日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋152 lost glove152

2018年02月01日 | 日記

A dropped odd glove
At the station
It's difficult to take a photo

特に朝の忙しい時間! 人の波に飲まれている中で「落ちている手袋を発見し、アイホンをカバンから取り出して写真に撮る」--- これを0.3秒程の間にこなさないと、落ちてしまっている手袋の写真は撮れません!

Especially, it's busy time in the morning! When I am in crowded people, "I find dropped gloves, get out my iPhone of my bag, then photograph them", for doing that, I just spend 0.3 second. No more time. Otherwise, I miss an opportunity.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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