


2008-01-18 11:59:15 | Telegraph (UK)
Chinese banks to use Misys software
By Dominic White
Misys has taken a significant step into the Chinese market by signing an agreement with Digital China Financial Software to provide banking software services to small and medium-sized banks in the country.


The UK-based software group said the products would be targeted at the estimated 30,000 small and medium-sized banks in the fast-growing economy. The two companies added that the applications would help to improve efficiencies across China's financial industry.


Analysts welcomed the deal. "Today's announcement from Misys is further evidence that its new partnering strategy is bearing fruit," wrote Paul Morland, an analyst at Arbuthnot.


"This sub-sector of the Chinese banking market is expected to grow at around 20pc per annum and be worth around £160m by 2011. This compares with Misys's core banking revenues which are currently around £150m.


"Given the high number of small Chinese banks looking to automate their back office functions to gain competitive advantage, this is unlikely to be an area of demand that will be materially impacted by the current banking crisis."


Misys chief executive Mike Lawrie described the growth and development of China's financial markets as "tremendous", adding: "There are more than 30,000 small and medium-sized banks in China, all looking to drive efficiency and productivity."






2008-01-18 11:58:51 | Telegraph (UK)
Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke backs fast rescue package for US economy
By James Quinn, Wall Street Correspondent
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has thrown his weight behind a package of spending and tax cuts designed to kick-start the US economy and prevent it from falling into a deep recession.


On a day which saw markets in both New York and London slumping further, Mr Bernanke urged that a fiscal rescue package should be "implemented quickly and structured so that its effects on aggregate spending are felt as much as possible within the next 12 months or so".


The Fed chairman, speaking before the House of Representatives' Budget committee on Capitol Hill, said that, arm-in-arm with a set of interest rate cuts, such stimulus could help boost the flagging economy.


Although cagey about the appropriate size of the package, which is being designed by US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, he said a range of $50-$150bn was "reasonable", before stressing that politicians needed to be mindful of spending and budget deficits.


Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have stressed the importance of a set of tax cuts in mending the US economy, effectively setting such an eventuality in stone.


However, Mr Bernanke warned the politicians that the package should be a temporary one "to avoid unwanted stimulus beyond the near-term horizon and, importantly, to preclude an increase in the federal government's structural budget deficit".


He also echoed comments he made about the state of the US economy a week ago in a Washington speech, saying that while he sees slow US growth in the coming month, he does not anticipate a recession.


He maintained that the US economy is "extraordinarily resilient," believing growth will rebound in the second-half of 2008.


His comments nevertheless did little to dampen expectations of a cut in interest rates at or ahead of the Federal Open Markets Committee's next meeting on January 29-30, with many now expecting a 75-basis point cut.


He admitted that the US economy would fare worse than those of Europe or Asia. This pushed the dollar weaker, with sterling up 0.78pc on the day to trade at $1.9783, while the euro was up a fraction, 0.14pc higher at $1.4678.


"We need to make this economy strong and have price stability. If we do that, then in the medium term the dollar will reflect the strength of the US economy," he told the assembled congressmen.


His comments on the state of the US economy came as fresh data revealed that home-building declined to its slowest pace since 1991 in December, with fewer building permits issued than at any time since 1993.



