


2008-05-07 19:09:58 | Telegraph (UK)

Oil could hit $200 in 'super-spike'
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Oil prices threaten to hit $200 a barrel in a final "super-spike" over coming months as producers fail to keep pace with blistering demand from China and the Middle East, according to a controversial report by Goldman Sachs.


"We believe the current energy crisis may be coming to a head. A 'super-spike' end game may be in the early stages of playing out," said Arjun Murti, the bank's energy strategist.
「現在のエネルギー危機はピークに達するかもしれない、と考えている。『超高騰』の最後の一戦が始まっているかもしれない」と同行のエネルギー・ストラテジストArjun Murtiは言った。

Goldman Sachs said a chronic lack of supply would lead to a "dramatic and continuous rise in oil prices", followed at some point by a sharp fall in oil demand as consumers retrench.


US crude prices hit a fresh high of $122.35 a barrel yesterday as rebel attacks on Shell installations in Nigeria and tensions in northern Iraq continued to strain markets already caught in a crunch.


Prices have doubled over the last year in what amounts to a massive transfer of wealth from the Atlantic region to the rising commodity powers.


This week's jump in prices comes despite the partial recovery of the dollar against the euro, suggesting that alleged investor appetite for oil as a sort of "anti-dollar" is no longer driving the market - if it ever was.


Prices have now surged by more than $50 a barrel since the credit crisis began.


The market has shrugged off the effects of a housing slump in the United States, Canada, Britain and Spain.


The oil boom has revealed just how much the world has changed from the days when the OECD club of rich countries invariably dictated the oil price.


Petrol prices in China and most Mid-East countries are held down by state controls, insulating demand from the effect of the global downturn. Between them, they account for the lion's share of extra oil use over the last two years. OECD consumption has been flat since 2004.


Goldman Sachs said the spare capacity of the OPEC cartel is already near "minimal" levels. There is a risk that Saudi Arabia will fail to meet output targets, suffering the same sorts of setbacks that have plagued Western oil companies.


Non-OPEC producers have lurched from one disappointment to another. Russia's output fell 150,000 barrels per day in April compared to a year earlier, confirming warnings from industry leaders that Russia's oil infrastructure is woefully deficient.


"The possibility of $150-$200 per barrel seems increasingly likely over the next six to 24 months. A gradual rally in prices is likely to be longer-lasting than a sharp sudden spike," said Goldman Sachs.


The bank recommended buying Chevron, ConocoPhillips (Conviction buy), the oil service group Halliburton and explorers such as Apache and Cabot Oil.

同行はシェブロン、コノコ・フィリップス(Conviction buy)、石油サービス会社ハリバートン、そしてアパッシュやキャボット・オイルのような探鉱会社の購入を推薦した。

Not all analysts believe oil prices can defy the global economic slowdown for much longer.


Citigroup said prices may fall to $40 a barrel within two years as the cycle turns in time-honoured fashion and fresh supply emerges.


Lehman Brothers said this week that crude prices had surged far ahead of rise in the underlying cost structure of the industry - typically a warning sign at the end of a cycle.


The drilling cost for oil and gas wells has actually fallen slightly over the last two years, and even deepwater rig rates have been flat after jumping five-fold since 2004. Some 65 deepwater rigs are coming on stream over the next two years, compared to 10 from 2002 to 2007.


"We believe the energy sector is about to see the explosion in the availability of rigs to explore and develop petroleum in deep waters," said Lehman Brothers, citing fields in the Atlantic Basin, the Gulf of Mexico, the northwest shelves off Alaska and Norway and new discoveries off the coast of Brazil.


Data on futures contracts from America's CFTC show that speculative "short" positions on oil jumped 11pc last week, suggesting that at least some hedge funds suspect the boom is overdone and ripe for a fall.


The picture is contradictory, however. Futures prices as far out as December 2016 have been rocketing to fresh highs, in some cases vaulting at an even faster rate than spot prices. This is unprecedented.


"We think these moves are very important as they signify the extent to which medium and long-term perceptions are anchoring values," said Barclays Capital.


The bank said Gordon Brown and President George Bush were whistling in the wind by blaming OPEC for the latest price surge. The cartel no longer has the capacity to crank up production even if it wanted to do so, said the bank.


The bloc's president, Chakib Khelil, said last month that there was very little that producers could do to stop oil reaching $200, if that is where the market wants to go.






2008-05-07 19:09:17 | Telegraph (UK)
John Bolton: US should bomb Iranian camps
By Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent
John Bolton, America’s ex-ambassador to the United Nations, has called for US air strikes on Iranian camps where insurgents are trained for war in Iraq.

Mr Bolton said that striking Iran would represent a major step towards victory in Iraq. While he acknowledged that the risk of a hostile Iranian response harming American’s overseas interests existed, he said the damage inflicted by Tehran would be “far higher” if Washington took no action.


“This is a case where the use of military force against a training camp to show the Iranians we’re not going to tolerate this is really the most prudent thing to do,” he said. “Then the ball would be in Iran’s court to draw the appropriate lesson to stop harming our troops.”


Mr Bolton, an influential former member of President George W Bush’s inner circle, dismissed as “dead wrong” reported British intelligence conclusions that the US military had overstated the support that Iran was providing to Iraqi fighters.


A US military spokesman revealed last week that the elite Quds Force of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards had drafted in personnel from Lebanon’s Hizbollah to train fighters from Iraq’s Shia militias.


Colonel Donald Bacon, a spokesman for the coalition in Baghdad, said captured fighters had told interrogators that thousands of Iraqi fighters were undergoing training in the Islamic Republic.


The main camp is located near the town of Jalil Azad, near Tehran, according to coalition officials.


The capture of Qais Khazali, a major figure in the Shia insurgency alongside Ali Mussa Daqduq, a senior Lebanese Hizbollah guerilla, last year yielded a treasure trove of information on Hizbollah’s activities in Iraq.

昨年、レバノンのヒズボラ・ゲリラの高官Ali Mussa Daqduqと共に、シーア派反乱軍の主要人物Qais Khazaliを捕らえたことは、イラクにおけるヒズボラの活動に関する情報の宝庫をもたらした。

“Ali Mussa Daqduq confirmed Lebanese Hizbollah were providing training to Iraqi Special Group members in Iran and that his role was to assess the quality of training and make recommendations on how the training could be improved,” said Col Bacon. “In this role, he travelled to Iraq on four occasions and was captured on his fourth trip.”

「Ali Mussa Daqduqは、レバノンのヒズボラがイランでイラクの特殊部隊メンバーにトレーニングを行っていること、そして自分の役割はトレーニングの質を評価し、訓練の改善方法を推薦することだった、と認めた」とベーコン大佐は語った。

Five Britons kidnapped in Iraq are believed to have been put under the control of Quds Force agents after failed attempts to barter the men for Khazali and Daqduq’s freedom.


The importance of the Quds Force to stability in Iraq was demonstrated last week when a five-member Iraqi delegation was sent to Tehran to meet with its commander, General Ghassem Soleimani. The delegation was despatched by the Iraqi government to plead for an end to Iranian meddling in its enfeebled neighbour.

先週はイラク人派遣団5人が司令官のGhassem Soleimani将軍と会談するためにイラン政府に送られ、イラク安定におけるクッズ部隊の重要性が示された。





2008-05-07 19:07:52 | Telegraph (UK)
China to leapfrog Britain in household wealth
By Helen Power
Chinese households will have the third greatest spending power in the world within a decade, leapfrogging their British counterparts.


Barclays Wealth and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ranked China's total household sector spending power at number seven in 2007. The UK was ranked third.


But in a global forecast released today, Barclays and the EIU will say China's booming economy will propel it to number three by 2017, just ahead of Britain at number four.


Although the figures are skewed because China is so populus, it is also noteworthy that India will join the Asian tiger in the top 10 as wealth continues to flow east. The US and Japan are forecast to remain at numbers one and two respectively for household wealth, but Australia will be forced out of the top 10 by India's ascent.


"The most important development over the next decade, according to our research, is the rapid escalation of household wealth in the key emerging markets of China, India, Russia and Brazil," said the EIU.


The index, based on the cumulative dollar net worth of all the households in each country, is also forecast to show a big rise in the number of millionaire households. Last year, seven countries - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the US and Britain - all had more than one million households worth more than $1m.


During the next decade they will be joined by five more - Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Taiwan and South Korea.


China already has the densest concentration of millionaire households through Hong Kong, where 26.4pc of households are dollar millionaires. Hong Kong and Singapore are expected to still top the table in 2017.






2008-05-07 19:07:17 | Economist


China and Japan:A blossoming relationship?
Economist.co:May 6th 2008 | TOKYO
Ties between China and Japan are still delicate

FIRST came the “ice-breaking”, then the “ice-melting”. Now, comes the “cherry-blossom viewing”, admittedly late in the season. A succession of reciprocal visits by the two countries’ leaders have taken Sino-Japanese relations out of the cooler over the past 20 months. On Tuesday May 6th Hu Jintao began a state visit, the first trip to Japan by a Chinese president in a decade; at five days, it will also be the longest for Mr Hu. Before meeting his counterpart, Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, he predicted an “everlasting warm spring” between the two countries.


The temperature began to plunge in 1998, with the visit to Japan―the first ever by a Chinese head of state―of Mr Hu’s predecessor, Jiang Zemin. Mr Jiang had come demanding a fulsome written apology for Japan’s wartime past, yet as he delivered hectoring lectures on the subject, the apology never came. A growing number of Japanese had come to feel, rightly or wrongly, that their country had apologised enough for its wartime brutality. Besides, they resented the way a rising China played on war guilt to extract concessions, mainly financial, from its rich neighbour. The Communist Party, with its history of famine, purges and crackdowns, was one to talk.


Relations hit rock-bottom under Junichiro Koizumi, Japan’s prime minister from 2001-06. Top-level contacts between the two countries were suspended after Mr Koizumi began making devil-may-care visits to Yasukuni, the Tokyo shrine that honours not just Japan’s war dead but also executed war criminals.


To nearly everyone but Mr Koizumi, it was by now clear that Asia’s two biggest powers should be talking to each other. His successor, Shinzo Abe, a right-wing hawk with disturbingly unreconstructed views of Japan’s past, nevertheless broke with Mr Koizumi’s line by visiting Beijing as his first gesture in office and making clear that he would refrain from visiting Yasukuni. The Chinese were grateful. They were overjoyed when Mr Fukuda succeeded Mr Abe after a year. Mr Fukuda’s father, when he was also prime minister, had restored diplomatic relations between the two countries; Mr Fukuda fils was considered a “friend of China”, that double-edged honour. He had long criticised politicians’ visits to Yasukuni and believed that Japan’s good relations with its Asian neighbours were paramount.


Mr Hu and Mr Fukuda will have plenty to talk about. China has overtaken America as Japan’s biggest trading partner. China is hungry for know-how, and Japan thinks it can be of particular help in providing environmental technology. For Mr Fukuda, whose domestic standing is shaky, a big prize would be a Chinese commitment to tackle climate change, an important theme at the G8 summit which Japan will host in July. As for Mr Hu, he will be thankful if his visit passes without strong protests over Tibet. It came as a relief to China that the Olympic torch passed through Japan last month with relatively little kerfuffle. The news that China has reopened discussions with representatives of the Dalai Lama has eased Japanese diplomats’ worries that Mr Hu’s visit would be drowned out by protests.


As the two leaders play ping-pong and discuss a replacement panda for Ling Ling, who died at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo last week, much will be made of improved relations. For instance, the two countries’ militaries have embarked on measures to improve confidence, including port visits by naval ships. Elsewhere, diplomats point to the way a food scare in Japan involving tainted Chinese dumplings was handled calmly by the authorities on both sides, even as hysteria was whipped up by Japan’s mass media.


Yet beneath the enforced bonhomie, abiding issues remain. One of the biggest is over gasfields in a disputed area of the East China Sea. Despite a dozen rounds of negotiations, the two countries have failed to reach agreement on joint development, thanks to touchiness about sovereignty. Originally, Mr Hu’s visit was to be the occasion for a deal.


Biggest of all, though, is the deep and angry nationalism of many Chinese, which the Communist Party bears much of the blame for fostering. For now, the nationalism is directed elsewhere, stung by European and American criticism of China’s treatment of Tibet. But it is at its most virulent when directed against Japan, as it last was three years ago in violent anti-Japanese protests in Shanghai and elsewhere. It will take a lot of ping-pong to erase the impression of many Japanese that they are loathed in China more than they are admired.





オーストラリア、中国を半端に歓迎 2

2008-05-07 19:06:49 | Telegraph (UK)
So great is the lure of big wages in the booming north and west that the Australian army is unable to recruit enough soldiers and Sydney and Melbourne are emptying of builders, fitters and welders.


"A graduate geologist straight out of college can walk into a job and earn A$120,000," said Paul Heithersay, executive director of Primary Industries and Resources SA, a government agency in South Australia. Truck drivers working gruelling shifts hauling earth out of underground mines can earn almost as much.

「大学を卒業した地質学者は直ぐに就職して豪$120,000を稼ぐ」とサウス・オーストラリアの政府機関、Primary Industries and Resources SAのPaul Heithersay代表が言った。

"Mining accounted for about 10pc of South Australia's economy in the mid-90s. It's now 25pc and we can expect it to reach 50pc of export income in five years' time," said Mr Heithersay. "We happen to have the resources, China doesn't. We'll be linked for some time yet."


The amount of money spent in South Australia on mining exploration has increased more than 10-fold since 2004, from A$30m to A$330m.


Investment is being pumped into areas that were in the doldrums just a few years ago - towns such as Port Augusta and Whyalla, gateways to the state's vast Outback and its rich mineral deposits.


"House prices are going through the roof," said Mr Heithersay. "You couldn't have given them away five years ago."


China's power may be growing by the day, but Australians seem relaxed about the Middle Kingdom's emergence as a superpower.


A survey by the Lowy Institute in 2005 found that, remarkably, Australians regarded the United States as a greater threat than a rising China.


The survey of 1,000 people found that only 35pc of people were concerned about China, compared with 57pc who worried about US foreign policy, especially in Iraq.


Also startling was the finding that a majority was strongly opposed to siding with the US against China in the event of a conflict flaring over Taiwan.


Australians hope they will be able to continue to have the best of both worlds - remaining a loyal ally of the US and a pre-eminent member of the Anglosphere, while at the same time maintaining a friendship and growing trade relationship with the Chinese.


"Australians are pretty positive towards China," said Mr Thirlwell. "It's hard to be resentful about people who are making you rich."



