オサンポ walk - 植物plant: そこに独りで I am there alone

2020年07月08日 | 日記






I really enjoy seeing & finding any plants outside, especially I love to see when a plant is alone.

I start to think about them, why&how did they come here? Were they blowing by a wind? Were they just one or with their members? Their members just finish blooming? Was there another plant? Have they beaten them then let them away? They are still there, just hasn’t grown up yet? 

Are there any reasons you escape or run away or abscond? 

In the last photograph, there is a Ladies tresses around in the middle, only one there. Until around ten days ago, I saw many this flowers anywhere but no mores. Why is the flower here alone? It would just make a mistake to chose a day to bloom?

All of flowers inspire me to create some stories about them!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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