


2008-07-29 17:22:20 | Telegraph (UK)

IMF: US housing slump at centre of financial crisis
By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor
The world economy is now trapped in a "vicious circle" as the financial crisis is worsened by slumping housing markets on both sides of the Atlantic, the International Monetary Fund has warned.


It said the greatly-feared "negative feedback loop" it warned of in previous reports had now materialised. It also cautioned that it remains far too early to call a bottom to the housing slump in the United States, which lies at the centre of the recent crisis.


In an update to its closely-watched Global Financial Stability Report - the definitive assessment of global markets - the IMF struck a highly downbeat tone and warned that there remains no end in sight for the crisis.


It warned that banks would have to continue raising more capital to shore up their balance sheets in the coming months - signalling that UK institutions may soon have to stomach further rights issues.


But most striking of all is the IMF's conclusion that one of its most feared scenarios had now occurred. Its head of financial stability, Jaime Caruana, said: "The risks we have been talking about [in previous reports] have materialised. There has been a negative feedback loop between the real economy and the financial markets... At the centre of this loop is the housing market in the US, and it is difficult to see at the moment the bottom of it."


In a negative feedback loop, banks curb the supply of credit to households and businesses as the economy weakens. With money harder to come by, this worsens the economic downturn, which causes another spiral in financial markets and banks tighten credit even further.


In a speech earlier in the crisis, the Bank of England's head of markets, Paul Tucker, said: "We must try to avoid a vicious circle in which tighter liquidity conditions, lower asset values, impaired capital resources, reduced credit supply, and slower aggregate demand feed back on each other."


The IMF's conclusion that this moment is now upon the global financial system will cause extreme consternation, as will its conclusion that the US housing market will continue to plunge for some time.


The report said: "Stemming the decline in the US housing market is necessary for market stabilisation as this would help both households and financial institutions to recover."


However, the IMF said one encouraging sign was that many of the expected losses from the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the US had now been "largely acknowledged" by banks and investors


The IMF said that banks and financial institutions have now written off more than $400bn in mortgage-related investments, and it reiterated its $1,000bn ultimate forecast.






2008-07-29 17:20:51 | Telegraph (UK)

American clash with India and China threatens Doha talks
By Edmund Conway, Economics Editor
Hopes that a deal on world trade would be achieved in the next 48 hours have been dealt a blow by a row between the US and India and China over who bears responsibility for the current impasse.


One of the American negotiators warned that the talks are as close to failure as they have been in their seven-year history, and put the blame for the situation on the two developing world giants. The move triggered a highly unusual rebuttal from the Chinese delegation, who throughout the Doha Round of talks have been a silent but brooding presence.


The clash came as a make-or-break summit in Geneva dragged into its second week, with negotiators still yet to agree a framework for reforming the global system of tariffs and subsidies. The talks came close to collapse last week as delegates from developed and developing nations fought over the amount of cuts poorer countries will make to their barriers on trade of industrial goods.


The issue resurfaced again yesterday, with both sides openly blaming each other for the stalling talks. David Shark, US deputy head at the Geneva mission to the WTO, said India and China were responsible for bringing the talks at the 153-member institution close to collapse, saying: "All their invocations of development during the past years ring hollow when these major players threaten the development benefits already on the table that are absolutely vital to the vast majority of the membership.


"Their actions have thrown the… Doha Development Round into the gravest jeopardy of its nearly seven-year life."


The statement met with an instant denial from Chinese ambassador Sun Zhenyu, who said his country had "tried very hard" to seal a deal over the weekend. "It is a little bit surprising that at this time the US started this finger pointing," he said.

中国大使Sun Zhenyuは即座にこの発言を否定。

Indian commerce minister Kamal Nath said: "We are not holding up the talks. Holding up this round are the large developed countries… who are looking for commercial interests and enhancing prosperity rather than looking for content which reduces poverty."


Under a skeleton set of proposals floated by WTO chief Pascal Lamy last Friday, developed nations would make major cuts to their agricultural subsidies in return for more access to developing countries' industrial and, potentially, services sectors.


However, this plan is coming under fire closer to home, with France threatening to boycott the deal. Although the European Union's negotiations are being handled by Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, the French government said it was looking to gather support from fellow EU farming states to block the deal.


One of the sticking points is over the treatment of certain luxury produce, such as cheese and wine, which the French believe ought to be protected by trademarks.






2008-07-29 17:20:29 | Telegraph (UK)

Standard Chartered and Pru team up in Japan
By Yvette Essen, Insurance Correspondent
Prudential and Standard Chartered have unveiled plans to push further into the Far East with a strategic partnership in Japan and Thailand.


Mark Tucker, chief executive of Prudential, said that although the Far East is not immune from the credit crisis, the current challenging economic climate underlined the importance of tapping other markets.


"The fact that we have different businesses in different stages of their business cycles - that diversity gives us an enormous advantage," he said. "When some economies are doing well, others are not.


"Asia has grown at a 25pc annual compound rate over 14 years - it is just a phenomenal record. In the past 10 years we have seen a significant acceleration of that growth."


The two life assurers already have a bancassurance deal in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. They have been working together since 1998, with Prudential marketing and distributing its investment-linked, savings and protection insurance products to Standard Chartered customers in Asia.


The latest agreement extends this arrangement until 2016, as well as expanding the markets covered to Japan and Thailand.


Prudential unveils its interim results on Thursday and Asia is again expected to be driving growth. Panmure Gordon is forecasting pre-tax profits will rise 2pc to £1.36bn on an embedded value basis, with new business sales in Asia climbing by 18pc.


Analyst Barrie Cornes said: "It's clearly good news for Prudential that it has renewed this deal with Standard Life, but the company has not disclosed the cost of the deal."


Prudential shares rose 0.5 to 516p.



