


2008-07-01 17:59:32 | Telegraph (UK)
Stagflation grips Eurozone as interest rates look set to rise
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Eurozone inflation surged to an all-time high of 4pc in June despite worrying signs of a slump in manufacturing, confronting the European Central Bank with the toughest challenge since its creation a decade ago.


Soaring oil and food prices guarantee a quarter-point rise in interest rates to 4.25pc on Thursday, further widening the gulf in rates between Europe and America.


The only question is whether the ECB opts for a "one-and-done" move or sets the course for yet more rises in the autumn.


Jean-Claude Trichet, the bank's president, has warned of an "acute risk" of a wage-price spiral unless inflation is wrung out of the system.


But a growing chorus of critics fears that overkill could tip the eurozone into a severe downturn at this delicate juncture, and risk a dangerous chain of political events in southern Europe and Ireland - where voters have already thrown the EU into chaos by rejecting the Lisbon Treaty.


The Irish economy contracted at a rate of 1.5pc in the first quarter and is now facing the worst recession since the crash of the mid-1980s. Investment fell 19.1pc. House prices have now fallen for 15 months in a row.


Spanish premier Jose Luis Zapatero was forced to reassure his nation's media this weekend that he was still on speaking terms with his finance minister Pedro Solbes, who has refused to endorse the government's economic crisis plan.


Both Mr Zapatero and Italy's Silvio Berlusconi have lashed out at the ECB in recent days, but even Germany's finance minister Peer Steinbr歡k has begun to question Frankfurt's hard-line policy.


"An interest rate increase could have a pro-cyclical impact at a point when the economy is slowing down," he said.


The comments come after five months of falling orders in Germany, the worst run since the early 1990s. Siemens, Volkswagen and other big industrial exporters have begun to cut jobs.


The ECB has held rates steady at 4pc since the credit crunch began last summer, even though Euribor lending rates have jumped 120 basis points. The euro has rocketed against the dollar, sterling, yen and yuan.


The full effects of the monetary and currency squeeze will feed through the eurozone over the next year or so. There is a risk that the impact could hit just as the global economy slows sharply.


France's finance minister, Christine Lagarde, praised the apparent policy shift in Berlin. "For the first time my German colleague, who was resolutely determined to back the ECB whatever it does, is telling Mr Trichet, 'Be careful'.


"There is more than one indicator. There is inflation, certainly, but there is also growth. Quite a few of us would like Mr Trichet to keep his eye on both barometers. Until now he has had only inflation on his radar," she said.


Her choice of words is significant. EU ministers have the ultimate power - under Maastricht Article 109 - to shape the eurozone exchange rate, giving them a backdoor means of forcing a change in the ECB's policy. The implicit threat to invoke this clause is a warning to ECB hawks that independence has limits.


The remarks by Paris and Berlin come as US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson prepares to visit both Mr Trichet and Bundesbank chief Axel Weber today. The Bush administration is reportedly furious with the ECB for undercutting US efforts to stabilise the dollar and halt the oil spike in very dangerous circumstances.


The ECB is playing with fire, forcing the US to pursue a more restrictive monetary policy than it might think safe at a time when the financial system is already in dire trouble. The dispute has echoes of the Transatlantic rift before the stock market crash in October 1987.


Oil jumped $16 a barrel in two days earlier this month on the back of a rising euro after Mr Trichet signalled an ECB rate rise. The market response was a prize exhibit for those who argue that hedge funds have now run amok on the oil markets, using crude futures as a sort of "anti-dollar" currency - with multiple leverage.


It also revealed that ECB tightening in this environment is counter-productive since it pushes inflation even higher. Critics say the bank is chasing its own tail, failing to adapt to the complexities of the modern global economy.


Stephen Lewis, chief strategist at Insinger de Beaufort, said the ECB is right to raise rates, despite the risks. "If they were to back off now after signalling a rise it would cause a catastrophic loss of credibility that would further harm global stability," he said.

Insinger de Beaufortのチーフ・ストラテジスト、スティーヴン・ルイスは、ECBはリスクにも拘らず利上げして正解だと語った。

"The bank cannot formulate policy on the basis that this might be a short-term price spike. It would destroy consumer confidence and blast economic growth prospects if it lets inflation run ahead."






2008-07-01 17:58:09 | Telegraph (UK)

Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must 'kiss my ass' for his support
By Tim Shipman in Washington and Philip Sherwell in New York
Bill Clinton is so bitter about Barack Obama's victory over his wife Hillary that he has told friends the Democratic nominee will have to beg for his wholehearted support.



Mr Obama is expected to speak to Mr Clinton for the first time since he won the nomination in the next few days, but campaign insiders say that the former president's future campaign role is a "sticking point" in peace talks with Mrs Clinton's aides.


The Telegraph has learned that the former president's rage is still so great that even loyal allies are shocked by his patronising attitude to Mr Obama, and believe that he risks damaging his own reputation by his intransigence.


A senior Democrat who worked for Mr Clinton has revealed that he recently told friends Mr Obama could "kiss my ass" in return for his support.


A second source said that the former president has kept his distance because he still does not believe Mr Obama can win the election.


Mr Clinton last week issued a tepid statement, through a spokesman, in which he said he "is obviously committed to doing whatever he can and is asked to do to ensure Senator Obama is the next president of the United States ".


Mr Obama was more effusive at his unity event with Mrs Clinton on Friday, speaking fondly of the absent former president, who attended Nelson Mandela's birthday celebrations in London instead. The candidate told the crowd: "I know how much we need both Bill and Hillary Clinton as a party. They have done so much great work. We need them badly."


But his aides said he has so far concentrated on cementing relations with Mrs Clinton first. They say they are content to let relations with Mr Clinton thaw gradually.


It has long been known that Mr Clinton is angry at the way his own reputation was tarnished during the primary battle when several of his comments were interpreted as racist.

But his lingering fury has shocked his friends. The Democrat told the Telegraph: "He's been angry for a while. But everyone thought he would get over it. He hasn't. I've spoken to a couple of people who he's been in contact with and he is mad as hell.


"He's saying he's not going to reach out, that Obama has to come to him. One person told me that Bill said Obama would have to quote kiss my ass close quote, if he wants his support.


"You can't talk like that about Obama - he's the nominee of your party, not some house boy you can order around.


"Hillary's just getting on with it and so should Bill."


Another Democrat said that despite polls showing Mr Obama with a healthy lead over Republican John McCain, Mr Clinton doesn't think he can win.


The party strategist, who was allied to one of the early rivals to Mr Obama and the former First Lady, said Mr Clinton was "very unhopeful" about the nominee's prospects in November.


"Bill Clinton knows the party will unite behind Obama, but he is telling people he doesn't believe Obama can win round voting groups, especially working-class whites, in the swing states," the strategist said.


"He just doesn't think Obama will be able to connect with the voters he needs."


Joe Klein, the author of Primary Colours, a fictionalised account of Mr Clinton's 1992 election, who has known the former president for 20 years, said he also heard that he was "very, very bitter", from people who have spoken with him.


"It's time for him to get over it or go off and do his charitable work. He knows the rules of the road. What's going on now is kind of strange. I think his behaviour is really, really shocking."







2008-07-01 17:55:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Poor diet may increase risk of dementia
A poor diet may increase the risk of memory loss and dementia as it lowers levels of good cholesterol in the blood, scientists have warned.


Cholesterol comes in good and bad forms with high density lipoproteins (HDL) being good for you as it can protect the heart from damage, while low density lipoproteins (LDL) are bad for health and raise the risk of heart problems.


Good cholesterol mops up some of the bad and transports it from the cells and bloodstream back to the liver.


A study carried out on 3,673 British civil servants found that low HDL cholesterol levels were associated with a greater risk of memory loss.


The effect was especially marked if HDL levels dropped between the age of 55 and 60 as this increased the likelihood of experiencing memory loss by almost two thirds.


Good and bad cholesterol levels can be controlled with diet and exercise. Small amounts of alcohol can increase HDL cholesterol, and whole grains such as oats and oily fish can encourage production of good cholesterol.


The study, published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association found low HDL cholesterol at age 55 increased the risk of memory loss by 27 per cent compared to those with high levels.

米国心臓協会のジャーナル、Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology誌に掲載されたこの研究は、55歳の時にHDLコレステロールのレベルが低いと、これが高いグループと比べて27%も記憶障害のリスクが高いと発見しました。

At age 60 those with low HDL levels were 53 per cent more likely to have memory problems.


The researchers found using statin drugs to raise HDL and or lower low-density lipoprotein showed no association with memory loss.


Lead author Singh-Manoux said: "HDL cholesterol may influence memory through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.


"Many previous investigations into the association between lipids and memory in the elderly have focused on total or LDL cholesterol because of their status as proven risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


"Our results show HDL cholesterol to be important for memory. Thus, physicians and patients should be encouraged to monitor levels of HDL cholesterol."


In an accompanying editorial, Anatol Kontush, and John Chapman, at the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, France, said the results should be viewed with caution.

付随論説の中で、パリのUniversity Pierre and Marie CurieのAnatol KontushとJohn Chapmanは、この結果は慎重に検討されなければならないとしました。

"It is tempting to speculate that increasing levels of HDL-C, or "good cholesterol" might protect our memories. However, unfortunate results in large interventional trials with dietary antioxidants suggest that we should remain cautious when proposing therapeutic intervention on the basis of observational studies which do not allow causation to be inferred. Nonetheless, these studies demand that we focus more effort on research at the interface between HDL and brain function."



