying trend for increasing obesity, Jelfs said the survey did throw up some heartening findings.


The number of daily smokers fell three percent in the past four years, to 16.3 percent, or 2.8 million smokers, out of a population of nearly 23 million.


The rate was 18.9 percent in the 2007-08 survey and 22.4 percent back in 2001.


Australia won a High Court battle with major cigarette firms this year to become the first country in the world to mandate plain packaging for tobacco products in a bid to curb smoking and related health costs.


It is also trying to reduce binge-drinking through a combination of shock advertising campaigns and taxation, with a government report due to be released in coming weeks on the potential introduction of a floor price on alcohol.


Mr Jelfs said the number of adults consuming more than two standard drinks a day had dropped 1.4 percentage points in four years, but was still a relatively high 19.5 percent.


Australia's national health guidelines state that downing more than two standard drinks a day is dangerous to long-term health.


Source: agencies