


2008-05-13 21:41:43 | Telegraph (UK)
Maurice Greenberg warns on AIG problems
By James Quinn, Wall Street Correspondent
The former chairman and chief executive of AIG, the world’s largest insurer, believes the company is in 'crisis' and should postpone this week’s annual general meeting after suffering 'the worst performance in AIG's 40-year history.'


Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, who stood down from AIG in 2004 amid allegations of accounting irregularities, warned that the insurers’ problems “are more than financial and extend far beyond its sub-prime credit exposure or approach to capital management.”


In a letter to AIG’s board, chaired by former Citigroup president and chief operating officer Bob Willumstad, Mr Greenberg asks that this Thursday’s (May 15) shareholders meeting be postponed so as “all shareholders can give careful thought to how best to move AIG forward.”


The letter, dated May 11, comes just days after AIG reported a first-quarter net loss of $7.81bn (£3.98bn), after racking up $13.1`bn of losses on the back of sub-prime related charges and investment losses.


AIG, run by British-born chief executive Martin Sullivan, accompanied the results with plans to raise up to $12.5bn in fresh capital to bolster its balance sheet.


In his letter, sent in his capacity as chairman of Starr International, AIG’s biggest shareholder with a 9.8pc stake, Mr Greenberg sets out a series of key reasons as to why he believes the company has lost its way.


“Core businesses are also deteriorating. US life operations are stagnant. The company has lost its leading and unique market positions in China and Japan. The life business in Asia had been a crown jewel, but now the company's position has eroded,” alleges Mr Greenberg.


Mr Greenberg wants AIG to explain its recent decisions, and to give investors time to weigh up recent events, pointing out that over the last 12 months, AIG shareholders have lost $80bn in aggregate.


He also says he has spoken to several other leading investors in the company who have called him “expressing deep concern about the persistent and seemingly endless destruction of value at AIG.” The letter will not make comfortable reading for Mr Sullivan, who could yet walk the proverbial plank for his role in the company’s current problems.


But the situation is muddied by the fact that the two sides ミ AIG and Mr Greenberg - are locked in a bitter series of complex legal battles surrounding the decision for Mr Greenberg to exit the company.


A spokesman for AIG said it would respond to Mr Greenberg’s letter in due course.






2008-05-13 21:41:13 | Telegraph (UK)
EU to launch assault on bankers' bonuses
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
A group of key EU finance ministers will today launch an assault on the rewards earned by bankers and top managers in a move that poses a potential threat to the City of London.


A confidential document prepared for the gathering in Brussels finds the "short-term" pay structure of modern capitalism has become deformed, causing firms to take on "excessive risk" without regard to the interests of stakeholders or society.


While there is no concrete legislation on the table, ministers are eyeing curbs on stock options, bonuses and golden parachutes.


The move is a clear sign that the EU noose is tightening on bankers, funds and corporate elites that have enjoyed light-touch regulation.


Today's meeting is being held under the auspices of the Eurogroup, the quasi-official club of eurozone finance ministers. The forum excludes Britain and free market allies from Eastern Europe.


Shutting out Chancellor Alistair Darling enables Berlin and Paris to create a head of steam behind possible legislation that could undermine London's competitiveness as the world's leading financial centre.


The text for the meeting - leaked to Spanish newspaper El Pais - indicts the Anglo-Saxon market model as a danger to global financial stability and castigates firms for chasing "immediate profits at the cost of massive sackings".

スペインのEl Pais紙がリークした同会議の資料は、アングロ・サクソンの市場モデルを、世界的な金融安定性への危険と非難し、企業が「大規模な人員削減を犠牲に目先の利益」を追いかけ回っていると酷評している。

The loose plans are part of a slew of proposals floated in Europe over recent months aimed at disciplining the market. Ideas have included a pan-European regulator, curbs on private equity and restraints on sovereign wealth funds. None has yet crystalised into a draft EU directive.


EU governments are paying close attention to a law going to the Dutch parliament this month. It imposes a 30pc supertax on pay packages above ロ500,000 (」398,000) and limits bonuses and stock options to 100pc of pay - far below the windfalls made by UK-based traders and bankers at the height of the credit bubble.


Ruth Lea, director of Global Vision, said critics of the City have seized on the credit crisis and Britain's current travails to ram through changes that extend EU power over economic policy.


"Brussels has been waiting for this moment. It is typical that they should hold the meeting in the Eurogroup so they can lay out all the groundwork in advance. It is the classic thin-end-of-the-wedge method. None of these new proposals is going to help Europe: they will simply drive business to Hong Kong, Singapore and the States," she said.


The EU impetus is coming from both Left and Right. Germany's Christian Democrat Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has called for a crackdown on the "fat cat" abuses after Porsche chief Wendelin Wiedeking pocketed ロ60m last year.

ドイツのキリスト教民主同盟のアンゲラ・メルケル首相は、ポルシェのWendelin Wiedeking代表が昨年£6,000万を手にした後、「大金持ち」の不正取り締まりを呼びかけている。

Mrs Merkel's Socialist partners (SPD) want a ロ1m cap on pay that can be deducted from corporate tax.


Ieke Van Den Burg, MEP, the Dutch Labour leader in Brussels, said three reports are going through the European Parliament exploring curbs on hedge funds, private equity and the bonus system.

ブリュッセルでオランダ労働党党首Ieke Van Den Burg欧州議員は、3つのレポートが欧州議会で審議されており、ヘッジファンド、プライベート・エクイティ、ボーナス制度削減を検討中だと語った。

"The short-term focus of the industry has been disastrous. Private equity has left companies crushed by high debt, and people are very angry at what has happened. We want to control the levels of leverage and make sure they are forced to keep more of the risk," she said.


Mrs Van Den Burg said pay-offs at ABN Amro following the takeover by the Royal Bank of Scotland had caused a storm in Holland. They were a key factor leading to the country's new legislation.

Van Den Burg夫人は、RBSに買収された後のABN Amroのペイオフは、オランダに大騒動を生じたと語った。





2008-05-13 21:38:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Chinese inflation rose in April, defying hopes
By Richard Spencer in Beijing
Chinese inflation rose again last month, defying government hopes and predictions that it had peaked.


The headline consumer prices index hit 8.5pc in April, up from 8.3pc in March, with soaring food prices accounting for much of the hike.


Inflation fell in March from 8.7pc, leading officials to hope a surge early this year had come to an end.


The People's Bank acted immediately to raise the reserve requirement - the ratio to loans banks have to keep on deposit - by half a percentage point to 16.5pc, a record.


The government is seriously concerned that the economy is overheating, with persistently high investment rates, just as the world economy and China's all-important export markets in the west are slowing down.


"Growth in consumer prices remains high," the national statistics bureau said in releasing the figures. "At the moment, we must pay close attention to future price trends and prioritise the control of price increases and inflation even higher."


Food prices rose by 22.1pc on a year earlier, while non-food items rose by just 1.8pc - food is a much larger part of the basket of goods used in China, reflecting its lower stage of development.


But that 1.8pc figure has shown signs of upwards movement, leading to fears that the hikes are starting to feed through to the wider economy.


At the moment, despite well-documented rises in the cost of China's cheap labour-force, there is little sign that the inflation is leading to higher prices for manufactured goods worldwide. But China's rapid expansion, with GDP growth still at 10.6pc for the first quarter, is being felt in higher commodity prices for everyone.


"It is still far too early to claim success in the battle against inflation," Goldman Sachs said in a research note. "As underlying inflationary pressures remain undiminished, it is vital for the government to keep its tightening policy stance to anchor inflationary expectations."






2008-05-13 00:19:24 | Economist
Food prices and protest:Taking the strain
The Economist:May 8th 2008 | BANGKOK, CAIRO, ROME
Political fallout has been limited―so far

WHEN Haiti’s prime minister resigned last month after a week of food riots, it seemed to confirm a warning that Bob Zoellick, the president of the World Bank, had given ten days before. He said 100m people were being pushed into hunger and malnutrition―and 30-odd countries faced social upheaval unless food policy improved and the rich world got its act together to help. A month on, policy has not improved, and the rich world’s response has mostly been muddled―yet surprisingly, poor countries have been able to contain the unrest, albeit at heavy cost.


Simon Maxwell, head of Britain’s Overseas Development Institute, a think-tank, says one problem is that donors need a single, simple guide on how and where to help, not a clamour of competing United Nations bureaucracies with different plans. There are moves in this direction. The first priority has been to finance the World Food Programme (WFP), the world’s largest distributor of food aid. The WFP asked for $750m this year and has so far got about two-thirds of that.


The UN is also trying to make the international response more coherent. Ban Ki-moon, its secretary-general, has set up a task-force to co-ordinate what the UN agencies are doing and has called a food summit in early June to work out a plan.


Rich countries are already managing to be fairly incoherent without any UN infighting. The hope, at least among economists, was that higher prices would induce rich countries to cut state aid to farmers and―says Paul Collier, a development expert at Oxford University―“lead people to question their pleasant fantasies about GM [genetically-modified] food in Europe and biofuels in America.” So far, there are few signs of that.


The current American farm bill proposes only modest cuts in ethanol subsidies. The EU has not changed its biofuels target (10% of all fuel by 2020); it continues to bully developing countries not to plant GM crops and this week refused permission to grow varieties of GM maize and GM potatoes in Europe.


While donors squabble, poor countries face riots. But so far, these have had less political impact than many expected. Around 30 countries have suffered protests but only Haiti has seen its government fall. In the Middle East, the part of the world most dependent on food imports, there have been demonstrations and strikes in Egypt, Morocco and Jordan. But all three countries withstood more serious food riots in the late 1970s and 1980s.


In some of the poorest countries, rising food prices have been causing less distress than might have been expected because benefits have also appeared. In Bangladesh, one of the most vulnerable countries, the rice crop is up 10%, prices are about four times production costs and wages for landless peasants are soaring.


Bangladesh has a lot of rural poverty. In countries with millions of urban poor, governments have so far survived demonstrations in part because they are seen to be reacting, whether by issuing ration cards (Egypt and Pakistan) or setting up and expanding social-protection programmes (this is happening almost everywhere, even America). Sometimes, admittedly, reactions are fairly daft. Thailand proposed an OPEC-style cartel for rice, an idea that went nowhere. Many food exporters have gone for beggar-thy-neighbour trade restrictions. Each time one limits or bans food exports, it pushes up world prices―and other governments, equally anxious to keep food inside the country, follow suit. About 30 countries have imposed some form of trade restraint.


Food importers don’t have the luxury of making such mistakes. They are buying time by, for example, boosting food subsidies or hiking wages. In Egypt, bread used to be about a fifth of the world price; now it is less than a tenth. Several Arab states have decreed hefty pay rises: 25% for public-sector workers in Syria, 30% in Egypt.


These policies are inflationary and expensive. Oil exporters, or countries like Egypt that benefit from big remittances from them may be able to afford them for a while. Others are not so lucky. In Indonesia, where half the population lives on less than $2 a day, inflation is 9% and food prices are soaring (the price of subsidised rice to the poor was jacked up 60% in April). The government is planning to fuel subsidies, which would make social protection and subsidised rice more affordable. The response: more protests.






2008-05-13 00:18:07 | Telegraph (UK)

Tourists desert London as credit crunch bites
The number of overseas tourists visiting London this year is expected to grow at its slowest pace since the terrorist attacks in the US in 2001 as the credit crisis and a global economic slowdown threaten to derail consumer spending.


The forecast from Visit London, the capital's tourist board, follows the release of figures that show that record numbers of overseas tourists visited London for the second consecutive year in 2007. Despite welcoming the strong results, Visit London issued a downbeat assessment for this year.

ロンドン観光委員会『Visit London』の予想は、2007年は2年連続で記録的数の外交人観光客がロンドンを訪れた、と示すデータの公表に続いて出された。
歓迎すべき堅調な結果にも拘らず、『Visit London』は今年は悲観的な分析を発表した。

"Against the background of faltering world economic growth and weakening consumer spending in Europe and North America, the tourism industry in London is arguably facing its toughest year since 2005."


The tourist body forecast that visitor levels were likely to fall by 1.1pc this year, with spending unlikely to "grow much above inflation". Overseas visitors numbers are forecast to grow just 0.3pc - the worst since 2002 - with domestic numbers expected to fall by 3.4pc.


Visit London warned that its forecasts could be too optimistic. "This slowdown could be more severe than predicted."

『Visit London』はこの予想は楽観的過ぎると警告した。

Provisional statistics from the Office of National Statistics show 16.1m overseas visitors came to the capital last year, up nearly 3pc on 2006. Total spending by foreign tourists hit £8.7bn, up 11pc on 2006.


Tourist leaders blame the potential slowdown in part on a cut in government spending on the tourism industry. They launched a Take Tourism Seriously campaign in November to convince the Prime Minister to reverse an 18pc cut in the tourism budget amid concerns that the 2012 Olympics legacy could be squandered.

2012年ロンドン・オリンピックの残りは無駄遣いになるかもしれない、との懸念の最中、観光業予算18%削減を撤回するよう首相を説得すべく、昨年11月に彼らは『Take Tourism Seriously(観光を真面目に考えろ)』キャンペーンを開始した。


