


2017-10-29 08:37:21 | Telegraph (UK)
Bears circle as global 'credit impulse' plunges
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 12 JUNE 2017 ? 8:07PM
The global 'credit impulse' has fallen as dramatically over recent months as it did during the onset of the Lehman crisis, signalling serious headwinds for the world economy and asset prices just as the US Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy.


A key UBS tracking indicator shows that the impulse has plummeted by 6pc of GDP since peaking last year, driven by powerful swings in China and the US. The two economic superpowers are both suffering from credit saturation.


This is the same peak-to-trough swing seen a decade ago when the US subprime crisis was evolving and as it metamorphosed into the worldwide banking crash of 2008, though the circumstances are clearly different.


The slide has occurred over roughly the same period of time, though it has not yet embroiled so many countries.


Ominously, the UK indicator has also rolled over after in March reaching the highest level since the data series began in 1982. UBS said British consumer credit has been "on fire" following the referendum.


This implies that the UK economy has been held afloat by the least productive form of debt-creation, grist to the mill for those who accuse the Bank of England of misjudging the immediate impact of Brexit and letting rip with excessively loose money.


The credit impulse is not the same as the volume of credit. It tracks the 'change in the change', or what is known to specialists as the 'second derivative'. It is not a leading indicator for the economy as such but it gives a strong hint of where growth is heading.


The gauge is still higher than it was during the white heat of the Lehman crisis in 2008 but this is small comfort: the fall started from the most extreme peak seen in modern times. It shows just how stretched the global elastic been in the era of quantitative easing and zero rates.


Arend Kapteyn from UBS says there is a 0.73 correlation [where one is full correlation] between the credit impulse and the trajectory of domestic demand in the United States, and probably for China as well.

UBSのArend Kapteyn氏は、クレジット・インパルスと米国(と恐らく中国)の国内需要の軌道の相関関係を0.73としています(1は完全な相関関係の存在を示す)。

The US measure turned negative over the winter and fell to minus 0.53pc of GDP in March. This mystery slowdown seems to have been caused by a sharp drop in demand for commercial and industrial bank loans as US companies put plans on hold, waiting to see whether the Trump Administration will deliver on pledges for tax cuts and infrastructure.


The longer this goes on, the greater the risk that the economy itself will stall and tip over into a self-feeding downturn. A recession is unlikely but it could happen if the White House Russia-scandal brings normal business on Capitol Hill to a standstill.


The Fed is taking a gamble tightening policy when the credit impulse is negative and core PCE inflation is just 1.7pc and falling. The bond market is flashing amber warnings. Average job growth over the last three months has dropped to a 5-year low of 122,000.


Yet all the signs are that the Fed will press ahead with a quarter point rate rise to 1.25pc this week, despite warnings from James Bullard at the St Louis Fed that there should be a delay until the picture is clearer.


The key question is whether the Fed signals a further rate rise in September and whether it still plans to start unwinding QE by the end of this year, a move into uncharted waters, and one fraught with hazard.


Wall Street is already skittish. The Nasdaq technology leaders or FAANGs are showing signs of fatigue after a parabolic rise this year. Over the last two trading sessions Netflix has fallen 10pc, Apple 8pc, Facebook 5pc, Amazon and Google 4pc.


Andrew Lapthorn from Societe Generale says this may be turning "systemic" with the Philadelphia semiconductor index also down over 5pc. The exodus is coming from stocks that have had the steepest rises. "The uniformity of the price moves indicates a market driven by price chasing momentum, with investors heading for the door all at the same time," he said.


Much now depends on China, now lurching from last year's credit spree to an abrupt slowdown this year as the authorities jam on the brakes. The hardline banking regulator Guo Shuqing has pushed through seven directives targeting shadow banking since taking over in February. Property curbs led to rare demonstrations in Shanghai over the weekend.


UBS said China's credit impulse contracted by 12pc of GDP in April, even though loan growth still appears robust (if slowing) at first blush. The problem with the final stage of a debt spree is that it takes ever more fuel to feed the monster. The effect diminishes.


Slowing global credit is an uncomfortable backdrop for Britain as Brexit talks start in earnest. Geoffrey Yu, head of UBS investment office in the UK, said British growth is highly leveraged to the world business cycle and does well when the US, China, emerging markets are motoring ahead. "The UK is a high-beta economy," he said.


The converse of this is that the UK dives hard in a global downturn. What has in effect happened over the last year is that a recovery led by extreme stimulus in China and the eurozone boomlet has masked the fragilities of Brexit. The Bank of England's largesse has completed the deception.


The Bank is now worried. The Prudential Regulation Authority has launched a review into credit quality as credit card debt hits record levels, though it has not actually used its counter-cyclical capital buffers to choke the excesses.


Britain's credit impulse has peaked anyway as lenders pre-empt the authorities by tightening standards themselves. UBS thinks the gauge will fall by 8pc of GDP over the next twelve months. If so, batten down the hatches.



