


2008-05-19 18:35:27 | Telegraph (UK)
Barclays gets bullish over American shares
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Barclays Wealth has advised clients to jump back into stock markets across the world, believing the danger of a severe downturn has receded after the dramatic rescue moves by central banks.


"We remain confident that the world's financial authorities will win the war against the credit crunch," said Michael Dicks, the group's research chief.


"The recovery is now gathering steam. Ultimate victory should benefit risky asset classes."


Barclays' closely-watched Signpost report says the US is at last beginning to claw its way out of trouble, while investors no longer seem spooked by every piece of bad news.


"Many financial firms have announced further write-offs. But the surprise is that equity markets have viewed the moves favourably," it says.


Barclays Wealth, which manages $132bn (£68bn) for Barclays clients, has boosted its overweight position in equities to 7pc, focusing on the rebound story in the US. It says the forward price-earnings ratio for US stocks is now 14, cheap by historical standards. It is also nibbling British stocks and lifting holdings in emerging markets.


The bonds of blue chip companies are coming back into favour. The report says top-notch issues have been grossly "oversold" in the indiscriminate flight from credit. The coming wave of defaults will be concentrated in the junk bond family, not the posh high-grades.


Barclays admits it was caught off guard by the bloodbath which began last August, and says central banks have had to invent new weapons to unlock the credit system across the globe.



"The authorities have had to fight more battles than we expected, with the financial crisis morphing from one market to another in a way that we did not anticipate. The war has become a world war, not a localised one."


The group warns that the most of the global economy is still "heading south", while inflation looms as a threat. But stock markets move to their own rhythm.


Not all banks share the tentative optimism at Barclays. Morgan Stanley's equity team has advised investors to sell stocks, arguing that we are now near the top of a classic "bear rally".


Teun Draaisma, Morgan Stanley's equity guru, says profits will slide relentlessly as the credit crisis inflicts its slow damage on the broader economy. He dismisses belief in government magic as a typical illusion at this stage of a downturn.

モルガン・スタンレーの株式カリスマ、Teun Draaismaは、信用危機がより広範な経済にゆっくりとダメージを広げているので、利益は下り続けるだろうと言っている。

Even so, bad news on the US subprime debacle is largely out in the open. Fitch Ratings says total losses on US mortgage securities were likely to be $400bn, although $550bn is possible.


The banks at least have come clean, even if hedge funds have not. They have confessed to 80pc of expected losses of $200bn, led by UBS ($37bn), Citigroup ($21bn), Merrill Lynch ($28bn), and IKB ($11.7bn). "Further ratings action arising from subprime exposures is likely to be minimal," said Fitch.


Loss estimates are based on the ABX index, which is notoriously illiquid. It is the only measure that puts a value on packages of mortgages (collateralised debt obligations), but there is a snag.


The index was used by banks to hedge their subprime exposure as the crisis unfolded. This was often done in panic, driving down the indices wildly. The result was to overstate the real distress.


A number of hedge funds and private equity firms are now buying these securities, betting that the plethora of moves by the Fed and Congress to shore up the US housing market means default rates will never actually reach the dire levels assumed.






2008-05-19 18:35:03 | Telegraph (UK)
Scandinavians unite to end Iceland's financial chaos
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The central banks of Norway, Sweden and Denmark have joined forces in a stunning move to rescue Iceland, offering a credit line of ロ1.5bn (」1.2bn) to beat back speculators and shore up the battered krona.


The solidarity gesture is a powerful signal to hedge funds betting on Iceland's downfall that they are up against the international system. The swap accord doubles the foreign reserve cover of the Icelandic government at a stroke.


Iceland's central bank said the deal was a "precautionary measure" to stabilise the currency, which has crashed 25pc this year.


Stefan Ingves, head of Sweden's Riksbank, said the accord aimed to restore stability after months of mayhem. The Icelandic krona surged 3.7pc on the news.

スウェーデンのRiksbank総裁Stefan Ingvesは、同協定は何ヶ月も大混乱が続いた後で安定性復活を狙ったものだと語った。

Bj嗷n Gudmundsson, an economist at Landsbanki, said the Bank of England might need to join the Nordic front to stop the crisis spreading.

Landsbankiのエコノミスト、Bj嗷n Gudmundssonは、危機拡大阻止のためにBoEもスカンジナビア陣営に参加しなければいけないかもしれない、と述べた。

( ゜∀゜)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \

Icelanders have become big investors in Britain. They have borrowed heavily on the sterling market to launch bids for a clutch of high street names.


There are concerns that the Icelandic system as a whole could turn into an "offshore Northern Rock".


( ゜∀゜)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \

Lars Christensen, an economist at Danske Bank, said the swap deal would make it harder for speculators to short the krona but would not stop Iceland plunging into a deep recession.

Danske Bankのエコノミスト、Lars Christensenは、スワップ協定で投機家連中もクローナ空売りが難しくなっただろうが、アイスランドが深い不況の淵に落っこちるのは止められないだろう、と語った。

"Economically, this changes nothing. Iceland is one of the most indebted countries in the world," he said.


Paul Rawkins, of Fitch Ratings, said the country's external debt had reached $97bn, five times the size of the economy. " The markets had begun to doubt whether the government had the resources to rescue the banks," he said.


Iceland has evolved into a sovereign hedge fund.



With a home economy the size of Bristol, its banks have borrowed massively on the global capital markets to launch raids on companies across Europe.


The high-wire act has now come to grief. The central bank has lifted interest rates to 15.5pc to stop double-digit inflation spiralling out of control.


The government expects the country's economy to contract by 4pc over the next two years.


Chris Whalen, head of Institutional Risk Analytics, said Iceland was the emblem of our times.



"The country is like a big pension fund that has taken a punt with leverage," he said.






2008-05-19 18:34:38 | Telegraph (UK)
Zimbabwe regime 'has received weapons shipment from China'
By Christopher Munnion in Johannesburg
Fear are growing that Robert Mugabe's regime had been strengthened ahead of a presidential election with the secret delivery of a shipment of arms from China.


Reports said the weapons, including three million bullets, mortar bombs and rocket-propelled grenades, had been off-loaded from the Chinese vessel, the An Yue Jiang, at the Angolan port of Lobito and flown to Harare.

中国籍船An Yue Jiangから、弾薬300万発、迫撃砲、RPGを含む武器がアンゴラのLobito港で荷降ろしされ、ハラレへ空輸されたと報道があった。

The ship had been the focus of international condemnation when it sailed towards South Africa last month. It was refused docking rights and remained off the coast for several weeks before the Chinese foreign ministry recalled it.


However, Bright Matonga, Zimbabwe's deputy information minister, was quoted by the South African newspaper, The Weekender, as saying that the regime has the weapons.

しかし南アフリカのザ・ウィークエンダー紙は、ジンバブエ副情報相のBright Matongaの、ジンバブエ政府は武器を受け取っているとする言葉を伝えた。

Two Zimbabwean ministers and senior army officers visited Luanda three weeks ago to negotiate the docking and unloading of the ship.


George Chiramba, a spokesman for Mr Mugabe, said in the state-controlled newspaper, The Herald, that "the arms will be delivered to Zimbabwe, one way or the other".

ムガベ氏の報道官George Chirambaは国営新聞ザ・ヘラルド紙で「武器は何らかの手段でジンバブエに送り込まれるだろう」と語った。

The Chinese foreign ministry said yesterday that confirmation of the delivery was "groundless rumour".


The reports came days after the election commission in Zimbabwe announced the delayed presidential run-off would take place on June 27.


The opposition Movement for Democratic Change, whose leader Morgan Tsvangirai delayed his return to Zimbabwe at the weekend due to "credible" reports of an assassination attempt, said it feared the shipment would be used to intimidate civilians "whose only crime is rejecting dictatorship and voting for change".


Mr Tsvangirai maintains he won the first round of the presidential election by more than the required 50 per cent to avoid a run-off. Official results state that while he had beaten Mr Mugabe, he did not gain an outright victory.


James McGee, the US ambassador to Zimbabwe, has warned that violence is making a fair second round run-off vote impossible. He claimed he had evidence that the police and military had been involved in "pure, unadulterated violence designed to intimidate people from voting".






2008-05-19 18:34:12 | Telegraph (UK)
UK economy facing 'vile' years afer Mervyn King's 'nice' decade
By Edmund Conway
The biggest threat facing the economy is not inflation but deflation, according to a new report that raises doubts that interest rates will be left on hold for the next two years.


Experts at Dresdner Kleinwort warn that the Bank of England and other central banks may be putting too much focus on the risk of high inflation, and ignoring the likelihood that prices start to tumble after a year.


The unorthodox assumption comes after official statistics showed inflation rising to 3pc and the Bank's Governor, Mervyn King, throwing cold water on hopes that interest rates will be cut this year.


It echoes a warning from Monetary Policy Committee member David Blanchflower that, despite the Bank's own forecast of the Consumer Price Index rising towards 4pc over the next 12 months, it could ultimately undershoot its 2pc target in the medium term.


The argument hinges on the possibility that as global growth slumps in the next 12 months this pushes oil prices down - or at least keeps them from rising as fast as they have done recently -which in turn causes inflation to drop. The fact that central banks have kept interest rates high during a period of economic slowdown will depress growth and prices yet further.


David Owen of Dresdner said: "Central banks and investors are fearful that inflation expectations, fed by persistently high rates of headline inflation, will push up core prices and entrench the inflation problem. This is a genuine fear, but against this our top-down cyclical models of inflation suggest that deflation is a bigger risk on a three- to five-year view than seriously high inflation, particularly in the US."


He predicted that although the Bank of England looks likely to keep UK rates on hold at 5pc for some months, it will eventually have to cut them sharply as the economy slows dramatically. "The only issue is one of timing," he said. "We remain convinced that the UK is set to see a very sharp slowdown in growth in coming months. Recession still remains a high risk.


"To date, the significant decline seen in house prices (house prices are now probably down around 5pc from their peak) has occurred without any significant weakness in the labour market. We have yet to see the full economic fallout from the housing market weakness that we have seen to date."


Mr Owen said even if oil prices remain relatively high, he expected CPI inflation to fall well below 2pc next year.


A separate report from Citigroup economist Michael Saunders characterised the coming years as the "vile" years. This is in contrast to the so-called "nice" decade, an acronym coined by Mr King to describe the non-inflationary consistent expansion enjoyed by the economy until recently.

これはキング氏が、最近まで経済が楽しんできた「non-inflationary consistent expansion(非インフレ的で一貫した成長)」の頭文字をとって作った新語「NICE(素敵な)」10年間と対照的な言葉だ。

Mr Saunders said the future would involve "volatile inflation, less expansionary" behaviour. He said that although the chances of a technical recession - two successive quarters of economic contraction - were only one in three, "even if we avoid a technical recession, the economy will be so weak that many people will regard it as a recession".






2008-05-19 18:32:44 | Telegraph (UK)
GSK bird flu vaccine given green light
By Jonathan Russell
GlaxoSmithKline has received approval for the world's first wide-spectrum pre-pandemic vaccine against bird flu.


The approval, due to be formally given today by the European Commission, is the first time a drug designed to offer general protection against viruses linked to the H5N1 strain has received the regulatory go-ahead, according to the company.


GSK chief executive Jean-Pierre Garnier said: "This drug represents one of the swing factors affecting us in 2008. This is important for the company but it is more important in terms of global health."


Although the Prepandix vaccine has only just received regulatory approval, it achieved sales of $200m (£102m) last year as governments, including the US, Switzerland and Finland, stocked up on the drug.


Unlike other vaccines, the GSK product is designed to offer protection against a wide range of influenza viruses based on the H5N1 strains. The company estimates the drug could offer more than 70pc protection against a flu pandemic. "This vaccine marks a significant step in the world's ability to cope with an influenza pandemic," said Dr Garnier. "It is testament to GSK scientists who have pioneered the approach to pre-pandemic vaccination, demonstrating our commitment to doing everything we can to help prevent the devastating effects of a pandemic."


Including acquisitions linked to the development of the drug, GSK has invested around $2bn in the vaccine since it started development four years ago.


Although only 382 cases of H5N1 bird flu infections in humans have been recorded by the World Health Organisation, they resulted in 241 deaths. The World Bank estimates that the financial cost of a pandemic could exceed $2 trillion.


According to GSK, by stockpiling Prepandix countries will be able to deal with an outbreak of bird flu far sooner than relying on vaccines developed in response to a particular strain, the current method. The vaccine is delivered in two injections over the space of three weeks.



