


2011-07-29 11:09:32 | Telegraph (UK)
Cyprus, Iceland, and German bail-out fatigue
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: July 28th, 2011
A view through the Attila Line, which divides Cyprus, of the Turkish half of the island.


Credit default swaps (CDS) on Cyprus debt have jumped to 674 basis points, the sort of level that preceded the EU rescues of Greece, Ireland, and Portugal. The CDS were trading in the 300s earlier this month, according to Markit.


Yesterday's 2-notch downgrade by Moody's to Baa1 – due to "fractious politics" and exposure to Greece – has come as a nasty surprise to markets and the EU authorities. It should not have done.


Cyprus has been sailing close to the wind for several years. The current account deficit reached 17.5pc of GDP in 2008 (IMF data), and is still high. The budget deficit is running at over 7pc this year.


The country has lost competitiveness since pegging its currency and then joining EMU, much like Greece. But there is another twist. Its banking system is "roughly nine times GDP", according to Chris Pryce at Fitch Ratings.


This is €157bn. The figure drops to €96bn of GDP, or 550pc if foreign banks are excluded. Roughly 40pc of exposure of the biggest Cypriot banks is to Greece.


I don't wish make some mechanical linkage between bank-to-GDP ratios and underlying risk (the devil is in the details) but this over-grown banking sector has shades of, well, Iceland.


The Russians have used Cypriot banks as their conduit into the EU. "This has been a constant reliable source for Cyprus banks, up until now," said Mr Pryce.


"If the Russian deposits stop coming, Cyprus still has the ECB. This is the difference between Cyprus and Iceland," he said.


The exposure of the Cypriot banks to Greek government bonds is 33pc of Cyprus's GDP. The bigger worry is the entanglement of Cypriot banks in the Greek economy.


On top of this, an explosion has knocked out the main power station at Vasikilos and cut 45pc of country's power supply, though imported generators are covering some of the slack.


Cyprus is of course small beer with just 870,000 people and a GDP of €17bn. Clearly the EU can help if needed. The risk is political.


Should a 4th eurozone country emerge from out of the blue and ask for a bail-out, it will test the patience of Slovakia, Finland, the Netherlands and Germany yet nearer to breaking point. Exactly where that breaking point lies is the great unknown.


Berlin is hardly sympathetic to Cyprus. There was gentleman's agreement when Cyprus was let into the EU in 2004 that it should resolve the dispute with the Turkish part of the island. (I might add that Greece was truculent in the talks, threatening to block Poland's EU accession unless Cyprus was let in).


The Turkish North voted for a united island, but the accord was in essence violated by President Tassos Papadopoulos when he took office. He threw his weight behind the 'No' campaign in the Greek side of the island and helped sabotage the agreement. This is not forgotten in EU circles.


This betrayal may now haunt Cyprus if it needs German help.


As for Greece, another tear I am afraid.


The European Commission has published more details on the new bail-out settlement. It shows that Greece's debt will be cut by €26bn, or 11.6pc of GDP. But once a complicated "credit enhancement measure" worth €35bn to secure the AAA rating of the bail-out bonds is included, the overall debt will go up.


"There will be an increase in Greek debt of €9bn (4pc of GDP)," said Jürgen Michels from Citigroup. "All in all, the impact on solvency is pretty small,. The debt will still be around 160pc or so next year, under our calculations."


If so, I don't see how Greece can possibly avoid a third rescue – which has been ruled out categorically by Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker – or a bigger default, or something more drastic.


The interesting twist in Standard & Poor's latest Greek downgrade – this time to an even lower CCC, as if it matters – was a paragraph that began: "Should Greece exit the eurozone … "


Well, well.



2011-07-29 10:15:07 | Telegraph (UK)

Global slump warnings if US triggers 'insane' default
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:54PM BST 28 Jul 2011
A chorus of global banks has warned that Washington risks triggering a global slump and may suffer permanent loss of credibility by flirting with default on America's $14.3 trillion (£8.8 trillion) federal debt.


The dangers are almost as great if the US fails to lift the debt ceiling and avoids default by enacting the most drastic fiscal squeeze in modern history.


"Default would be an act of collective insanity," said Willem Buiter, Cititgroup's chief economist. "Even if a default were cured promptly, it would severely dent the credibility of the US as a global financial player and the provider of the world's leading reserve currency. There would be an immediate repricing of the dollar and an increase in medium and long-term nominal and real interest rates. Asset, credit, and funding markets in the US and the world as a whole would likely suffer and a global recession would likely result, centred in the US, but not restricted to it."


Mr Buiter said brinkmanship on the US debt ceiling had reached a point where tail risk had "morphed" into a serious possibility, with a 5pc likelihood that Washington will pull the trigger on a technical default.


Stephen Roach, head of Morgan Stanley in Asia, said Chinese officials are disgusted by the "astonishing recklessness" of Washington as default looms. "Coming so shortly on the heels of the sub-prime crisis, the debate over the debt ceiling and the budget deficit and is the last straw," he said.


Andrew Garthwaite from Credit Suisse said a default would be catastrophic, causing 5pc contraction in the US economy and a 30pc drop on Wall Street, with "massive" ramifications for the world.


"It is almost unthinkable to believe the US would miss a coupon payment [$29bn are due on August 15]. If the US does default, the repo market would probably cease to work. It is hard to imagine money market funds operating under this scenario. The inter-bank market would freeze up. The fallout would be far worse than after Lehman's default," he said. "It would be horrible to think what happens to the dollar if the Fed hints it would offset the growth damage with QE3."


Mr Garthwaite said it might not be that much better if the US fails to lift the debt ceiling and enacts a draconian fiscal squeeze equal to 11pc of GDP (annualised) to stave off default.


Such an outcome would at first lead to a 10pc to 15pc drop in equities and a fall in 10-year Treasury yields to 2.75pc. The dollar would slide. The longer it went on, the worse it would be. Each month would mean fiscal tightening equal to 0.9pc of GDP.


Some experts fear that variants of this scenario would spiral out of control. It would drive a string of US states and municipalities into bankruptcy if it lasted more than a few weeks, while the multiplier effect would tip the economy into a self-defeating downward spiral with echoes of 1931.


The US Treasury will announce its emergency plans if there is no deal on the debt ceiling by Thursday night. The government is already stepping up contingency planning and is working on a scheme for how it will operate without borrowing authority. Some on Wall Street believe that because of better-than-expected tax receipts in July, the Treasury has enough money to meet all its bills for at least a week after Tuesday's deadline.


Fathom Consulting said the twin debt crises in the US and Europe risk feeding on each other in a dangerous synergy unless leaders get a grip quickly. "We are on the brink of a major sovereign debt crisis: the latest European bail-out package has done next to nothing to alter that view," said the group.


Fathom said the Washington stalemate risks pushing up yields on US Treasuries, lifting the global benchmark cost of money known as the "risk-free rate" with knock-on effects in Europe.


Eurozone borrowing would rise in lockstep, playing havoc with debt dynamics. Fathom said failure to reach a US deal could drive up yields on 10-year Treasuries by 300 basis points to 6pc by next year. "Ultimately, this could tip the euro into default."


"Such a rise in the 'risk-free' rate would reverberate across the world and across asset classes. It could push both peripheral and core European bonds into default territory. It would almost certainly lead to a renewed global recession and banking crisis - only this time there would be only one country left to absorb the losses - China," it said.


China is clearly not large enough to carry such a burden and is itself trying to navigate a "soft-landing" from its credit boom. The HSBC manufacturing index for China has tipped below the contraction line of 50.


Citigroup said the most likely outcome (60pc chance) of the Washington drama is a rise in the debt ceiling with a small fiscal package below $2 trillion that makes "no material difference" to the US debt trajectory and fails to satisfy rating agencies. This will lead to a downgrade from AAA to AA "initially".


The damage to confidence would stifle growth for the next two quarters and open the way to fresh Fed stimulus early next year.


Mr Buiter said the chances of a "rosy scenario" where the debt ceiling is lifted, the US implements a credible bipartisan package, and there is no US downgrade, is a miniscule 1pc.


Credit Suisse sees a 50-50 chance of a US downgrade even if the debt ceiling is raised, but doubts that this would have "much effect" since regulators would not force AAA funds to sell their debt holdings.


Credit Suisse said that if the US defaults then the best safe havens are companies such as Pearson, Compass, Centrica, Basf, Siemens and Sanofi, all deemed by markets to be safer than G7 average sovereign debt, based on credit default swap prices. Switzerland's Novartis trades at 34 basis points, below the CDS of the US, Japan, Britain, France or Germany.



2011-07-28 14:10:17 | Telegraph (UK)
Flee to Mars if America commits worst error since 1931
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: July 27th, 2011
President Obama has categorically ruled out a constitutional challenge to the US debt ceiling since I wrote yesterday's blog.


Spokesman Jay Carney said the White House cannot invoke the 14th Amendment, which stipulates that US federal debt "shall not be questioned".


"It's not available. The Constitution makes clear that Congress has the authority, not the president, to borrow money and only Congress can increase the statutory debt ceiling. That is just a reality," he said.


That is questionable, but let us move on.


Obama had previously been vague about this, saying White House lawyers were "not persuaded that is a winning argument". It is a revealing turn of phrase. This is indeed about winning arguments, not abiding by constitutional law.


It is understandable why he should wish to avoid to an end-run around Congress in this violently polarized atmosphere, though it would not have stopped have FDR. (He went much further by stacking the Supreme Court).


However, the 14th Amendment still binds the nation. The US cannot miss a coupon payment on past debt without breaching the nation's highest law, and without defiling the honour of the United States.


So this shifts the balance of probabilities a little further towards a brutal fiscal shock as spending is cut to meet the debt ceiling, if Congressional leaders fail to marshal their troops in any semblance of order over coming days.


Since tax revenues cover just 60pc of the federal budget, the squeeze would have to be on a scale large enough within a few months to tip the US economy into a downward spiral and take the world with it.


As an historic policy error it would match the New York Fed's decision to raise interest rates twice in one week in October 1931, but at least the Fed had an excuse. (The Banque de France had withdrawn gold reserves from the US).


Mr Obama might conceivably calculate that mass furloughs or Social Security cuts or whatever shape austerity might take would do more damage to the Republicans than to the White House. It seems an unlikely hypothesis to me. I leave it to American readers to debate who would come out of this in worst shape. I adamantly refuse to take sides in this dispute. Both parties have brought America to this unhappy pass over the last 50 years. A plague on both their houses.


Should America embark on such fiscal contraction at a time when economic growth has already slipped to stall speed, and debt deleveraging continues with a vengeance, I would like to flee to Mars for safety.


Yes, there is such a concept as an "expansionary fiscal contraction", as in Ireland (1980s), Denmark (1990s), arguably Canada (1990s), and the UK after both 1932 and 1993, but in every successful case this was accompanied by monetary loosening. That card has already been played this time.


Should America instead opt to evade these fiscal cuts by actually defaulting on debts accumulated by self-indulgent baby boomers, I would also like to flee Mars because such an outcome might be even worse.


Those who choose to breach America's sacred bond to creditors across the world in this squalid way, in circumstances short of war or extenuating distress, deserve our contempt. Be they accursed forever if they stoop so low.


As for America's loss of its AAA rating, a number of readers strongly disagree with my view that this would be a one-day drama, arguing that great numbers bondholders would be forced to sell their debt under investment rules.


I do not find that sort of mechanical argument to be convincing. You can change those sorts of rules in a heartbeat, just as the ECB tweaked its collateral rules for Greece when it needed to, or Japan softened regulations after its downgrades.


The AAA debate is a distraction.



2011-07-28 10:59:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe's hot summer as Italy and Cyprus join sick list
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:19PM BST 27 Jul 2011
Fears of recession in Italy and the Germans' reluctance to back the EU's bail-out fund with real muscle have set off fresh eurozone tremors, pushing yields on Southern European bonds back to levels seen before last week's emergency summit.


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News that Moody's had downgraded Cyprus two notches from A2 to Baa1 due to "fractious politics" and exposure to Greece compounded fears Europe's crisis is far from resolved.


The darkening picture in Cyprus raises concerns that a fourth eurozone country might soon need some sort of rescue, exhausting bail-out tolerance in Germany, Holland, Finland and Slovakia, where a wing of the coalition has denounced the EU accord.


"The markets have started to see all the flaws in the summit deal," said David Owen, of Jefferies Fixed Income. "They know there has been no increase in the size of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and that it will not be any position to intervene in the Spanish and Italian markets for quite some time because the changes have to be ratified by all parliaments."


"Unless the European Central Bank (ECB) steps in to buy bonds, this is going to be tested by markets over the summer. EU leaders have sent absolutely the wrong signal by thinking they have done the job and can now go on holiday," he added.


Yields on Italian 10-year bonds spiked to 5.8pc on Wednesday while Spanish yields punched through 6pc once again. Analysts remain perplexed by the decision of Italy's treasury to cancel bond auctions in mid August due to lack of liquidity and "reduced financing needs". Italy was expected to raise €68bn (£60bn) in August and September.


German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble has told key Christian Democrats that there will be no "blank cheque" for EFSF operations, and cautioned against thinking "the crisis of trust in the euro area can be conclusively ended by a single summit". Investors suspect Germany is again talking with a forked tongue, promising one thing in Brussels and another at home.


The revamped EFSF can lend €440bn, but a chunk is already needed for Portugal, Ireland and a second Greek rescue. City economists say the fund needs €2 trillion to quell doubts.


Professor Nouriel Roubini from New York University said the EFSF package does not go to the heart of the problem. "For over a decade the peripheral states have lost competitiveness against China, Asia, Turkey and East Europe. Their products are labour-intensive and generate little added value. The sharp rise in the euro has ruined the competitiveness of these products. That is the nail in the coffin."


Italian bank stocks fell sharply in Milan as the mood soured, with Intesa down 5pc and Unicredit off 4pc. Deutsche Bank said it had cut its exposure to Italian debt from €8bn to €1bn since the end of last year, mostly by purchasing credit default swaps (CDS). The Deutsche revelations suggest Europe's banks have been the main buyers of Italian CDS for hedging purposes, rather speculators as claimed by Italian leaders.


The economic outlook continues to darken in Italy. The manufacturing index fell for a fourth month in July, dipping below the contraction line of 100. Italy's business lobby Confindustria said growth would be "almost nil" this quarter, adding the ECB's rate rises have become "an obstacle for recovery and deepened problems for debtors". The group's leader Emma Marcegalgia said Italy's political system was unravelling, leaving industry to its fate.


Michael Gavin from Barclays Capital said the EU authorities had themselves triggered the debt crisis in Italy by demanding banks and creditors share the pain in Greece, a shift in strategy that caused investors to re-examine other countries. The financial support apparatus became a "default machine" instead, raising fears Italy could be drawn into a "downward spiral".


Mr Gavin said Italy's current account deficit has been slowly deteriorating for 15 years and is now 3.5pc of GDP, despite the compression of internal demand. Net foreign liabilities have reached 26pc of GDP. "The markets appear to be reserving judgment, so are we," he said.


Jens Larsen, chief economist at RBC, said Italy's debt has a relatively long maturity at 6.8 years, giving it a cushion of security for now. "This is not an immediate and present danger."


The trouble in Cyprus is an unsettling development. The island has suffered much the same loss of competitiveness as Greece within EMU, with a current account deficit peaking at 17pc of GDP in 2008. While debt below 70pc is manageable, growth has slumped to zero and the budget deficit may top 7pc this year. The economy was already struggling before an explosion knocked out the main power station at Vasikilos.


Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund warned that France is "highly vulnerable to growth spillovers from a shock in Spain, while spillover effects from Italy are also large". The IMF said France had the highest debt to GDP ratio of any AAA state this year at 85pc, just above Britain, and would need to tighten fiscal policy further to meet its target of 3pc deficit by 2013.



2011-07-27 15:02:47 | Telegraph (UK)
The Kabuki theatre of America's Debt Ceiling
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: July 26th, 2011
Calm down. The US will not miss a coupon payment on its $14.3tn debt next Wednesday.


A genuine default would be "Lehman on Steroids" in the words of Ex-Treasury secretary Larry Summers. Precisely for that reason President Obama will not pull the trigger, EVEN IF the debt ceiling talks break down in acrimony.


Obama still has a clutch of cards to play, in extremis.


As Yves Smith from Naked Capitalism argues, the White House can challenge the constitutionality of the debt ceiling in Congress.


The 14th Amendment of the Constitution states that the "validity of the public debt of the United States shall not be questioned".


Such recourse would kick it up to the Supreme Court, which would take its own sweet time. (Fortuitously a complex matter.)


Bill Clinton advised Obama to do just that: blaze ahead, break the debt ceiling in defiance of Congress, and "force the courts to stop me".


Or, the US Treasury could eliminate the Fed's entire holding of Treasury bonds at a stroke, gaining an extra two years. This would be a simple accounting transaction. Ben Bernanke might feel uncomfortable, and gold might blast to $3,000, but the Bernanke Fed has proved itself supple.


The Treasury also has the authority to issue infinite amounts of platinum coins at any denomination it chooses (ie, like fiat paper currency, far above the metallic value): a chest of $1bn coins, say. This is seignorage on steroids, pace Prof Summers.


You get the drift: nothing will in fact change when the deadline expires on August 2. The US is the world's paramount strategic and economic power, with debts in its own sovereign currency. It can do as it pleases.


Yes, the US may be stripped of its AAA by Standard & Poor's. A nice one-day story, but otherwise irrelevant. Global bond vigilantes are quite able to make their own judgement on the substantive default risk of the US. The rating agencies are out of their league on this one.


(By the way, the serial downgrades of Japan did not stop the yield on 10-year Japanese bonds falling to 0.5pc at one stage. What matters is whether investors really believe that they will be stiffed. In Japan they did not, and still do not.)


Clearly, the bond markets do not yet take the threat of US default seriously, though currency markets are less sanguine. I know this puzzles many in Europe, and angers some, but the cold reality is that yield are still just 0.4pc on 2-year US debt, and 3.02pc on 10-year bonds.


Those of us who have lived through many such soap operas on Capitol Hill (I covered the Clinton-Gingrich debt stand-off in 1995 during my Washington years, as well as a few under the elder Bush and even Ronald Reagan) watch this brinkmanship with a jaundiced eye.


Perhaps for that reason, we may be caught off guard (just as veteran gold analysts were the last to understand that gold was in a bull market early. We stick lazily to our outdated paradigms).


This time the drama certainly has a more threatening feel, and it comes at moment when sovereign states themselves have lost their sanctity.


I did not like the tone of President Obama's speech. Rather than trying to find a way out of the impasse, he seemed to be preparing the ground to blame Republicans for default. That creates a very nasty mood.


An epic battle is undoubtedly under way over the future shape of America: whether it should return to the frontier spirit and low taxation of the early Republic, or ratchet ever upwards towards cradle-to-grave welfare and Euro-paternalism. And, of course, whether it really does drift towards bankruptcy down the road.


My sympathies are with those want to shrink the federal state, though I am not quite willing to join the chorus of abuse against President Obama. He has pledged to cut Social Security and the big entitlements of Medicare and Medicaid, and did at one stage commit himself to a $4 trillion fiscal squeeze over ten years, much to the fury of arch-Keynesians such as Paul Krugman.


It is not clear to me that John Boehner's Republicans are more fiscally rigorous, or genuinely willing to cull the sacred cows of entitlement.


(The great health care cartel is in my view the villain here. It is the root cause of US ruin, and is itself responsible for the epidemic of diabetes, Alzheimers, and several other mass ailments afflicting America. It has systematically failed to keep up with the scientific literature, and refuses to abandon grievous policies when shown to be wrong. Americans need to confront this huge vested interest (nearly a fifth of GDP) before it destroys the country. But that is a rant for another day.)


S&P cited Winston Churchill in its downgrade warning that "you can always count on Americans to do the right thing after they've tried everything else."


Or to quote the other Clinton as she tried to reassure Asians holding of $3 trillion of US bonds: "the political wrangling in Washington is intense right now. But these kinds of debates have been a constant in our political life throughout the history of our republic"


"Sometimes they are messy, but this is how an open and democratic society ultimately comes together to reach the right solution."




If I am wrong, we will all need to take shelter in nuclear bunkers next Wednesday.
