


2008-01-27 16:38:16 | Telegraph (UK)
Northern Rock bidder Olivant backed by Middle East fund
By Mark Kleinman and Katherine Griffiths
A putative bid for Northern Rock by Luqman Arnold, the former boss of Abbey, is being backed by funds from a clutch of Middle Eastern investors, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.


The identity of the 15 shareholders in Olivant, the Guernsey-based investment firm set up by Arnold 18 months ago, is a closely guarded secret. But it is thought to include Saudi Arabian and other Middle Eastern backers.


Sources close to Saad, the secretive Saudi investment group, denied this weekend that it was among the institutional and wealthy private backers behind Arnold. People close to Olivant suggested that Saad may have been a shareholder. Olivant refused to comment on its shareholders.


Arnold is going head-to-head with Sir Richard Branson's Virgin group in the battle to win control of Northern Rock, the stricken mortgage lender. The Government has set a deadline of a week tomorrow for bids.


The Treasury and its banking adviser, Goldman Sachs, is still keen to hear from other bidders, but has not taken active steps to entice new names into the process. Cerberus, the American hedge fund, and JC Flowers are taking a fresh look at the situation now the terms have materially changed.


The Chancellor Alistair Darling said a week ago that the Government's £25bn loan to Northern Rock could be securitised as bonds and sold to investors, removing the need for a buyer of the stricken bank to repay the debt in the short term.


Sources said it was now very unlikely that entirely new bidders could emerge, because they would not have time to do the necessary due diligence on Northern Rock's books.


As well as tracking the fall in Northern Rock's deposits, all bidders are concerned with other issues such as morale and whether the bank has lost senior people below board level.


As the battle for Northern Rock enters its final few days, the bidders will come under increasing pressure to improve their offers. Olivant is favoured by Northern Rock's two biggest shareholders, RAB Capital and SRM Global.


But doubts linger about whether its proposed equity injection of up to £800m will be enough to persuade the Government to pick it.


Virgin was the Treasury's preferred bidder because it was offering to pump £1.3bn of cash into Northern Rock. But shareholders have opposed its plan to take control of the bank via a highly dilutive rights issue.


Northern Rock's management is also working on a proposal to continue to manage the bank.






2008-01-27 15:17:48 | Telegraph (UK)
Qataris poised to snap up $3bn stake in Credit Suisse
By Mark Kleinman in Davos
Powerful funds backed by the Qatari government are considering assembling a significant stake in Credit Suisse, one of Europe's largest banks, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.


Investment entities believed to be affiliated to the Qatar Investment Authority, which is closely linked to the emirate's royal family and has tabled unsuccessful bids for J Sainsbury and Thames Water, are understood to be considering building a 5 per cent stake in the Zurich-based bank.


If it does opt to pursue a sizeable investment, the move by the QIA or connected funds would be the latest in a string of deals by a new breed of powerful government-backed investors.


Sovereign wealth funds from Abu Dhabi, China, Dubai and Singapore have snapped up large stakes in banks such as Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and UBS as they wilted under the weight of huge losses related to the implosion of the American sub-prime mortgage industry.


Any investment in Credit Suisse by the QIA or another sovereign investor would, however, be seen differently. Other than a $1.9bn writedown related to the sub-prime crisis announced in November, the bank has so far emerged comparatively unscathed from the credit crunch and has avoided the need to seek recourse to cash-rich foreign governments in order to recapitalise its balance sheet.


Credit Suisse boasts a strong capital position, with tier 1 capital of about 12 per cent, according to the latest figures, and any move by Qatar to invest in the Swiss group would not dilute its existing capital structure.


The acquisition of 5 per cent of Credit Suisse would represent an outlay of just over $3bn at Friday's closing share price of 59.95 Swiss francs.


People close to the situation said last night that the Qataris might already have been buying shares in the open market but that it was unclear whether they planned to become long-term investors.


The Swiss stock exchange requires shareholdings of more than 3 per cent to be disclosed, implying that the Qataris had not yet crossed that threshold.


One person cautioned this weekend that the Qataris' plans had not been finalised and that they could end up taking a stake larger or smaller than 5 per cent, or pursuing the investment through an alternative vehicle.


It was unclear last night whether the prospective Qatari investors had held discussions about any investment with Credit Suisse's management, which is led by Brady Dougan, its chief executive.


"This is not about shoring up an ailing balance sheet," one source said. "This would not dilute Credit Suisse's capital structure or signal anything like the message that other banks' huge writedowns and their need to attract large foreign investments have sent out."


Credit Suisse's existing major shareholders include Olyan Group, a Saudi investment firm, and Axa, the French insurer.


The growing influence wielded by sovereign wealth funds was one of the talking points at last week's World Economic Forum in Davos.


Larry Summers, the former US treasury secretary, called for a code of conduct for such investors and questioned their ability to remain passive shareholders in the event of a bank's collapse.


Summers said: "Is there any country in the world that can assert confidently that, when there are billions of dollars on the line, their head of state and their foreign minister are not going to become involved in the negotiation of that transaction?"







2008-01-27 09:39:46 | Telegraph (UK)
Children for sale: UK's new slave trade
By David Harrison
Hundreds of young children are being sold and "trafficked" to Britain from Africa to be exploited as modern-day slaves, it can be revealed.


The illicit trade in children - sold by their parents, some while still babies, to criminal gangs and people traffickers - has been uncovered by a Sunday Telegraph investigation.


An undercover reporter was offered several children for sale by their parents in Nigeria: two boys aged three and five for £5,000, or £2,500 for one, and a 10-month-old baby for £2,000. Teenage girls - including some still pregnant - were willing to sell their babies for less than £1,000.


One international trafficker, tracked down in Lagos, claimed to be buying up to 500 children a year.


Impoverished African parents are being lured by the traffickers' promises of "a better life" for their children, thousands of miles away in cities including London, Birmingham and Manchester.


But, once brought to Britain, the children are used as a fraudulent means to obtain illicit housing and other welfare benefits, totalling tens of thousands of pounds each a year.


From the age of seven, rather than being sent to school, they are exploited as domestic slaves, forced to work for up to 18 hours a day, cleaning, cooking and looking after other younger children, or put to work in restaurants and shops.


Some of the children are also subjected to physical and sexual abuse, while others even find themselves accused of being witches and become victims of exorcism rites in "traditional" African churches in Britain.


Campaigners called last night for the Government and the police to take "urgent action" to end this "21st century child slavery".


"These children are being abused under our noses in our own country," said Chris Beddoe, the director of End Child Prostitution and Trafficking, a British-based coalition of international charities.

とイギリスに本部を置く国際慈善団体の連合グループ「End Child Prostitution and Trafficking」の代表、クリス・ベドーが言った。

"It is totally unacceptable. We need urgent action to identify these children as they enter the UK, find those who are being abused and offer proper protection to those who escape or are freed from their abusers."


Vernon Coaker, the Home Office minister responsible for the prevention of trafficking, described child traffickers as "evil" and said anybody who could buy and sell babies was "sick".


But David Davis, the Conservative shadow home secretary, said: "The Government has utterly failed to take decisive action to tackle human trafficking.


"A Conservative government would take a range of practical measures - developed in detail over the last two years - to curb all aspects of this evil trade, which threatens Britain and the most vulnerable in our society."


A recent survey by the Government's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre claimed that 330 children, including 14 aged under 12, many of them from Africa, had been trafficked to Britain over the past year.

先日政府のChild Exploitation and Online Protection Centreが行った調査では、昨年一年間で、12歳以下14人を含み殆どがアフリカ出身の子ども達330人がイギリスに売られたと判明した。

The police and campaigners believe, however, that this is just the "tip of the iceberg" and that the true figure is likely to be in the thousands.


The Sunday Telegraph can reveal how the trade starts more than three thousand miles away in Africa where babies are sold to predatory traffickers, able to persuade desperately poor and often illiterate parents to hand over their children. The children are then sold, at high profit, as "home helps" to African families in Britain and in other European and North American cities.


The traffickers use a network of corrupt officials and co-traffickers to obtain passports and visas, often giving the children new names.


Many of the young victims are flown directly from Lagos in Nigeria to London's airports. Others are taken, via other west African states such as Ghana and Benin, to "transit" cities, including Paris.


A growing number of the African slave children arrives in Britain unaccompanied, as asylum-seekers, or with "private foster parents".


Debbie Ariyo, the executive director of the London-based charity Africans Unite Against Child Abuse, said: "This trade is a disgrace. These children are not going to loving homes.

ロンドンの慈善団体Africans Unite Against Child Abuseの代表、デビー・アリヨは「この取引は恥だ。この子ども達は暖かな家庭に迎えられるのではない」と言った。

"They are being cynically used by adults as slave labour and to defraud the state and then when they get older and have served their purpose and no longer attract entitled to benefits they are thrown out on to the streets with no papers even to prove who they are. These are damaged, traumatised children and we have to end this misery."


Campaigners said that many of the slave children - psychologically and often physically damaged at 18 - were thrown out of the houses of their "owners".


They are left to fend for themselves, usually with no papers or documents to prove who they are. With nowhere to turn, many fall into crime and the sex trade. Those that come to the attention of the authorities when they commit a crime or go to social services for help are usually brusquely deported as illegal immigrants.


The Government will unveil new measures next month aimed at giving more protection to victims of child trafficking.


Mr Coaker said: "We have tightened our visa requirements and our ports of entry and we are gathering intelligence to help us stop this horrific trade."


A senior Scotland Yard officer said: "The traffickers and the people who buy the children and use them as domestic slaves have no regard for their wellbeing and we are determined to catch those involved in this vile business.


"But this is a hidden crime, going on largely in Britain's African communities and we would urge people in those communities to contact us if they suspect that any child in their area is being abused. We need their co-operation. They must not turn a blind eye."


Godwin Morka, the executive director of Lagos's anti-trafficking unit, Nathip, admitted that child trafficking was "rampant" in many Nigerian states. "We know these children are not going to happy homes and we are doing what we can on limited resources."

ラゴスの人身売買対策ユニットNATHIPの代表Godwin Morkaは、多くのナイジェリアの地方で子ども人身売買は「蔓延っている」と認めた。





2008-01-27 09:39:08 | Telegraph (UK)
FSA trawls Exchange in Societe Generale probe
By Philip Aldrick
Financial watchdog investigates stock market activity after French rogue trader's record losses are linked to bourse falls across Europe


Britain's financial watchdog has launched an investigation into stock market movements caused by Societe Generale unwinding the massive positions taken by its rogue trader Jerome Kerviel.

イギリス金融監督機関は、ソシエテ・ジェネラルがならず者トレーダーJerome Kervielがとった莫大なポジションを巻き戻すことで生じた、株式市場の動きを捜査し始めた。

Industry insiders said the Financial Services Authority is trawling for unusual London Stock Exchange trades made on Monday or Tuesday as the French bank closed out the billions of euros of futures positions taken by Mr Kerviel.


Bankers estimate that the value of the dumped contracts could be as much as EUR40bn-EUR50bn (£30bn-£37bn), a sum so large that it may have contributed to Monday's market rout. Sources said that counterparties may have spotted SocGen's actions, potentially giving them inside knowledge, and taken short positions as a result, further exacerbating market falls.


On Monday, the FTSE 100 tumbled 5.5pc, France's CAC fell 6.8pc and Germany's DAX collapsed 7.2pc. Sources said the French and German stock market regulators are conducting similar investigations to establish whether SocGen's position contributed to the falls. Insiders added that such inquiries were "routine" for such a major event.


SocGen's positions - in the CAC, DAX and Eurostox50, which includes FTSE 100 companies - were so large that closing them raised issues of market stability and, as a result, were wound up only after consultation with the regulators involved, including the FSA.


Ultimately, the bank lost EUR4.9bn - having opened on Monday with a EUR2bn deficit. Traders are still baffled by SocGen's decision to close the positions so quickly in such weak markets.


"They are French - what do you expect?" said British.

One senior source said: "SocGen must have had a huge position to suffer a EUR4.9bn loss, which could have contributed to the falling markets. Trades of this magnitude could have all sorts of effects. Counterparties might have noticed and that could have led to funny business."


The investigation will be conducted under the European Union market abuse directive.


SocGen is already facing the prospect of lawsuits from its own shareholders and traders who lost money on this week's markets. Didier Cornardeau, president of APPAC, a group representing small SocGen shareholders, said: "One should not be able to take positions worth EUR40bn without being spotted by an audit or a sophisticated computer system, everyone agrees on that."

ソシエテ・ジェネラルの少数株主を代表するグループAPPAC会長のDidier Cornardeauはこう語った。

The French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, has instructed the bank to provide him with "the information on what happened within eight days".


He also appeared to question whether the alleged fraud was carried out by Mr Kerviel alone. "It is difficult... to imagine how one person alone could, in a relatively short period of time, cause such considerable losses," Mr Fillon said, adding that "perhaps the government could have been informed earlier" than Wednesday.


Mr Kerviel allegedly dismantled sophisticated computer programmes, used fake names and stole colleagues' passwords to circumvent SocGen's risk controls and place his bets on European futures indices in the largest alleged banking fraud in history.


Because futures trading allows an investor to leverage their position, he was able to make punts worth EUR40bn-EUR50bn, bankers estimate. Chairman Daniel Bouton said a trader in his junior position would have been expected to make revenues of just EUR20m a year - implying a trading book of no more than EUR2bn.

Daniel Bouton会長は、彼のようなジュニア・ポジションのトレーダーは、年間ほんのEUR2,000万ほどの売上しか期待されていない、つまり取引はEUR20億以上にならないとほのめかした。

The ease with which he appears to have got round the controls is expected to have spurred all banks to review their internal procedures.



