オサンポ walk - 文月笹(ふづきクマ?ざさ) kuma bamboo grass in July (after the match of England vs Croatia)

2018年07月12日 | 日記

In early morning
It was raining
Got wet kuma bamboo grass



I woke up at 3am to watch the match of England vs Croatia. I was supporting for England but the result is 2-1, Croatia won. England has one more match against Belgium to get the 3rd place. Come on England!
Im really impressed with Croatia team, how much tough they are. Their last two matches at the tournament also went over time. They won the all matches. Wow. It must be going to be a spectacular match at the final, against France!

This photo, I took it in this morning. The greens have got rain drops on them, it seems cool.....

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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