


2008-05-13 21:41:13 | Telegraph (UK)
EU to launch assault on bankers' bonuses
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
A group of key EU finance ministers will today launch an assault on the rewards earned by bankers and top managers in a move that poses a potential threat to the City of London.


A confidential document prepared for the gathering in Brussels finds the "short-term" pay structure of modern capitalism has become deformed, causing firms to take on "excessive risk" without regard to the interests of stakeholders or society.


While there is no concrete legislation on the table, ministers are eyeing curbs on stock options, bonuses and golden parachutes.


The move is a clear sign that the EU noose is tightening on bankers, funds and corporate elites that have enjoyed light-touch regulation.


Today's meeting is being held under the auspices of the Eurogroup, the quasi-official club of eurozone finance ministers. The forum excludes Britain and free market allies from Eastern Europe.


Shutting out Chancellor Alistair Darling enables Berlin and Paris to create a head of steam behind possible legislation that could undermine London's competitiveness as the world's leading financial centre.


The text for the meeting - leaked to Spanish newspaper El Pais - indicts the Anglo-Saxon market model as a danger to global financial stability and castigates firms for chasing "immediate profits at the cost of massive sackings".

スペインのEl Pais紙がリークした同会議の資料は、アングロ・サクソンの市場モデルを、世界的な金融安定性への危険と非難し、企業が「大規模な人員削減を犠牲に目先の利益」を追いかけ回っていると酷評している。

The loose plans are part of a slew of proposals floated in Europe over recent months aimed at disciplining the market. Ideas have included a pan-European regulator, curbs on private equity and restraints on sovereign wealth funds. None has yet crystalised into a draft EU directive.


EU governments are paying close attention to a law going to the Dutch parliament this month. It imposes a 30pc supertax on pay packages above ロ500,000 (」398,000) and limits bonuses and stock options to 100pc of pay - far below the windfalls made by UK-based traders and bankers at the height of the credit bubble.


Ruth Lea, director of Global Vision, said critics of the City have seized on the credit crisis and Britain's current travails to ram through changes that extend EU power over economic policy.


"Brussels has been waiting for this moment. It is typical that they should hold the meeting in the Eurogroup so they can lay out all the groundwork in advance. It is the classic thin-end-of-the-wedge method. None of these new proposals is going to help Europe: they will simply drive business to Hong Kong, Singapore and the States," she said.


The EU impetus is coming from both Left and Right. Germany's Christian Democrat Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has called for a crackdown on the "fat cat" abuses after Porsche chief Wendelin Wiedeking pocketed ロ60m last year.

ドイツのキリスト教民主同盟のアンゲラ・メルケル首相は、ポルシェのWendelin Wiedeking代表が昨年£6,000万を手にした後、「大金持ち」の不正取り締まりを呼びかけている。

Mrs Merkel's Socialist partners (SPD) want a ロ1m cap on pay that can be deducted from corporate tax.


Ieke Van Den Burg, MEP, the Dutch Labour leader in Brussels, said three reports are going through the European Parliament exploring curbs on hedge funds, private equity and the bonus system.

ブリュッセルでオランダ労働党党首Ieke Van Den Burg欧州議員は、3つのレポートが欧州議会で審議されており、ヘッジファンド、プライベート・エクイティ、ボーナス制度削減を検討中だと語った。

"The short-term focus of the industry has been disastrous. Private equity has left companies crushed by high debt, and people are very angry at what has happened. We want to control the levels of leverage and make sure they are forced to keep more of the risk," she said.


Mrs Van Den Burg said pay-offs at ABN Amro following the takeover by the Royal Bank of Scotland had caused a storm in Holland. They were a key factor leading to the country's new legislation.

Van Den Burg夫人は、RBSに買収された後のABN Amroのペイオフは、オランダに大騒動を生じたと語った。





