
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

827.Amazing photo...

2009-12-19 19:21:33 | Topics

This is the photo I got from visitor. Amazing, right?. It's free editing. Great internet world...

826.I become Deuce!

2009-12-19 08:32:39 | Topics

The internet environment was recovered earlier than I expected. And Greeny, Thank you for your informations about Henin. I take it to write this blog right now☆. This photo is at the exhibition in Charleroi, Belgium. OK, Let me become Deuce after a long interval(laugh).

I'm Deuce. These days, Justine was so busy. From a few months ago, she was playing with the yellow ball. And in December, she was playing more and more to play with it in front of many people. I went there with her in Belgium.

From around September, many people come to play with Justine. They are talking a lot with her, and they take many photos. Oh, I'm taken too, huh?
Justine says to me, "Don't bother them". Why?. I'm bored...
Hmm.., OK, I also play with that yellow ball!
Oh, yes, Justine got back to herself as usual.

Justine seems to enjoy playing with that yellow ball, but maybe, she enjoys playing with me more than that, I think so. I love Juju. I want to stay with her as long as possible☆

* Ju & Deu
I want to keep watching this movie(laugh). Henin, she would play tennis better☆