
時に末日聖徒/モルモン教への私見含むメモ帳にて御座候 ほな毎度どんもにて 御きげんよろしゅうで御座候

新エルサレム   その4

2013-09-20 21:20:56 | ジョセフ // 語録・予言・示現・夢等

このシリーズ、その3で、ご披露させていただいた、教義と聖約133章の「29 不毛の砂漠に生ける水の池が現れ、焼けた土地はもはや乾いた地ではなくなる。」が、ソルトレーク一帯の水没という解釈、たまWEB、どうやら、誤りであるという気がしてきましたぁぁ・・・・倍返し等と、調子こいてしまいましたが、なかったことに??・・・・疲れてしまったのは、間違いを気づかせられるためだったかも・・・・

(新エルサレム   その3  2013-09-17 20:46:51 |  ジョセフや他の教会員の予言・示現)


マタイ伝に「10:21 兄弟は兄弟を、父は子を殺すために渡し、また子は親に逆らって立ち、彼らを殺させるであろう。」とありますけれど、南北戦争よりも、ひどい、たいへんな流血、国内紛争が起こって、滅んでしまいそうになるとの予言者ジョセフの予言があるわけですが、テイラー管長の示現だと、ソルトレークやその近辺も例外ではないと。市民は互いに争いあって、ついに、教会幹部の指導で、教会本部が、ソルトレークを脱出、比較的安全な、南方を目指し、コロラド川を越える時が来るんだと。


         コロラド川  ホピ


「The Horseshoe Prophecy        Monday, 25 August 2008 09:13 

A Remarkable Prophecy By President John Taylor As Told by Edward Lunt, An Ordinance Worker in the Mesa Temple

The following incident occurred at my father's home in Cedar City, at the time a stake conference was being held in that city, at which President John Taylor and George A. Smith were present.

Apostle Smith was asked to conduct the conference, as President Taylor wished to rest after his having held meetings in the different wards and stakes between Salt Lake City and Cedar City. President Taylor asked Elder George A. Smith to start the conference, as he wished to rest until the afternoon meeting.  President Taylor, with some of the authorities, was staying at the home of my parents during this conference.

President Taylor wished to go to his room and lie down. He asked my mother to awaken him in time for the afternoon conference, as he feared he might oversleep and thus fail to arrive at the conference in time.
My mother was busy preparing dinner for the visitors but was surprised to see President Taylor come into the kitchen so soon after retiring for his much needed rest. He immediately started telling mother of a most remarkable vision that he had just had while in his room.

He stated that he saw that Salt Lake City would become a great city with many beautiful paved roads and streets of cement construction, and that the people had become wealthy. He saw that the city extended almost to the point of the mountain south of the new 1951 State prison.

The people, he saw, had become quite indifferent to the counsel and advice of the authorities of the church, and were more interested in the accumulation of wealth than they were in living their religion. He told mother that he saw that war had been started, and that so great was the destruction of life within the city that blood ran down the gutters as though it were streams of water, and the violence was such that it would cause the destruction of the beautiful city. The people were fighting among themselves until it became necessary to remove the church records across the Colorado river.

President Taylor said to mother, "If you are alive at that time, be sure that you are not behind the Church records, because after the Church records leave and are made secure, the very powers of hell would be turned loose, and there will be such destruction that there will be but little life remain, ---not only in Salt Lake City, but in adjoining cities also. And in Jackson County, Missouri civilization will become entirely extinct, and all means of transportation such as rail roads and highways will be destroyed, and the only means of travel will be on foot.

All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. Be sure when you see these things come that you have buttons, needles, cloth and things to work with as much as possible, to make yourselves clothing, because all tools and every kind of machinery will be destroyed. It will be such a destructive war that in comparison to the sufferings and the drivings of the people of Nauvoo, it would be only a drop in the bucket.

"One half of the Mormon people will entirely forsake their leaders, and half of the other half, because of their suffering, will leave the church. Many Mormons will die in the struggle, but the Lord will bless those who stick faithfully to the church and will bless them to the extent that they will not be destroyed."

He said that faithful Latter-day Saints would go to the south and would form a circle something like a horseshoe, before they return to Jackson County, Missouri. Said he, "Those only will be privileged to help build Jackson County who will be found willing and glad to obey the counsel and advice of the authorities who will be placed over them, and who will seek counsel that they may be guided and protected from dire want and distress.

President Taylor also said that we will assist the Lamanites in building the New Jerusalem in Jackson county.  He said that the vision to him appeared so terrible that he besought the Lord to close it up, but he saw that those who would keep the commandments and adhere to the authorities of the church would be the ones who would survive and not be destroyed. And that the lord would protect them as he did the children of Israel.

The above experience my mother told to me many, many times; and she held this great experience very sacred. 

Subscribed and sworn to this 28th day of June, 1951.

/s/Edward Lunt


