


2011-08-17 17:12:12 | Telegraph (UK)
Germany's Angela Merkel faces eurobond mutiny
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:58PM BST 15 Aug 2011
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition partners are threatening a withdrawal from government if she agrees to eurobonds or any form of fiscal union to prop up southern Europe.


The simmering revolt in the Bundestag makes it almost impossible for Mrs Merkel to offer real concessions at Tuesday's emergency summit with French president Nicolas Sarkozy.


"We are categorical that the FDP-group will not vote for eurobonds. Everybody must understand that there is no working majority for this," said Frank Schaffler, the finance spokesman for the Free Democrats (FDP).


Oliver Luksic, the FDP's Saarland chief, told Bild Zeitung the survival of Germany's coalition was now rests on the handling of this issue. "Eurobonds are a sweet poison that leads to more debt, rather than less. Should the government endorse a common European bond and with it take the final step towards a long-term debt union, the FDP should seriously ask whether the coalition has any future."


Alexander Dobrindt, general-secretary of Bavaria's Social Christians (CSU) and a key Merkel ally, said his party has issued a "crystal clear 'No' to eurobonds".


Chancellor Merkel also faces mutinous grumbling among her own Christian Democrats (CDU), though the party's policy elite is willing to consider partial eurobonds up to the Maastricht limit of 60pc of GDP but only under stringent conditions.


It is clear the German public is in no mood for any such formula. A YouGov poll shows 59pc of Germans oppose all further bail-outs. The majority want to see Greece expelled from the euro and 44pc want Germany to withdraw from EMU.


"Given the rising euroscepticism in the population, it is too politically dangerous to toy with the explosive subject of eurobonds," said Hamburger Abendblatt.


Otmar Issing, the European Central Bank's former chief economist, told German TV a move to eurobonds would impoverish Germany and subvert the Bundestag. "That would be catastrophic. I cannot understand how any German politician agree to this," he said.


Germany's constitutional court has yet to rule on the legality of EMU's bail-out machinery and is likely to pay close attention to his warnings that the drift of EU policy is to concentrate budgetary powers in the hands of EU officials outside democratic control.


Professor Wilhelm Hankel from Frankfurt University said a eurobond is camouflage for fiscal union. "That is forbidden under EU law and the German constitution. Everybody in parliament realises we are very near to the Rubicon and that if they say yes to eurobonds they cannot stop the march to a transfer union."


Mrs Merkel's spokesman played down hopes of a breakthrough at Tuesday's meeting, denying reports that eurobonds are on the agenda. The meeting will focus on tougher rules for delinquents.


Wolfgang Schauble, Germany's finance minister, is sticking to the script that the EU's accord in July provides all the tools needed to tackle the crisis. "I'm ruling out eurobonds for as long as member states pursue their own financial policies and we need differing interest rates as a way to provide incentives and sanctions, in order to enforce fiscal solidity. Without this solidity, the foundations for a common currency don't exist," he told Der Spiegel.


However, events are moving at lightning speed and markets fear the €440bn bail-out fund (EFSF) is too small to cope with dual strains in Italy and Spain. The crisis has now escalated to a new and dangerous level as concerns over a global double-dip recession put the spotlight on the debt dynamics of France. The French economy stood still in the second quarter and EFSF costs may see the country to lose its AAA rating.


The ECB is holding the breach for now. It bought a €22bn of eurozone bonds last week, a high figure given the low liquidity in August. The purchases have cut yields on 10-year Spanish and Italian bonds by 120 basis points to about 5pc. Investors know yields also fell hard when the ECB first bought Greek, Irish, and Portuguese bonds, only to climb back up within weeks.


Marcel Alexandrivich from Jefferies said the moment of danger will come when the ECB is seen to hit its limits. "The ECB can act as a buyer-of-last resort for a while but if it has to purchase bonds at €20bn to €30bn a week there will come a point it will say enough is enough, we can't take this on our books any longer."


It is unclear where that point lies. The ECB intends to hand the baton to the EFSF once its new powers are ratified by all parliaments, but EFSF's remaining firepower will be less €300bn. Carl Weinberg from High Frequency Economics said this constraint will force the ECB to desist sooner rather than later. "If so, yields on Italian and Spanish bonds will jump in a heartbeat," he told Bloomberg.



2011-08-17 11:22:12 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe's Fiscal Overkill
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: August 16th, 2011
This from the excellent Christine Lagarde, the IMF's new chief.


Her warning that fiscal tightening in a string of countries is now going beyond the therapeutic dose entirely reflects my own view. She writes:


For the advanced economies, there is an unmistakable need to restore fiscal sustainability through credible consolidation plans.


At the same time we know that slamming on the brakes too quickly will hurt the recovery and worsen job prospects. So fiscal adjustment must resolve the conundrum of being neither too fast nor too slow.


Shaping a Goldilocks fiscal consolidation is all about timing. What is needed is a dual focus on medium-term consolidation and short-term support for growth and jobs.


Support for growth in the near term is vital to the credibility of any agreement on consolidation. After all, who will believe that commitments to cuts are going to survive a lengthy stagnation with prolonged high unemployment and social dissatisfaction?


(Come to the Telegraph next time. On vous aime. Yes, I am smitten with her, ever since being invited for croissants and café in her Trésor days at the Batiment Colbert). She continues:

(今度はテレグラフへどうぞ。僕たちはあなたが大好きです。ええ、僕はラガルド様に夢中ですよ、仏財務相時代にBatiment Colbertでのクロワッサンとコーヒーに招待して下さって以来ずっとずっと夢中ですよ。)そしてラガルド様はこうお続けになりました。

Will the markets buy such an approach? In some countries, they seem to be pushing for sharp fiscal adjustments. And some policymakers have decided that is the road to follow. But in many countries a short-term focus would be wrong.


We should remember that markets can be of two minds: while they dislike high public debt – and may applaud sharp fiscal consolidation – as we saw last week they dislike low or negative growth even more.




Tightening too fast does not reduce the deficit pari pasu. It sets off a self-defeating downward spiral, as in Greece. You chase your own tail. The political system blows up long before you achieve anything.


The markets have moved on, as Madame Lagarde says. They are more worried right now about a global double dip than whether France's deficit is 5.7pc of GDP this year or 7pc, or whether Italy achieves an even bigger primary surplus in 2013.


EU leaders seem slow to grasp this. They are still ordering Club Med to tighten further, thinking that this will please the markets.


Makes you want to weep.



2011-08-17 08:48:49 | Telegraph (UK)
ECB is euroland's last hope as bail-out machinery fails to resolve crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph: 6:19PM BST 14 Aug 2011
The leaders of Germany and France have three bad choices as they decide whether to save EMU this week, or pretend to do so.


They can agree to fiscal fusion and an EMU debt union, entailing treaty changes and a constitutional revolution. This implies the emasculation of Europe's historic nation states.


They can tear up the mandate of European Central Bank and order Frankfurt to go nuclear with ?2 trillion of 'unsterilized' bond purchases until the M3 money supply in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Greece stops contracting at depression rates and starts to grow again at recovery speed (5pc). This might destabilize Germany.


Or they can try to muddle through with their usual mix of half-measures and bluster. This will lead to a rapid disintegration of monetary union and a banking collapse. It risks a repeat of 1931 if executed badly, as it most likely would be.


They have days or weeks to make up their minds, not months.


The EFSF rescue fund was never more than a stop-gap device to avoid grappling with the core issue: the economic chasm between North and South. It has failed. Insistence that it could handle a dual crisis in Spain in Italy was a bluff, and last week that bluff was called when France too was sucked into the maelstrom.


Escalating bail-out costs are eroding French debt dynamics. "Bad" is contaminating "good". The EFSF has itself become a source of contagion and this would turn yet more virulent if the fund were quadrupled to ?2 trillion as some suggest. "The larger the EFSF, the faster the dominos fall," says Daniel Gross from the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).


"Only Germany can reverse the dynamic of European disintegration," writes George Soros in the Handelsblatt. "Germany and the other AAA states must agree to some sort of Eurobond regime. Otherwise the euro will implode."


Mr Soros knows that the trigger for the denouement of the pre-euro ERM in 1992 was a quote from a Bundesbanker in the same Handelsblatt hinting that sterling and the lira were overvalued. That was all it took. The Tory government that had tied Britain's fate to an over-heating Germany was destroyed.


Once again we are all reading the German press, and what we see is subversive commentary once again from Frankfurt, and bail-out fatigue and simmering anger among Bavaria's Social Christians, Free Democrats (FDP), and Angela Merkel's own Christian Democrats in Berlin. If Germany is about to immolate itself for the sake of EMU, this is not obvious in the Bundestag.


What German politicians want is yet more Club Med austerity, even though Euroland growth has wilted. The demands have become ideological, going beyond any coherent therapeutic dose.


The effect of such fiscal tightening at this stage is to repeat the error of the 1930s Gold Standard when the burden of adjustment fell on weaker states, pushing them into a downward spiral that eventually engulfed everybody.


Fiscal cuts make little sense for Italy, where the output gap is 3.1pc. "Increasing potential growth should be the main policy goal. Fiscal tightening could further depress aggregate demand" said the IMF in its Article IV report.


Italy does not have a debt problem as such. Its budget is in primary surplus this year. Total debt - the relevant gauge - is under 250pc of GDP: similar to France, and lower than Holland, Spain, Britain, the US, or Japan. Italy is one of the few EU states to have sorted out its pension liabilities, by linking payouts to life expectancy


What Italy has is a growth problem, rooted in currency misalignment. Having lost over 40pc in unit labour cost competitiveness against Germany since EMU, it is trapped in slump. Per capital income has contracted for a decade.


So why is Europe forcing Italy to tighten drastically and run an even bigger primary surplus within two years, and doing so just as the world flirts with a double-dip downturn?


Why too is the ECB's Jean-Claude Trichet acting as the enforcer? His leaked letter to Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi is a diktat, a long list of measures imposed as a condition for the ECB's action to shore up the Italian bond market.


Mr Berlusconi has capitulated, with a "bleeding heart". He is slashing payments to regional authorities, though he has resisted wage cuts. "They made us look like an occupied government," he said.


Northern League leader Umberto Bossi accused the ECB of "trying to blow up the Italian government."


Mr Trichet is moving into dangerous waters dictating budgets to sovereign parliaments. It matters enormously whether citizens have political "ownership" over austerity, or whether it is imposed by outside forces.


His former colleague Otmar Issing fears that Europe is becoming a deformed union where officials run roughshod over nations and fiscal power lies beyond democratic control. Such encroachments have "brought war" in the past, he said.


The bank should correct its own errors first. It was ECB tightening that choked Europe's recovery. "Eurozone monetary weakness has been the key driver of the recent deterioration in global economic and financial conditions," said Simon Ward from Henderson Global Investors.


Real M1 desposits are not only collapsing across southern Europe, they have turned negative in the North as well. This signals big trouble. "It was astonishing that the ECB, which trumpets adherence to monetary analysis, chose to rein back its longer-term repo lending in late 2010 and raise interest rates in April and July. This was a repeat of its error of 2008," he said.


Mr Ward said the ECB should stop choosing which nations to rescue through "quasi-fiscal transfers" and stick to neutral central banking. It should launch quantitative easing for the whole of EMU.


"At this point the Eurozone needs a massive infusion of liquidity," said Dr Gross from CEPS. Otherwise there will be a "break-down of the interbank market that would throw the economy into an immediate recession as after the Lehman bankruptcy".


HSBC's chief economist Stephen King said the ECB must print money a l'outrance in "exactly the same" way as the Fed. "At the heart of the problem is the ECB's unwillingness to be seen 'monetizing' government debt. Yet if the alternative to QE is the collapse of the euro or a descent into depression, then massive expansion of the ECB's balance sheet seems a small price to pay."


Such views are rarer in Germany but at last making themselves heard. Kantoos Economics said the ECB has been "extremely tight" and lost sight of its essential purpose. "It is therefore an important cause of the current mess."

Kantoos Economicsによれば、ECBは「非常に余裕がなく」、本質的な目的を見失っているとのこと。

"European policy makers and central bankers are wrecking one of the most fascinating projects in human history, the unity and friendship among the countries of Europe. This is beyond depressing," he said.


The path of least resistance for Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday is surely to force the ECB to change course, by treaty power if necessary.


Or kiss goodbye to the Kanzleramt, the Elysee, and monetary union.



2011-08-16 16:10:41 | Telegraph (UK)

Italy, EMU and the Evil Eye
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph Blog: August 11th, 2011
Italy has a primary budget surplus and low private debt. So why sell?


For those in Euroland convinced that Anglo-Saxon hedge funds and speculators are responsible for the sorry state of the Italian bond market (seemingly the view of EMU's entire governing class), here is a nugget from a Swiss blue chip investment house.


Dieter Wemmer, CFO of Zurich Financial Services, said his group had slashed its holdings of Italian government bonds by ?2bn since June 30, cutting its exposure to ?6bn.


It also had ?5bn of Spanish debt and ?18bn of Greek debt.


Much of the capital flight from Italy is crossing into Switzerland, so the Swiss have a good insight into the behaviour of the Italian financial elites.They know what Italy's insiders are doing.


The ZFS announcement follows a revelation by Deutsche Bank that it had cut its exposure to Italy from ?8bn to ?1bn by hedging (ie, buying insurance) through the CDS market.


These are not hedge funds. They are real money accounts, and they give us a glimpse into what is happening.


Italy has a primary budget surplus, the best fiscal profile of the G7, and low private debt. So why do Swiss investors want to pull out?


Why are other countries with their own sovereign currencies and central banks able to borrow at barely over 2pc for ten years despite awful public finances, while Italy had to pay 6pc until the ECB intervened this week, and still has to pay 5pc now?


I hate to keep repeating an elementary point but currency unions switch exchange rate risk into default risk. Italy's current travails are a direct result of - and function of - EMU membership.


The deeper issue is that Italy is 20pc over-valued within EMU and is now trapped in very low growth and a stubborn current account deficit. This is a slow rot. It is directly linked to EMU membership.


Italy could have used the decade and half since Euroland's currencies were locked together after Maastricht to free up labour markets and carry out the 'micro' reforms needed to make EMU viable. It did not do so. It is very late in the day now.


Yes, before Euroland readers all scream "what about the mess in Britain?", let me repeat for the millionth time that I don't write about Britain. The rest of the Daily Telegraph is giving blanket coverage to the current stew of riots, knife attacks, and anarchy in British cities.


Britain is of course in a terrible mess, but Gilt yields nevertheless fell below 2.5pc this morning. The UK is very lucky that it still has the sovereign instruments to mitigate the fiscal disaster left by Gordon Brown.


Italy has the ECB, and behind it stands Germany. Whether Germany will continue to stand behind the Project as the cost rises is the great unknown. That angst is what is really eating away at markets.


Linde chief Wolfgang Reitzle caught the mood when he said: "I am fundamentally for the euro, but not at any price - above all not at the price of socializing the debts of other countries."


I suspect that is the true voice of Germany, whatever the German ministers may say to please peers in Brussels.



2011-08-15 08:47:17 | Telegraph (UK)

Desperate Swiss eye euro peg to repel safe-haven flood
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:03PM BST 11 Aug 2011
Switzerland is mulling drastic measures to fend off safe-haven flows from Euroland and stop the relentless rise of the Swiss franc crippling large parts of the country's economic base.


The franc retreated against the euro in a wild-one day move on Thursday after top officials at the Swiss National Bank (SNB) floated ideas for a temporary euro peg, a once unthinkable move.


"Nothing is excluded," said Jean-Pierre Danthine, a SNB board member. "The situation is extremely complex and difficult. There is no magic wand."

「何でもありだ。状況は極めて複雑かつ困難だ。特効薬などない」とSNBのJean-Pierre Danthine取締役は述べた。

The Swiss franc has moved with gold over recent weeks, acting as a magnet for capital flight from the discredited debt currencies of West. The SNB said the franc is "massively overvalued" and has moved into dangerous territory over the past month.


The hotel and restaurant lobby GastroSuisse said the 240,000 strong tourist sector was in an "extremely precarious" state, while the machine tool industry risks major lay-offs and loss of investment to foreign sites.


The SNB has already flooded the banking system with SwFr80bn (£65bn), a vast sum for a country of less than 8m people. This was overpowered by a wall of money on Wednesday after contagion hit French banks and the US Federal Reserve pledged to hold rates near zero until mid-2013.


The SNB has since gone further, hinting at unlimited liquidity through swap transactions. Short-term rates have fallen below zero, leading to "negative carry" to deter hedge funds, but this may not be enough.


Kurt Schiltknecht, the SNB's former chief economist, said every measure used to curb inflows in a similar crisis in 1978 proved a "failure", including negative rates.

元SNBチーフ・エコノミスト、Kurt Schiltknecht氏によれば、ネガティブ金利を含め、1978年の同様の危機で流入を軽減するために用いられた対策はいずれも「失敗」だった。

Eventually the bank set a target against the Deutschmark (10pc above market levels) and pledged to buy foreign currency with printed francs for as long as it took. "It worked well. After some hesitation, the market became convinced," said Mr Schiltknecht. A euro peg would be similar.


Thomas Jordan, the SNB's vice-president, said a "temporary link with Europe's common currency" might be allowable under the bank's mandate so long as it did not compromise Switzerland's monetary independence.


Hans Redeker, currency chief at Morgan Stanley, said Swiss companies have been shielded so far by currency hedges taken out two years ago but these contracts are expiring. "They are running against the clock. The Swiss economy has been stable until now because exporters are still operating at the earlier exchange rate. There could be significant problems next year."


Denmark has avoided Switzerland's fate by pegging to the euro, though the model may be hard to replicate. "Nobody is speculating with the Danish krona. I think a euro peg could work if the SNB is willing to defend the level by creating as much liquidity as needed," said Mr Redeker.


The franc came within a whisker of parity against the euro this week before moving back to SwFr 1.08. It was trading above SwFr 1.65 to the euro before the credit crisis in 2008. Sterling has more than halved against the Swiss currency in just three years.
