

アナ・シュワルツ、サブプライム危機はFRBの責任だ 2

2008-01-13 20:02:57 | Telegraph (UK)
According to Schwartz the original sin of the Bernanke-Greenspan Fed was to hold rates at 1 per cent from 2003 to June 2004, long after the dotcom bubble was over. "It is clear that monetary policy was too accommodative. Rates of 1 per cent were bound to encourage all kinds of risky behaviour," says Schwartz.


She is scornful of Greenspan's campaign to clear his name by blaming the bubble on an Asian saving glut, which purportedly created stimulus beyond the control of the Fed by driving down global bond rates. "This attempt to exculpate himself is not convincing. The Fed failed to confront something that was evident. It can't be blamed on global events," she says.


That mistake is behind us now. The lesson of the 1930s is that swift action is needed once the credit system starts to implode: when banks hoard money, refusing to pass on funds. The Fed must tear up the rule-book. Yet it has been hesitant for three months, relying on lubricants - not shock therapy.


"Liquidity doesn't do anything in this situation. It cannot deal with the underlying fear that lots of firms are going bankrupt," she says. Her view is fast spreading. Goldman Sachs issued a full-recession alert on Wednesday, predicting rates of 2.5 per cent by the third quarter. "Ben Bernanke should be making stronger statements and then backing them up with decisive easing," says Jan Hatzius, the bank's US economist.

と同行のアメリカ担当エコノミスト、Jan Hatziusは言う。

Bernanke did indeed switch tack on Thursday. "We stand ready to take substantive additional action as needed," he says, warning of a "fragile situation". It follows a surge in December unemployment from 4.7 per cent to 5 per cent, the sharpest spike in a quarter century. Inflation fears are subsiding fast.


Bernanke insists that the Fed has leant the lesson from the catastrophic errors of the 1930s. At the late Milton Friedman's 90th birthday party, he apologised for the sins of his institutional forefathers. "Yes, we did it, we're very sorry, we won't do it again."





アナ・シュワルツ、サブプライム危機はFRBの責任だ 1

2008-01-13 20:02:31 | Telegraph (UK)
Anna Schwartz blames Fed for sub-prime crisis
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Anna Schwartz, the revered economist, shares her views on the credit bubble with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard


As rebukes go in the close-knit world of central banking, few hurt as much as the scathing indictment of US Federal Reserve policy by Professor Anna Schwartz.


The high priestess of US monetarism - a revered figure at the Fed - says the central bank is itself the chief cause of the credit bubble, and now seems stunned as the consequences of its own actions engulf the financial system. "The new group at the Fed is not equal to the problem that faces it," she says, daring to utter a thought that fellow critics mostly utter sotto voce.


"They need to speak frankly to the market and acknowledge how bad the problems are, and acknowledge their own failures in letting this happen. This is what is needed to restore confidence," she told The Sunday Telegraph. "There never would have been a sub-prime mortgage crisis if the Fed had been alert. This is something Alan Greenspan must answer for," she says.


Schwartz remains defiantly lucid at 92. She still works every day at the National Bureau of Economic Research in New York, where she has toiled since 1941.


Her fame comes from a joint opus with Nobel laureate Milton Friedman: A Monetary History of the United States. It revolutionised thinking on the causes of the Great Depression when published in 1965. The book blamed the Fed for causing the slump. The bank failed to use its full bag of tricks to stop the implosion of the money stock, and turned a bust into calamity by raising rates.

彼女が有名になったのは、ノーベル賞受賞者のミルトン・フリードマンと『A Monetary History of the United States』を共著した時だ。

"The book was a bombshell," says British monetarist Tim Congdon. "Until then almost everybody thought the free-market system itself had failed in the 1930s. What Friedman-Schwartz say was that incompetent government bureaucrats at the Fed had caused the Depression."


"It had an enormous impact in revitalising free-market conservatism, and it broke the Keynesian stranglehold over policy," he says. Keynes himself was a formidable monetarist. He became a "Keynesian" big spender only once all else seemed to fail.


The tale of the early 1930s is intricate, but worth rehearsing in the climate of today's credit crunch.


The October 1929 crash did not cause the slump, it was merely a vivid detail. The US economy muddled through for another year, seemingly sound. Then it buckled as rising defaults in the farm belt set off a run on local banks.


It was at this juncture that critics claim the Fed lost the plot. Washington prohibited the pros at the New York Fed from injecting sufficient stimulus through open market operations [buying bonds].


Contagion spread. The Jewish-owned Bank of the United States was allowed to collapse by fellow clearing banks, for reasons of snobbery and malice.


The Chicago Fed insisted into the depths of the deflation that inflation still lurked, that there was an "abundance of funds", that speculators had to be punished, and that bad banks should fail. The staggering blindness of Fed backwoodsmen from 1930-1933 is hard to exaggerate.


In hindsight, it seems astonishing that the Fed raised the discount rate twice in late 1931 to 3.5 per cent even as global finance was disintegrating. It did so to halt bullion flight and defend the Gold Standard, but it failed to offset the effects with bond purchases. Britain was forced off the Gold Standard in September 1931 after the Atlantic Fleet "mutinied" at Invergordon over 10 per cent pay cuts. That proved a providential crisis - the pound fell. The Bank of England was soon able to slash rates. The slump proved less serious than in the US, and not a single bank collapsed in the British Empire.


Schwartz warns against facile comparisons between today's world and the Gold Standard era. "This is nothing like the Depression. I don't really believe the economy as a whole is going to fall apart. Northern Rock has been the only episode of a bank failure so far," she says.


Over 4,000 US banks - a fifth - collapsed in the 1930s. There was no deposit insurance. Real economic output fell by a third, prices by a quarter, and unemployment reached a third. Real income fell by 11 per cent, 9 per cent, 18 per cent, and 3 per cent in the years to 1933.



2008-01-13 10:43:58 | Telegraph (UK)
Britain in grip of norovirus as cases hit 3m
By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor
Three million people have been struck down by the winter vomiting bug - with experts fearing that cases could rise through this month and next.


The norovirus season began a month earlier than normal this winter. Cases of the bug increased rapidly, with more than 200,000 people a week now catching the infection, official figures claim.


Hospitals struggling to cope have closed hundreds of wards to new patients. Three hospitals have been put on red alert because of a critical shortage of beds caused by people falling ill with the bug.


Some schools are sending letters to parents telling them of norovirus symptoms to look out for and asking them to keep children at home for 48 hours after the infection has cleared.


Others have installed alcohol gel dispensers for children to clean their hands before lunch.


The High Street chemist Boots said sales of anti-diarrhoea tablets were up by almost half on last year.


With millions returning to schools and the workplace this week, experts gave warning yesterday that cases of the bug - which causes vomiting and diarrhoea and can be fatal to vulnerable groups such as the elderly - could continue to rise in the next six weeks.


New cases are now being diagnosed at the same rate as during the last official epidemic five years ago.


Helen Young, the clinical director of NHS Direct, which provides health advice over the phone, said: "We are seeing an increasing number of calls about diarrhoea and vomiting.


"It is certainly one of the top two reasons people have for calling us at the moment. Norovirus is a major issue for the whole NHS right now and we urge anyone who has symptoms to engage in good hygiene to prevent it spreading further and to drink plenty of fluids."


The winter sickness crisis has been exacerbated by an outbreak of flu this week, with doctors being told to start prescribing antiviral drugs to protect those at risk.


Figures from the Health Protection Agency showed yesterday that in the final three months of last year 1,922 laboratory samples had been confirmed as the norovirus bug.


The agency estimates that for every case confirmed in the laboratory, there are 1,500 more in the community, suggesting that more than 2.8 million people - almost 1 million a month - have succumbed so far this winter. Levels of the infection are now comparable to those during the first half of the last official norovirus epidemic during the winter of 2002/03.


Last November and December, new cases exceeded the figures for 2002, but experts are uncertain as to whether the current outbreak will reach epidemic levels.


The figures show current infection levels are well in excess of last year, when there had been 935 confirmed laboratory cases by this time - only half the level seen now.


The three hospitals put on alert over the bug are in Lincolnshire, where the number of patients has risen to 20 per cent above normal.


George Briggs, the general manager for emergency care at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: "We have had a 20 per cent increase in the number of people being referred to us by GPs with illnesses. We have had some with cold and flu and we have had some with the norovirus.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trustの救急治療主任ジョージ・ブリッグスはこう言った。

"We expect an increase in the winter, we always do, hence we put some beds to one side. We didn't expect a 20 per cent increase."


A spokesman for the Health Protection Agency said it was too early to say if the disease had reached its peak because the number of laboratory tested samples dropped off during the Christmas and New Year holiday period.


The pattern of the disease for the last four years has been a rapid increase in December, peaking in early January and then dropping dramatically in the early spring.


For the agency to declare another epidemic, the current rate of new cases would need to increase dramatically again in the next few weeks, or continue infecting people into the early summer months.


The latest figures came in an agency update released yesterday, which said: "This season we have seen an increase in reports of noro-virus cases, almost double the number reported for the same period last year.


"The self-limiting infection usually only lasts a few days hence the majority of cases are not reported to the clinician."


Anyone with symptoms of norovirus is advised to stay at home, drink plenty of fluids, not prepare food for others and wash their hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water.


Bug battle(ウイルス・バトル)

To maximise your chances of avoiding the virus:

○Avoid direct contact with anyone already infected. It is highly contagious.

○Do not share food or drink with anyone infected.

○Disinfect any surfaces you suspect may have been contaminated.

○Wear gloves if cleaning up anyone else's vomit.

○It is impossible to guarantee prevention. Children and the elderly should take special care to avoid those infected.

What to do if you have it:

○There is no specific treatment - the illness has to run its course so stay at home, rest and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

○Take over-the-counter anti-diarrhoea treatments.

○Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water.

○Avoid direct contact with others and avoid preparing food for others until at least 48 hours after symptoms have gone.


