We have made our seeds fly into the air
Some plants caught them
As a coat for winter
ウタに詠んだよーなおとぎ話的要素は恐らくゲンジツにはナイよーに思われますが、見た目の印象から勝手な想像シテマス。ふわふわっとしたもの、最初見た時は、え?たんぽぽ? と思ったんですがこの時期に? と考え、二三ポ歩いたところに、犯人と思われる植物を発見。君タチでしたか。そこら一体に群生してました。思えば、蜘蛛の巣に似たよーなふわふわを見てて、あれも君タチだったですね。こんな風にアレとコレが繋がる瞬間って気持ちイイですね。こーいうものが一番の醍醐味になるのが、ミステリーのジャンルかな、と思いますがミステリー系は基本苦手ナノデ普通の話の中でこーいうことが起こるお話がイイなぁと思ったりします。
I think that it is just my imagination about my short poem, the real is different. I though that they were dandelions' seeds when I saw those fluffy things. But it was not, I found them after a few steps. Then I've got something in my mind, I thought I saw the similar fluffy things on the spiders's webs in the other places. Oh, it was them. I was happy with that, that thing connected to the other thing. I thing mystery novels/films have like this connections in their stories, it makes them fun. I don't like mystery very much. I like that if a non-mystery story has this connections.
We have made our seeds fly into the air
Some plants caught them
As a coat for winter
ウタに詠んだよーなおとぎ話的要素は恐らくゲンジツにはナイよーに思われますが、見た目の印象から勝手な想像シテマス。ふわふわっとしたもの、最初見た時は、え?たんぽぽ? と思ったんですがこの時期に? と考え、二三ポ歩いたところに、犯人と思われる植物を発見。君タチでしたか。そこら一体に群生してました。思えば、蜘蛛の巣に似たよーなふわふわを見てて、あれも君タチだったですね。こんな風にアレとコレが繋がる瞬間って気持ちイイですね。こーいうものが一番の醍醐味になるのが、ミステリーのジャンルかな、と思いますがミステリー系は基本苦手ナノデ普通の話の中でこーいうことが起こるお話がイイなぁと思ったりします。
I think that it is just my imagination about my short poem, the real is different. I though that they were dandelions' seeds when I saw those fluffy things. But it was not, I found them after a few steps. Then I've got something in my mind, I thought I saw the similar fluffy things on the spiders's webs in the other places. Oh, it was them. I was happy with that, that thing connected to the other thing. I thing mystery novels/films have like this connections in their stories, it makes them fun. I don't like mystery very much. I like that if a non-mystery story has this connections.