


2014-08-31 07:31:03 | Telegraph (UK)
The science behind Isis savagery
By Professor Ian Robertson
Telegraph: 2:32PM BST 18 Aug 2014
Carrying out beheadings and other extreme acts is unthinkable for most people, but the right cocktail of factors can make anyone an extremist, says neuroscientist Prof Ian Robertson


As Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria butcher thousands of "infidels" and carry off their women and children into slavery, many in the West are inclined to see this as an unique outcrop of Islamic fundamentalism. Yet after overrunning a Bosnian town on 11th July 1995, Bosnian Serb – ostensibly Christian – forces, cold-bloodedly massacred 8,000 Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica. Hutu genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda, Khmer Rouge mass-murder of Cambodian city-dwellers, Nazi genocide of Jews, Gypsies and the disabled…. the list of savagery is as long as it is profoundly depressing.


What, then are the origins of savagery, if they cannot be ascribed to a single religion or ideology?


1 - Savagery begets savagery(残虐行為が残虐行為を生む)

The first part of an answer may be horribly simple: savagery begets savagery. Callousness, aggression and lack of empathy are common responses by people who have been harshly treated themselves. In the Nazi concentration camps, for instance, many of the cruellest guards were themselves prisoners – the notorious "kapos". Sexually abused children – particularly males – are more likely to go on to become sexual abusers themselves as adults, although the majority do not. Victims, in other words, often respond to trauma by themselves becoming victimisers.


2 - Submersion in the Group(グループへの没入)

But victim becoming victimiser is not the only explanation for savagery. When the State breaks down, and with it law and order and civic society, there is only one recourse for survival – the group. Whether defined by religion, racial, political, tribal or clan – or for that matter by the brute dominance of a gang-leader – survival depends on the mutual security offered by the group.


War bonds people together in their groups and this bonding assuages some of the terrific fear and distress the individual feels when the state breaks down. It also offers self-esteem to people who feel humiliated by their loss of place and status in a relatively ordered society. To the extent that this happens, then individual and group identities partially merge and the person's actions become as much a manifestation of the group as of the individual will. When this happens, people can do terrible things they would never have imagined doing otherwise: individual conscience has little place in an embattled, warring group, because the individual and group selves are one so long as the external threat continues. It is groups which are capable of savagery, much more than any individual alone.


You can see it in the faces of the young male Islamic State militants as they race by on their trucks, black flags waving, broad smiles on their faces, clenched fists aloft, fresh from the slaughter of infidels who would not convert to Islam. What you can see is a biochemical high from a combination of the bonding hormone oxytocin and the dominance hormone testosterone. Much more than cocaine or alcohol, these natural drugs lift mood, induce optimism and energise aggressive action on the part of the group. And because the individual identity has been submerged largely into the group identity, the individual will be much more willing to sacrifice himself in battle – or suicide bombing, for that matter. Why? – Because if I am submerged in the group, I live on in the group even if the individual "me", dies.


When people bond together, oxytocin levels rise in their blood, but a consequence of this is a greater tendency to demonise and de-humanise the out-group. That is the paradox of selfless giving to your in-group – it makes it easier for you to anaesthetise your empathy for the out-group and to see them as objects. And doing terrible things to objects is fine because they are not human.


3 - The out-group as objects (グループに与さない物)

But here is one daunting fact as we contemplate the Sunni-Shia carnage in Iraq and Syria: in-group tribalism is strengthened – and loathing for the out-group correspondingly increased – where religion defines the groups. Even when aggression against the other group is self-destructive – as we can see so tragically across the Middle East – religiously-based groups advocated a degree of aggression against their opponents which was absent in non-religiously defined groups.


4 - Revenge (復讐)

Revenge, which is a strong value in Arab culture, may play a part in perpetuating the savagery. Of course vengeful retaliation for savagery begets more savagery in a never-ending cycle. But more, while revenge is a powerful motivator, it is also a deceiver, because the evidence is that taking revenge on someone, far from quelling the distress and anger which drives it, actually perpetuates and magnifies it.


5 - Leaders (指導者)

Finally, people will do savage things if their leaders tell them it is acceptable to do so, particularly if they have given their selves to the group self. The Rwandan genocide was switched on by a series of radio broadcasts by a small group of leaders to a population who, by that instruction, were turned into savage murderers of former friends and neighbours who were in the out-group. The soldiers of the Soviet army committed mass rape as they invaded Germany in 1945 because senior commanders had advocated it. Islamic State fighters are slaughtering unarmed Christians and Yazidis because their leaders have told them that this is the right thing to do.


Leaders at many levels from the tribe to the country, are responsible for this savagery, and so leaders can eventually stop it – just as they chose to do in Rwanda, after international pressure. But the trouble is, as we have seen, when leaders choose to encourage savagery, not quell it, there is nothing hard-wired into human beings to stand up against it.


Ian Robertson is Professor of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin and was the founding director of Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience


2014-08-31 07:30:42 | Telegraph (UK)
Eurozone opens doors to QE as Germany and France stumble
By James Titcomb
Telegraph: 6:00PM BST 25 Aug 2014
Economists expect further radical action from European Central Bank as heartland economies disrupted further


The eurozone has moved closer to adopting further radical measures to ward off a second recession and a spiral of deflation after its two biggest economies fell deeper into trouble yesterday.


The dual shock of a French government reshuffle and weaker-than-expected German figures yesterday threatened to add to the malaise in the eurozone, where unemployment remains stubbornly high, and growth is at a standstill.


Somewhat counterintuitively, this resulted in stock markets across Europe surging and government borrowing costs falling to new lows as traders reacted to indications that Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank president, may be opening the door for large-scale asset purchases and further cuts to interest rates.


The German IFO indicator - which measures businesses' assessment of the economic climate against a base level of 100 at the start of 2005, came in at 106.3 for August. This was the lowest since the 106.2 in July 2013 - before the eurozone had officially exited recession – as the crisis in Ukraine continued to weigh on Europe's largest economy.


France, meanwhile, was dogged by more uncertainty when criticism of austerity from the left-wing economy minister Arnaud Montebourg forced President Francois Hollande to order his prime minister Manuel Valls to form a new government.


The re-shuffle – which came after Mr Montebourg led a revolt against what he called "the most extreme orthodoxy of the German right" – is likely to lead to a more fiscally conservative government, but raised questions about whether it would enjoy parliamentary support.


The continuing bad news reinforced comments from Mr Draghi on Friday in which he suggested the situation in the eurozone has reached a point where the ECB may be justified in following the Bank of England and US Federal Reserve in engaging in a substantial programme of money printing.


The eurozone has been steadily heading towards deflation, with prices rising by just 0.4pc in the year to July, leading to fears of a Japanese-style "lost decade" of economic stagnation.


In a speech delivered at the Jackson Hole symposium in Wyoming on Friday night, Mr Draghi acknowledged that even long-term inflation forecasts have now fallen below the ECB's 2pc mandate. He said the central bank would "use all the available instruments needed to ensure price stability over the medium term".


This marked a decisive shift from his previous remarks, in which he had insisted that expectations for inflation were "firmly anchored" around or above the 2pc level.


As the market reacted to Mr Draghi's comments yesterday, bond yields fell to record lows, and stock markets rallied on the prospect of further stimulus. The US S&P500 crossed the 2,000 mark for the first time in its history, while Germany's Dax and France's CAC 40 both rose by around 1.5pc.


The yield on 10-year German government bonds, which fell below 1pc for the first time in history earlier this month, plunged to a new low as traders priced in the likelihood of new stimulus. Yields in France, Spain, Italy and Portugal also fell substantially.


Economists at Nomura predicted the ECB would cut interest rates even below their current record lows next month, and engage in a programme of purchasing asset-backed securities (ABS) – bundled loans from banks – at the end of the year.


Nomura predicts the ECB's deposit rate – what banks earn for parking funds with the central bank – will be cut from -0.1pc to -0.2pc next month, and the refinancing rate would fall from 0.15pc to 0.05pc.


More significantly, the bank predicted that a programme of ABS purchases could be introduced in December, and said that the prospect of full-blown QE was increasing. Quantitative easing – systematic purchases of government bonds – would be much larger and would have a far more significant impact than any ABS programme.


"[Mr Draghi's comments] sounded like some sort of sign that the ECB could make further steps or that the debate is likely to get tougher," said Christian Schulz, senior economist at Berenberg Bank. "The market is clearly expecting a large scale asset purchase programme, maybe not at the next meeting but by the end of the year."


Mr Schulz said that members of the ECB's governing council would discuss US-style QE "with enhanced vigour" in the coming months, but that he rated the chances at less than 50pc.



2014-08-31 07:30:18 | Telegraph (UK)
New Auschwitz trials 'set to fail'
By Justin Huggler, Berlin
Telegraph: 6:07PM BST 25 Aug 2014
New attempt in Germany to prosecute surviving former Nazis who served as guards at Auschwitz is 'set to fail', according to a special report in Spiegel magazine


A new attempt in Germany to prosecute surviving former Nazis who served as guards at Auschwitz is set to fail, according to a special report in Spiegel magazine.


At least 1.1 million Jews were killed at Auschwitz, the largest of the Nazi extermination camps, alongside tens of thousands of gypsies, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war.


The bones of those killed in the gas chambers were sold as fertiliser, their ashes were used to build roads, and the women's hair was spun into yarn.


But of the 6,500 former SS men who served as camp guards at Auschwitz and survived the war, only 49 have ever been convicted in German courts.


In February this year prosecutors announced they were considering new cases against 30 former SS guards at Auschwitz, including some who were serving there in 1944 when the transport carrying the 15-year-old Anne Frank arrived.


But most of those cases have since fallen through: some of the suspects have died since February, others have been found too sick to stand trial, and one was found to have been already punished by a Polish court.


Prosecutors are now only considering cases against eight former guards, and only two are thought likely to come to trial.


It is the latest twist in the long saga of Germany's failure to bring those who served at Auschwitz to justice.


The notorious camp commandant, Rudolf Höss, was sentenced to death by a Polish court and hanged in 1947.


Auschwitz lies in modern Poland, and in the years after the war 700 former SS guards at the camp were tried and convicted in the Polish courts.


But only 49 have ever been convicted by German courts - 20 of them in the former East Germany.


In the 1960s, 17 former guards and others who worked at Auschwitz were convicted in a series of high-profile trials in West Germany.


But in 1976 a former SS sergeant was acquitted of driving 400 Hungarian children alive into a fire because the only witness could not be questioned.


And in 1982 a former SS guard who was stationed to prevent Jews fleeing as they arrived was acquitted on the grounds they didn't know what awaited them, so didn't try to escape.



2014-08-31 07:29:46 | Telegraph (UK)
Ukraine fights 'tank column from Russia' at border
By Roland Oliphant, Kiev
Telegraph: 1:31PM BST 25 Aug 2014
Kiev claims Ukrainian border guards in clash with "several dozen" vehicles from Russia including tanks


Ukrainian border guards clashed with an armoured column in what Kiev claimed was an incursion from Russia on Monday, in the latest escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.


Fighting erupted around the coastal town of Novoazovsk, six miles from the Russian border, early on Monday morning, Ukraine's military information service said.


Ukrainian spokesmen said "several dozen" tanks and other vehicles had crossed the border from Russia. The claims could not be confirmed.


Igor Moisichuk, second in command of the Azov battalion, a pro-Kiev militia group, said on Facebook that the assault had been preceded by intense artillery bombardment and us of Grad rocket launchers.

親政府グループのAzov大隊のIgor Moisichuk副隊長はフェイスブックで、攻撃の前には激しい砲撃があり、Gradロケットランチャーが使用されたと述べています。

Speaking at a press briefing in Moscow, Russia's foreign minister said he had not heard reports of the fighting, but described earlier reports of cross-border incursions as "disinformation".


The assault may be an attempt by Russian-backed rebels to threaten Mariupol, a major port and steel town on the coast of the Donetsk region that has been in government hands since May.


Rebel-linked Twitter accounts have reported several counteroffensives in the past two days, claiming to have encircled several thousand Ukrainian troops.


While the reports cannot be immediately confirmed, if true they would represent a serious setback for Ukraine's forces, which had until recently been enjoying several weeks of advances.


Government troops have sought to encircle the regional capitals Donetsk and Luhansk, pushing the rebels back into a shrinking patch of land against the Russian border.



2014-08-31 07:29:20 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe needs France to find a leader who can enact structural reform
By Ben Wright
Telegraph: 10:54PM BST 25 Aug 2014
For the whole of Europe's sake we must hope he or she reveals themselves before long


France really is in a right old state. Yesterday, president François Hollande had to ask his prime minister, Manuel Valls, to form a new government after senior ministers publicly criticised his economic strategy.


As France hasn't managed a scintilla of growth so far this year – a situation that is as much the result of Mr Hollande's tax-and-spend policies as it is the European Central Bank's vice-like monetary policy – you could be forgiven for thinking that the economy minister might have resigned over the slow pace of supply-side reforms.


But no. Arnaud Montebourg, the outspoken economy minister was protesting at Mr Hollande's "absurd" austerity policies, which he claimed were bringing about "the most destructive crisis in Europe since 1929". Just to ramp up the jingoistic rhetoric, Mr Montebourg reminded his countrymen that France was free and "shouldn't be aligning itself with the obsessions of the German right".


Only in France could Mr Hollande, who introduced a punitive top income tax rate of 75pc and effectively hung a "closed for business" sign on Europe's second largest economy, be considered too right wing.


In truth, the president's "responsibility pact", introduced in January, doesn't go nearly far enough; it hasn't the faintest chance of bolstering business confidence or creating more jobs. Unemployment is rampant and Mr Hollande has a personal approval rating of just 17pc.


The French government is simultaneously lobbying Brussels (and Berlin) for greater leniency over its budget deficit targets and being lambasted by leftwingers like Mr Montebourg for not abandoning the European Union's fiscal rules altogether. This is a very strange brand of austerity indeed.


Mr Hollande has never really had the left-wing of his party, which has been pushing an anti-German, anti-austerity line since the election, under control. Yesterday, the tension erupted into outright revolt.


How will he react? Mr Hollande is, by nature, a mediator. Mr Montebourg and Benoît Hamon, the education minister and another dissenting voice in the past few days, were originally promoted following the disastrous local elections in March as a sop to his party. That appears to have backfired and could ultimately split the Socialist party.


It remains to be seen how bad the political damage is and whether it will lead to a general election. If that were to happen, it would surely be beyond Mr Hollande's ability to form a grand coalition with the right-of-centre UMP party to fight off the ultra-Socialists like Mr Montebourg on one flank and Marine Le Pen's National Front on the other.


Where then is the French politician who is up to the job of enacting the kind of structural reforms France so blatantly needs? For the whole of Europe's sake we must hope he or she reveals themselves before long.
