Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

They just chose one who won't help them

2016年11月26日 21時28分52秒 | Weblog

In short, the metropolis has economic power but little political power. The American countryside has limited economic power but vast political power.

The rural party won. And it won on a Trump-ish promise—stop immigration, close the door on refugees—that threatens metropolitan success and undermines rural America’s best hope for an economic renaissance.

Basically, the status quo is working in cities, and a vote for Hillary Clinton was a vote for the status quo.

In the most-recent economic recovery, large counties added new businesses while small counties lost them. Large counties, too, added millions of jobs; small counties barely added any. Workers in urban areas now earn as much as 33 percent more than their rural counterparts.

The fact that immigrants are good for society shouldn’t need to be reiterated in this nation of immigrants. But it’s true: Immigrants are more likely to start businesses than native-born Americans. (In 2011, immigrants accounted for 28 percent of all new businesses in the United States.) They’re more likely to be self-employed. They’re more likely to work in crucial science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. They make indelible contributions to American culture, of course. And they have long helped fill up, prop up, and revitalize downtrodden areas of American cities. Now, they’re doing the same in the countryside

The fact that immigrants are good for society shouldn’t need to be reiterated in this nation of immigrants. But it’s true: Immigrants are more likely to start businesses than native-born Americans. (In 2011, immigrants accounted for 28 percent of all new businesses in the United States.) They’re more likely to be self-employed. They’re more likely to work in crucial science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. They make indelible contributions to American culture, of course. And they have long helped fill up, prop up, and revitalize downtrodden areas of American cities. Now, they’re doing the same in the countryside

The flip side to that story, as reported recently in the Wall Street Journal, is that counties that have “seen the most rapid demographic change” in the past decade and a half voted overwhelmingly—67 percent to 29 percent—for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. America’s small towns are in desperate need of new residents. Yet in those places where that infusion has arrived, white voters chose to line up behind a candidate whose xenophobia surpassed what most of us believed was possible in American politics.

Trump country has elected a president who will harass, deport, and bar the very people desperate to live there, the people who would help rebuild its small towns and cities.





Strict rules for foreign spouses

2016年11月26日 20時54分58秒 | Weblog


Are You Danish Enough? Denmark Tightens Rules for Foreign Spouses © Flickr/ Susanne Nilsson

EUROPE 18:19 23.10.2015Get short URL

The Danish Ministry for Immigration, Integration and Housing is imposing tougher new rules on the foreign spouses of Danish nationals: those who marry Danes will be divided into two groups, those who are 'suitable for integration,' and those who are only 'potentially suitable for integration

People who wish to settle with their Danish spouse in Denmark will be assessed according to criteria including work experience, education, language skills and "other factors relevant to integration," before they are placed in one of the two groups, explained the ministry.

If they meet less than three out of four criteria, they will be judged 'potentially suitable,' and must meet further conditions to be able to stay in Denmark. To meet the further conditions and be allowed to stay in the country, the foreign spouse must prove that he or she can speak one of the Scandinavian languages, English or German, and must have "shown active citizenship," or pass a citizenship test. In addition, the 'potentially suitable applicant' faces a longer temporary residency requirement; they need to have lived in Denmark with temporary residency permits for ten years rather than seven before they may receive the right to permanent residency in the country under its family reunification laws.

Furthermore, the couple must prove that their attachment to Denmark is "significantly greater" than their attachment to another country.

Both groups, the suitable and potentially suitable, will have to meet a housing requirement stipulating that their property is not located in an officially-designated ghetto area, as well as a maintenance requirement that the applicant is financially self-supporting and has been for some time. "It is only right and proper" to tighten the requirements for people who do not meet the prerequisites for integration, Danish integration Minister Inger Stojberg said, when explaining the regulations. "People who come voluntarily to Denmark must of course contribute to society." The Ministry for Immigration, Integration and Housing announced that the change is expected to lead to 500 fewer people each year being granted family reunification permits, and will generate savings of up to 80 million Danish kroner [$12 million] annually.




David Cameron says migrant families could be broken up and mothers deported if they fail new English test
The tests will apply to spouses who have been living in Britain for over two years


Under the tightened rules, a British citizen must show that they will be able to earn at least £18,600 per year to sponsor their non-European spouse’s visa. This figure is raised to £22,400 for families with one child and an additional £2,400 for every extra child.

The regulations mean that couples have been forced to live apart, while children — including those with British passports — have been separated from parents.



2016年11月26日 20時08分14秒 | Weblog



Hyung-Sung Kim 

「トランプ党とはこれまでのリバタリアン右派や反企業左派とは違い製造業を代表する政党だ。ここ数十年間、自由貿易・IT・金融業などが過大評価されてきた。強い製造業を持つ国に回帰する必要がある」 http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442451/republican-party-industry-manufacturing … 今までの共和党とは別物だが、さてどうなる?




UK needs migration because native Britons are bloody stupid

2016年11月26日 00時17分38秒 | Weblog

Speaking at an event organised by the Institute for Government, Lord Kerr said: “In my view, immigration is the thing that keeps this country running.

"We native Brits are so bloody stupid that we need an injection of intelligent people, young people from outside who come in and wake us up from time to time.
