

日本は景気後退狙い 2

2008-05-26 19:47:31 | Telegraph (UK)
"Japan in the 1990s, the Lost Decade, was when we suffered stagnation of the Japanese economy, especially innovation and R&D investment. The capability of R&D in Japan, I believe, has been weakened."


Most interested parties, be they politicians, the large company lobby, academics and entrepreneurs, agree that the country can innovate its way out of trouble as long as it faces up to some uncomfortable realities.


These include allowing more immigrant workers and reform of a tax system that needs to generate revenue to pay for a rocketing social security bill while avoiding taxing the private sector to death.


ああ、ダミアン、お前もか orz。

But there is an almighty row brewing in Japan over how and where R&D should be funded - in companies or universities - and how the spirit of innovation can be encouraged and rewarded.


Japan does not have a culture of entrepreneurial heroes in the same way as the US and Britain. In a famously homogenous society, the nail that sticks out will be hammered flat, as the saying in Japan goes.


Big corporate institutions such as Toyota, Sony, Toshiba and NTT, have tended to dominate the economy and employment. Risk-taking has not been encouraged.


"I believe this is to do with the character or mentality of Japanese people," says Yukinori Kida, president of KDA Corporation, a small specialist components company that makes ceramic screws with a £5m turnover in Ohta-ku, an area of Tokyo famed as a small business cluster. Some 15 years ago the area was home to 12,000 companies. Today that has shrunk to 6,000.


"They would not allow even the tiniest mistake. If the potential is 10 but with a risk of a mistake of two or three you would never be an investor in this venture."


Mr Kida intends to stay ahead of the Chinese by periodically switching his business to new, value added product lines that the Chinese cannot compete against - for the time being.


Even much bigger companies now change regularly to hold back China's development tide engulfing them.


Yutaka Asai, chief technology officer of Oki, one of Japan's biggest electronics businesses and sponsor of Portsmouth Football Club, says: "Our development policy will have to change to compete with China. We will have to send more engineers to China to compete with them.


"We will go more into fundamental science areas. I think the Chinese people will take time to go into those areas." But how much time do Oki and the rest of Japan have?


"It is like running away from reality. In 20 years time? I don't know. But for the next 10 years we can hang on to our knowledge advantage."


Going into areas of fundamental science to find the next big thing means getting closer to Japan's universities. "The relationships between universities and companies are poor. Simply speaking, the companies are poor at the skill of communicating with professors," says Mr Asai. What has not been clear is what companies want, what they see as failure and what they see as a satisfactory outcome from their university research alliances.


"From now on the relationship between the companies and the universities has to be with more of a sense of tension, strong demand and good results." But universities themselves have not been slow to organise. Takafumi Yamamoto, chief executive of Toudai TLO, a body that contracts with universities to patent and exploit their intellectual property, has to manage what can be a tricky relationship between academia and big business.


"The biggest problem in Japan is the temperament of companies. They tend to invent something in-house but they are afraid that their IP will disappear if they partner with a university."


But is not just a mutual paranoia holding back effective R&D and innovation. "Young people are not that interested in being engaged by the big companies," says Mr Yamamoto. "They want to take more risk. They don't want to be a soldier of a big company. They want to create their own spin-off company."


But finding equity investment for budding entrepreneurs is extremely difficult thanks to a lack of a venture capital industry. Yuji Tokumasu, deputy director-general for industrial science and technology, is the trade ministry's bureaucrat in charge of innovation. He bemoans the lack of venture investing to seed start-ups as a fundamental flaw in Japan's future.


"No venture business has been embedded into the Japanese economy because Japan lacks mobility. Researchers have been comfortable so haven't had to think about starting their own businesses.


"The Japanese financial system does not take any risk which includes the fact that when it comes to personal assets we don't have that many billionaires or millionaires. We don't have that good a financial market that develops or nurtures venture businesses."



So the Japanese economy, while large, seems to be lacking the sort of innovative energy that will kick-start a new phase of growth strong enough to tackle Japan's deep rooted social issues such as its ageing population.


Back at the ministry of finance, this is just another piece of bad news for Mr Shinohara. The Kalashnikov box is opened. The weapon inside gleams. But the gun does not blaze bullets.


The worst it would deliver is a blazing hangover. It is a bottle in the shape of a Kalashnikov with a screw cap on the nozzle and is full of Russian vodka, a gift to Mr Shinohara from a now deposed Russian opposite number. Still, looking at the direction Mr Shinohara's electronic screens keep moving, I think he is going to need a drink before too long.





日本は景気後退狙い 1

2008-05-26 19:47:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Japan is taking aim at the economic downturn
By Damian Reece in Tokyo
Naoyuki Shinohara keeps a Kalashnikov rifle on his desk at the Ministry of Finance in Tokyo. As Japan's vice minister of finance for international affairs, he is one of the most senior bureaucrats at Japan's equivalent of HM Treasury. These are clearly dangerous times for the Japanese economy and the finance ministry obviously feels it needs all the weapons it can get hold of to fight a downturn.


Takahide Kiuchi, chief economist at Nomura Securities, recently predicted a 50-50 chance of the Japanese economy falling into recession. A big reason for this, a deteriorating US and world economy, is displayed in Technicolor on screens in Mr Shinohara's room.


They show crucial markets, such as oil, changing second by second and, for Japan, in the wrong direction.


On Mr Shinohara's list of things to rectify are the effects of an ageing and declining population, a government deficit of 150pc of GDP and its nearest neighbour, China, which has become its biggest trading partner but also its biggest foreign policy headache.


If life for the bureaucrats and politicians of Tokyo is not busy enough, over the next few weeks the G8 circus rolls in. The media scrum will put the country at the centre of international attention, revealing to all the very delicate state of the world's second largest economy.


But, at the same time as facing enormous economic and social challenges, the country's MPs are locked in stalemate in the Diet, now dubbed the "Stranded Parliament" where the opposition Democratic Party holds sway in the upper house while the party with its hands on the levers of power, the Liberal Democratic Party, has a majority in the lower house but sees many of its policy initiatives inevitably frustrated.


Sadakazu Tanigaki is chairman of the LDP's powerful policy-making committee, the Policy Research Council, and jockeys for power and influence with his colleague the prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda.


"We have to come up with policies to take care of the dark side," says Mr Tanigaki. The dark side in Japan is the cost of looking after the elderly, the mounting social security bill, an agricultural sector in decline and regional economies in 'dire straits'.


"The government has tried to come up with the policies to take care of the dark-side problems but we need to be more positive and have more forward-looking policies," he says.


"The Japanese population is declining. We need to boost domestic demand but that is very difficult to do so we need to discover new demand, new needs. We need policy inducements in areas such as the environment, health and security."


But the opposition point to different problems that could also hold back Japan's advancement unless something is done urgently.


"The Japanese economy as a whole is on a downward trend and depending on the case it may plunge into recession," says Massayuki Naoshima, chairman of the Democratic Party's Policy Research Committee, the policy-making body.


"Domestic consumption should help the domestic economy through but unfortunately it is sluggish.


"The oil price and food prices have all risen so the situation is getting more difficult. You may know that Japan has been saddled with an enormous fiscal deficit and we have a continued low interest rate policy, so for the government authorities the range of policies and the leeway for policy-making is quite small."


But surely a society devastated by the Second World War only to catch up, then surpass, every other nation on earth bar the US in terms of economic might should be able to handle a spot of slowdown? "In the short term, innovation may be quite difficult. We should become a country based on science and technology. What we need to do is come up with a good policy to further promote science and technology," says Mr Naoshima.


But it is not going to be as simple as legislating for more research and development spending, even if the Stranded Parliament allowed it.


"The biggest strength in Japan in the past is that inequality has been small. But that has been changing.


"The disparity and inequality has been growing. One-third of workers are said to have an annual income of 2m yen (£9,661) or less. These are the so-called irregular employees. This has become a huge social problem.


"From the policy point of view, how you remove inequality to fill in the gap is a big issue right now."


Fresh in the mind of every politician, bureaucrat, banker and salary man is the 1980s property bubble which burst so spectacularly to leave the country treading water.


穀物価格、高値が続きそう 2

2008-05-26 19:46:17 | Economist
Corn prices to keep on rising(トウモロコシ価格も上昇一辺倒)

Until recently, the corn markets largely escaped the attention of speculators, but, partly as a result of this recent interest, we expect the price of corn to increase in 2008/09. The demand for corn has been rising strongly, up by an estimated 8% year on year in 2007/08. Two factors are responsible for this steep increase: the relatively high prices of oilseed products, which led animal feed compounders to switch to corn, and the rapid increase in the use of corn to make ethanol in the US. Compounding these trends is the steady increase in global livestock numbers.


Currently, US policies promote domestic production of ethanol through tax credits to blenders and a tariff on imports of ethanol for fuel―about 30% of all US domestic corn output will be used to make ethanol in 2007/08. (However, it is uncertain whether the new administration in the US in January 2009 will adopt an alternative policy on ethanol owing to concerns over its links to rising food prices.) In other regions, the main factor driving demand is livestock feeding. A large proportion of this is for poultry. In China, the world’s largest user of corn after the US, demand for both poultry and pork products is expected to increase owing to the influx of tourists for the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing later this year.


The outlook for supply is supporting the recent bullish price trend. Many US farmers have switched to apparently more lucrative crops, such as soybeans, while plantings in the US in early 2008 have been affected by adverse weather conditions. The US shortfall will be partly offset by increasing output from Latin American producers but on balance, stocks are expected to fall to a 20-year low in 2008/09 and the larger crops forecast in 2009 will only slow, and not stop, the decline in world stocks.


The "forgotten" grain defies reality(「忘れられた」穀物が現実を否定)

While other grain prices soared in 2007, the global rice market was fairly dormant, but imbalances have been building for the past few years. According to data published by the USDA, in the past six years consumption has exceeded production by an annual average of 10.5m tonnes. We expect this trend to continue in 2007/08 with consumption to outstrip production by 3m tonnes and world rice stocks to fall by 4m tonnes.


The market appeared to wake up in early 2008, as various localised factors added substantially to the upward pressure on prices implied by the global supply and demand balance. Most notably, a number of rice-exporting countries banned or restricted exports of rice (in a bid to contain domestic inflationary pressures), leading to a tightening of supply.


On the demand side, a few countries will be heavily reliant on imports to meet demand. Bangladesh will have to import an estimated 1.5m tonnes of rice this year to compensate for the loss of domestic output during the cyclone in late 2007 and Myanmar is also expected to have to import rice this year as a result of cyclone damage to crops. Indonesia and the Philippines are major importers and could suffer if international supplies are constrained for long. In efforts to stabilise the market, the Indonesia government announced in May that it would set aside 1m ha to boost rice production and, also in May, the Thai government released 2.1m in rice stocks.


Notwithstanding, all the signs are that there will be record rice production in 2008/09. We believe that rice supplies are sufficient to meet normal commercial demand in 2008 (and will continue to be so in the following two seasons). As this reality is absorbed by the market, prices will come down and some of the recently erected trade barriers will be lowered. However, in view of the forecast shortage of wheat and other cereals, rice export prices are unlikely to revert to pre-October 2007 levels―and they could shoot up again in the event of a poor crop in one or more major producers.





穀物価格、高値が続きそう 1

2008-05-26 19:45:52 | Economist
Grain and bear it
May 23rd 2008
From the Economist Intelligence Unit ViewsWire
Grain prices are likely to remain high

In tandem with nearly all commodities, the prices of grains have risen sharply since the beginning of 2007. The increases have been attributed to a number of long-term structural changes in the market that suggest that higher grain prices will be with us for some time. These factors include rising demand in developing countries, particularly India and China, as their populations and disposable incomes grow; demand from the biofuel industry; increasing urbanisation and a declining stock of arable land and water supply problems (perhaps partly linked to climate change).


However, it can be argued that these trends have been developing for some time and would account for a gradual move up in prices over a longer time span, rather than the sharp increases witnessed in the last eighteen months. There have been other, exogenous, factors pushing up grain prices. The spectacular rise in oil prices over the same period has led to a significant increase in the cost of grain production, through raising the cost of fertilisers (corn, in particular, and wheat production are very fertiliser-intensive), and leading to a sharp rise in the storage, transport and distribution costs of grain output.


Safe haven(安全な避難先)

An additional, and less quantifiable, factor driving up prices has been speculative interest in the markets. The majority of commodity markets are denominated in US dollars and the ongoing weakness of the dollar has encouraged investors to use commodity assets as a hedge. Rising inflationary expectations have also enticed investors into the commodity markets, as has the ongoing turbulence in financial markets generally, which has made commodity markets appear as something of a safe haven.


A further consideration in looking at investor impact on the grains market is that the markets are typically very small―only 20% of the world's wheat output is traded and an even smaller 7% of world rice output is exported. This increases the risk of price volatility and means that only small shifts in demand and supply can cause a much larger movement in international trading prices. (Typically the prices of local grains are much lower than international prices.)


Notwithstanding these other factors, market fundamentals have played an important part in the rise in grain prices. Demand has been growing strongly and, world stocks fell to all-time lows in the 2007/08 agricultural year owing to depressed supply. A number of key producing countries suffered from unfavourable weather conditions―for example, output of many major agricultural commodities from Australia, which has been wracked by severe drought for the last two years, was sharply lower.


Wheat stocks set to recover(小麦備蓄量、回復の兆し)

Wheat stocks are reportedly at their lowest level since 1980. However, the forecast is for a bumper global crop of wheat in 2008/09, which will allow a limited recovery in stocks in that year. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is reporting strong growth in wheat acreage in the US this year, and recently published estimates of Canadian farmers’ 2008 wheat planting intentions pointed to a 16.2% increase in acreage from 2007. The Chinese authorities have announced that bumper crops are likely in the major wheat-growing provinces of Henan and Shangdong, and a record harvest is also expected in India, with the government ruling out wheat imports this year. The EU harvest should also be considerably greater than last year’s 120m tonnes, at an estimated 137.5m tonnes. Plantings will be up, partly because of the temporary suspension of the set-aside requirement, and ample rains in most parts promise high yields.


Largely owing to these bullish reports, wheat prices have been falling and by mid-May were almost 40% lower than their recent peak in mid-March. However, according to our calculations the margin of output over total use is not large, and the forecast increase in stocks during 2008/09 is modest. The Economist Intelligence Unit expects prices to continue to ease until the third quarter of 2008. By the end of the year, the prospects for tightening wheat supplies in 2009/10 will start to exert upward pressure on prices. The expected shortages of rice and maize will lead to the increasing substitution of wheat for food and feed and thus we expect prices to stabilise at these higher levels in 2009-10.



2008-05-26 19:45:08 | Telegraph (UK)
Germany in call for ban on oil speculation
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
German leaders are to propose a worldwide ban on oil trading by speculators, blaming the latest spike in crude prices on manipulation by hedge funds.


It is the most drastic proposal to date amid escalating calls from Europe, the US and Asia for controls on market forces, underscoring the profound shift in the political climate since the credit crunch began. India has already suspended futures trading of five commodities.


Uwe Beckmeyer, transport chief for Germany's Social Democrats, said his party would call for joint measures by the G8 powers to prohibit leveraged trading on energy contracts. "It's an extreme step but it has to be done," he told the Berlin media.

ドイツ社会民主党の交通局長Uwe Beckmeyerは、SDPはG8によるエネルギー先物契約のレバレッジ・トレーディングを禁止する共同対策を要請する、と語った。

Mr Beckmeyer said the last 25pc rise in the price of oil to $135 a barrel had nothing to do with underlying supply and demand. “It’s pure speculation,” he said.


Oil has doubled in price over the past year and the concerns are echoed on Washington’s Capitol Hill where irate Democrats want rules compelling traders to take delivery of crude oil, a move which would paralyse the market.


There is now broad support in Germany for a clampdown on メlocustモ funds. President Horst K喇ler said modern capitalism had turned into a メmonsterモ, bringing the entire financial system to the brink of collapse this spring.


The Social Democrats form part of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling coalition. Her own Christian Democrat Party shares concerns that funds are causing a fresh bubble in commodities, risking further havoc for the real economy and society.


In the long run, any scheme to ban futures trading would be extremely hard to enforce as the markets would tend to move offshore. Hedge funds are probably not the culprit in any case.


Speculators are split, with some betting that oil will fall. The mass of money coming into the commodity indexes is mostly from pension funds and long-term investors.


Oil markets are likely to shrug off the moves as political posturing, instead focusing on Norway’s suspension of crude output at three platforms, cutting supply by 138,000 barrels a day.


The news comes as Lloyd’s Marine Intelligence reported Opec oil shipments fell by 1m barrels per day in the four weeks to May 4, confirming suspicions that the market has been chronically short of supply.



