
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2008-08-29 12:56:24 | Editor's note

2007.8.29. I watched Henin for the first time. At that time, in USA, I never thought it would end up like today.., it means that Henin would retire after one year.. Maybe, Henin too..?

Anyway, Her hair was impressive to me(laugh), so I often wrote about it on my blog. It was more shining hair in summer sunshine. At the practice court, when I watched her one-handed backhand for the first time, I felt it's faster swing than I expected. After training, I watched Henin and her coach Carlos shook each other's hands, I thought "They really always do it", and I was impressed with their coach-athlete relationship.

It's Henin's words(this photo) I want to leave behind on my clip. But it didn't fit the image of my clip, so I abandoned it. It was her interview on 2007.8.29. When I went back to Japan, I read it and felt something. After her retirement, I selfishly had a delusion about her(laugh), I have forgotten what Henin has said. Of course, you'll change your mind and thought case by case everyday.., but Henin have said the following words one year ago, absolutely...

* Trip_US open, NY city, Niagara Falls 【My YouTube】
【Q. Is the tennis court your sanctuary?】
It's the place where I feel great. I was probably born to do that. Tennis, I've learned a lot of things with my career about me, what I want, the person I want to become. It really helped me to grow up very quickly, too, because I gave 200% all the time for that. It's 20 years I played tennis. A lot of sacrifices. But the best thing is just the emotions that it gave me and the emotions I could give to people I love and to my fans. Very, very emotional, yeah. Very lucky to do that.


* US Open August 29, 2007 Justine Henin Interview

At her peak and at her retirement, she said almost the same thing(tears), and maybe she says it now too..? It's great to have coherence. She always gave us what she thought at that time.. Humm.. It was just my special day. Now after one year, I accept her words at that time again. And maybe, every your fans think you were born to play tennis, I think♪
Thank you, Justine☆
Sorry about my fan's talk...


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