


2008-01-14 11:47:01 | Telegraph (UK)
US recession will dominate White House race
By Liam Halligan
This was the week the long, long race to be the 44th US President finally got going. And, already - after the drama of the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries - it's an "unprecedented" contest.


Given that George W Bush has contaminated the Republican brand, the battle for the Oval Office certainly appears, for now at least, to be between a woman and an "African American".


As Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama slug it out for the Democrat nomination, it would seem - I repeat, for now - that someone other than a white man will soon be ensconced in the White House.


I don't deny the significance of that for a second. It's worth remembering that Obama isn't the first black American ever to win a primary (Jesse Jackson won several in 1984 and 1988).


But that would take nothing away from the huge symbolism of either of the two Democrat front-runners eventually going all the way. That's why the 2008 US Presidential election, even as it begins, is being dubbed "historic".


For all the political gossip about who's backing either Hillary or the boy wonder, though, for your average American this Presidential election, like almost all the others, is largely about the economy.


In fact, given how America's financial health has nose-dived in recent months, "economic security" has almost entirely eclipsed "terror" and "Iraq" in surveys of voters' concerns - the two questions originally seen as central to this election.


The credit crunch and mounting evidence that the US is heading for a "hard landing" mean that economic issues can only grow even more significant in the months to come. And there were further signals last week - almost lost amid the Iowa/New Hampshire razzmatazz - that the world's largest economy is in real trouble.


Ben Bernanke took the step of admitting that America now faces "downside risks". The Federal Reserve chairman observed that "incoming information suggests the baseline outlook for real activity in 2008 has worsened", while confirming the Fed "stands ready to take substantive additional action as needed to support growth".


In other words, interest rates are likely to fall further from 4.25 per cent at the end of this month - by at least a quarter point, and maybe even a half.


Since September, the Fed has already cut base rates by an entire percentage point. It now seems "sub-prime" could ultimately drive America's benchmark borrowing cost down a lot more - perhaps even below 3 per cent (as predicted in this column back in early November).


Bernanke's gloomy prognosis came soon after warnings from Merrill Lynch and then Goldman Sachs that the US is heading for a 2008 recession. The notion that America will, in technical parlance, endure two successive quarters of negative growth isn't new. Pundits have been raising the possibility for weeks.


But when two supremely connected Wall Street outfits endorse such forecasts (Hank Paulson, the current US Treasury Secretary, was Goldman's former CEO and chairman), the markets generally take the hint that the government now also feels that recession is a likely outcome.


Until quite recently a US recession would have almost guaranteed a worldwide slump. The World Bank downplayed that last week - suggesting that fast-growing emerging markets are now generating enough domestic demand that they, and much of the rest of the world economy, will remain buoyant despite America hitting the skids.


The United Nations also chipped in last week, pointing to a "clear and present danger" that America's sub-prime woes could yet cause a global economic standstill. While the UN employs some able economists, I think that's too gloomy.


It's true, though, that a US recession and even lower American interest rates will cause the dollar to fall further still. The European Central Bank, meanwhile, remains reluctant to cut rates (it refused again last week). All this means that the euro will rise in value, making life even tougher for European exporters. So, clearly, Bernanke's speech and Goldman's warning were bad news for Europe too.


But the news from America could yet get much worse. One reason is that an oversupply of houses means property prices could end up falling by 20-25 per cent before this sub-prime crisis is over - playing havoc with the US economy.


There has been talk in financial circles of late that if share prices bounce back in the coming months, US consumers will start spending again - so kick-starting the American growth despite house prices heading south.


I don't buy that. Property and equities account, on average, for roughly equal shares of US household wealth - around 20 per cent. But because share ownership is so skewed towards the super-rich, housing looms large in the portfolio of the average American.


So even if Wall Street rallies as sub-prime eases, I feel the US will still enter recession as a result of an enduring property price slump. That highlights an important distinction with the UK - which, in my view, thanks to a shortage of homes and relatively firm future property prices, won't endure a housing-led recession.


"It's the economy, stupid." That was Bill Clinton's campaign slogan in 1992 - a US election conducted against the backdrop of recession. And for all the mania about the colour or sex of the next President, when this contest climaxes in November the economy will once again be politically centre-stage.


The big danger, though, is that as recession takes hold, competing presidential candidates play on voters' "economic insecurity" and "China fear" to bang the protectionist drum. As it loses its commercial hegemony, the US is a country in the grip of "status anxiety".


And what a tragedy for the entire world if, in their desperate bid for the White House, the current crop of candidates - Democrats and Republicans alike - sacrifice the precious goal of free trade on the alter of their ambitions.



