


2008-01-29 14:37:19 | Telegraph (UK)
Chinese shares tumble on US recession fears
By Richard Spencer in Beijing
Wild fluctuations on the Chinese stock markets continued yesterday as the Shanghai Composite index of "A" and "B" shares fell by more than 7pc.


Analysts blamed fears for the country's prime export market in the United States on the index's drop of 342.39 points to 4,419.29, or 7.2 pc, matching a similar drop on Tuesday last week. Shanghai's gyrations have been an exaggerated form of those on exchanges around the world.


The Composite fell by more than 5pc on Monday and 7pc on Tuesday before staging a modest recovery after the Federal Reserve's emergency base rate cut to finish last week 8pc down.


Severe weather across China, which has highlighted remaining weaknesses in its booming-but-bursting economic system by shutting down power plants and causing widespread travel disruption, also affected confidence.


The Shanghai markets are already well off their peak. After years of slump, they shot up in the two years to October last year, multiplying six-fold to 6,092.


But since then, they have tumbled along with investor confidence that the government, which is still the majority owner of nearly all the companies listed on mainland exchanges, would intervene to stop a crash before the Beijing Olympics.


In a sign of the influence of the weather, power, energy and transport stocks led the rout yesterday.


The oil giant Petrochina continued to fall away from the prices that led it to be described as the first trillion-dollar company on the day it floated in November, dropping 8pc to 24.06 yuan, 45pc down on its peak. Its main rival, Sinopec, dropped 10pc.


Both refiners suffer from government attempts to control inflation by keeping fuel prices down.


Air China, China Southern and China Eastern, the three main airlines, all dropped just short of 10pc, while Huaneng Power, the country's biggest generator, lost 8.8 pc as the weather worsened coal shortages and contributed to black-outs.


One in twenty of the country's coal-fired power stations were forced to close, while the government ordered a two-month moratorium on coal exports, causing consternation in markets in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.


Nevertheless, it is the prospect of slowing consumption in the United States that is most concerning the Chinese markets. The US still buys a fifth of all China's exports, and despite talk of the new Asian economies "decoupling" from America, domestic consumption while rising has so far failed to pick up enough steam to insulate the Chinese markets.


Some analysts are awaiting a sign from the Beijing authorities that they will step in. Yet there is every sign that they still fear the effects of inflation and over-investment from China's overheating economy more than they fear the wrath of the country's 130-million strong army of private stock-pickers.






2008-01-29 13:42:23 | Telegraph (UK)
Central bankers are fiddling as Rome burns
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
MPC dove breaks ranks and calls for interest rate cut after predicting serious slowdown. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports


David Blanchflower, the leading dove on Britain's Monetary Policy Committee, has broken ranks in a rare outburst of dissent, rebuking colleagues for waiting too long to cut rates as the economy slows abruptly.


"Worrying about inflation at this time seems like fiddling while Rome burns," he said, resorting to language rarely heard in the bland world of central banks.


"The evidence from the housing market, and especially the commercial property market, is worrying. Consumer confidence is low in the UK. Interest rates are restrictive at their current levels and that is why I have been voting for cuts," he said.


The comments came as the International Monetary Fund tore up its growth forecast for 2008 and abandons a quarter-century doctrine of fiscal orthodoxy. It warned that damage from the credit turmoil has reached the point where governments may need to ignore the rule book and resort to radical measures.


"What is clear is there will be a serious slowdown," said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF's managing director. "I don't think we would get rid of the crisis with just monetary tools. A new fiscal policy is probably an accurate answer to the crisis."


Britain has far less scope for fiscal stimulus than the US or most of Western Europe. The UK budget deficit is already above the EU's legal limit of 3pc of GDP. The current account deficit has reached 5.6pc of GDP on a quarterly basis, by far the w orst of the big G7 economies. Any move to rescue the economy will have to come chiefly from lower interest rates.


Mr Blanchflower, a labour market specialist based in the US, was alone in voting for a rate cut at the MPC's meeting earlier this month. The committee took a wait-and-see approach, holding rates at 5.5pc despite a chorus of calls from private economists for immediate relief.


The Bank of England's hawks, including Governor Mervyn King, fear that the sharp slide in sterling over the past two months may prevent inflation falling as the economy slows. "The majority of the MPC is in no mood to be panicked into a rate cut," said Stephen Lewis, chief economist at Insigner de Beaufort.

とInsigner de Beaufortのチーフ・エコノミスト、スティーヴン・ルイスは言った。

"Surveys are telling us we're on the cusp of a wage-price spiral. The reality is there are few signs of slowdown in the UK, and plenty of signs of inflation," he said.


While Mr Blanchflower's comments have been surprisingly blunt, equally bitter disputes are simmering at major central banks across the world. The facade of unity is breaking down at the European Central Bank, where governors from the Latin Bloc have begun to mutiny as their countries grapple with the strong euro and the onset of a housing slump.


Pedro Solbes, Spain's finance minister and former EU monetary commissioner, revealed on Spanish television that a number of ECB members are now pushing for rate cuts, emboldened by the US Federal Reserve's dramatic action last week. The ECB has held rates steady at 4pc since the credit crunch began last summer, even though a surge in three-month Euribor made money much more expensive for homeowners and small businesses.


The code of secrecy at the ECB is extremely rigid. Dissenting governors tend to air their views through political allies. It is no coincidence that the first stirrings of revolt are coming from Spain, where the housing boom has already begun to deflate. Spanish unemployment has jumped to 8.6pc, up from 8pc in the second quarter of 2007.


France, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Ireland are all at risk of a sharp slowdown after losing cost competitiveness since the launch of the euro. Several of these countries may soon need much lower rates to head off recession.


The ECB has the most acute political dilemma among the world's major central banks as the two halves of the eurozone system are pulling apart. But all face the same tricky task of judging whether the key risk is now inflation or a slump.


It is at such delicate junctures that grave errors can be made. The MPC cut rates prematurely in August 2005 - and outvoted Mr King - in the mistaken belief that the housing market was turning down. The move unleashed another burst of credit excess. Bill Poole, head of the St Louis Fed, fears the US authorities may have made a similar error. He voted against emergency cuts last week.


Yet inflation can be a lagging indicator. It often continues rising for six to nine months after an economic downturn has already begun, making it a near useless signal at turning points in the cycle.


The worst blunders in modern economic history have been made by exaggerating the inflation threat. The Bank of Japan over-reacted in 1990 when inflation jumped briefly to 4pc. It proved to be a false alarm. The bank's tight money policies compounded a downward economic spiral. The US Federal Reserve made similar errors in 1930, mistakenly believing inflation to be a lingering threat.






2008-01-29 11:48:40 | Telegraph (UK)
Dollar slumps as US housing deteriorates
By James Quinn, Wall Street Correspondent
The dollar slumped by almost a cent against the euro after a drop in new home sales across the US strengthened traders' expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates again this week.


New home sales slumped 4.7pc to a 12-year low in December as the impact of the sub-prime mortgage crisis weighed on the country's market.


The drop, which was worse than economists had been expecting, pushed the dollar to almost $1.48 against the euro and left it weaker against the Swiss franc and sterling.


The figures will heap further pressure on the Federal Reserve's Open Markets Committee to slash interest rates again when it meets tomorrow and Wednesday.


Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke stunned financial markets last week by reducing 0.75 percentage points to 3pc, the largest single cut since 1984.


Alan Ruskin, a currency expert at RBS Greenwich Capital Markets, said: "The Fed will cut 50 basis points, and they will send the message that they will not close the door for further easing if things deteriorate."


Further weak economic news came from the downward revision to the statistics for November, with the Commerce Department revising down from 9pc to 13pc. That helped push Wall Street down at the open and left the Standard & Poors' homebuilding index was off 11.73pc.


The Commerce Department housing figures showed that in December, the number of homes being sold fell to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 604,000 - the worst since February 1995 when the rate hit 559,000. New home sales were 41pc lower last month than in the same month a year earlier, while the median price of a new home fell by 10pc to $219,200 from $244,700 in December 2006.


The regional breakdown shows that the south of the US was the worst hit last month, with new home sales off 6.5pc, while the north-east, which includes the New York metropolitan area and Washington DC, saw sales up 6pc.


Meanwhile quarterly results from fast food giant McDonald's delivered evidence that the American consumer is buckling as the value of their homes continues to fall.


McDonald's said that severe winter weather in December and softer consumer spending restrained sales in the US, with like-for-like sales up 3.3pc in the US in the three months to December, somewhat lower than the 6.7pc increase experienced worldwide.






2008-01-29 09:42:58 | Telegraph (UK)
ECB aid to Spanish banks matches Rock rescue
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Spanish banks are issuing mortgage securities and asset-backed bonds on a massive scale to park at the European Central Bank, using them as collateral to raise money at favourable rates from the official credit window in Frankfurt.


The rating agency Moody's said lenders had issued a record €53bn (£39bn) in the fourth quarter, yet almost none of the securities have actually been placed on the open market. Most have been sent directly to the ECB for use in "repo" operations.


"The market has shut down," said Sandie Arlene Fernandez, the author of the report.


"Few, if any, of the transactions in the RBMS market (mortgage securities) have been placed since September. Some of the banks are hoping that the market will open up again but most are just preparing these deals to use as repos, which they can do since the ECB accepts AAA-rated securities," she said.


The total volume of securities issued since the credit crunch began to bite in July has reached €63bn.


Reliance on the ECB window appears to have kept the mortgage sector afloat despite the sharp slowdown in the Spanish property market and the de facto closure of the capital markets for this type of business, allowing Spain to avoid the sort of mishap suffered by Northern Rock in Britain and Countrywide in the US.


The data appear to confirm suspicions that the EU authorities have carried out a covert rescue of the Spanish mortgage banking system.


It may equal the taxpayer rescue of Northern Rock in Britain, and possibly exceed it in proportion to the overall size of Spain's economy.


The key difference is that the ECB rescue operation in Spain has been disguised. A veiled method is necessary since the eurozone lacks a clear-cut lender of last resort. The IMF has warned that this gap in the architecture of of the single currency could prove serious in a crisis.


Traders say the Spanish authorities are quietly turning a blind eye to use of the ECB window, and in some cases may be encouraging banks to go to Frankfurt - a claim denied by the Bank of Spain.


Moody's said the total issuance of securities by Spanish banks last year reached €143bn, up 55pc on the 2006. Over €62bn were mortgage securities. The agency said the default rate was likely to rise, with mounting concerns among participants over a possible "housing crash". Some of the mortgage securities have already begun to draw on their reserve funds.


David Owen, Europe of Dresdner Kleinwort, said Spain could face serious difficulties this year as the excesses of a decade-long boom finally catch up with the country.


"The size of the Spanish corporate sectors financial deficit is truly is really scary. It rose to 14.5pc of GDP in the third quarter of 2007 from 10pc in the first quarter. This must be a record for a relatively large economy. Clearly this is not sustainable. Cost imbalances have a nasty habit of unwinding, quickly and very painfully," he said.


Mr Owen said Spain was acutely vulnerable since it cannot cut interest rates or let the currency slide to cushion the downturn. "Several years of no growth could now beckon. It will be very difficult for the economy to pick itself up again inside EMU," he said.


Spanish corporate debt is now 112pc of GDP. The current account deficit is 10pc of GDP. These are both flashing red warning signs.


Among those issuing mortgage securities in the last two months are BBVA (€4.9bn), Caja Madrid (€2.4bn), Caja Catalunya (€1.6bn), CAM (€1.4bn), and Caja Castilla la Mancha (€800m).

この2ヶ月間にモーゲージ担保証券を発行した金融機関の中には、BBVA(€49億)、Caja Madrid(€24億)、Caja Catalunya(€16億)、CAM(€14億)、そしてCaja Castilla la Mancha(€8億)がある。


