

スウェーデンの公衆衛生政策 3 幼少期と青年期 職場の健康 健康増進(K)

2012-10-31 | 税と社会保障の一体改革
スウェーデンの公衆衛生政策 第3回

Public health policy - 11objectives(公衆衛生政策―11の目標)スウェーデンの国の公衆衛生政策の総合的目的は、健康的な生活を、同じ条件で、すべての人に保障する社会的環境を作り出すことである。

Conditions during childhood and adolescence - Objective Domain 3

Favourable conditions during childhood and adolescence are crucial for the health of an individual during the whole life-span.

The main targets for public health interventions are financial transfers to families, support of good parenthood, high quality pre-schools for all children, high quality schools and access to leisure activities that support healthy development.

Evidence based measures (interventions that have been checked with high-quality research and have proven to give results) are used to an increasing extent. Such interventions are presented in Child and adolescent health - An encyclopedia that is available at this website.




Health in working life - Objective Domain 4
職場における健康 目標分類4

The starting point for this objective domain is that the requirements of working life must be balanced against people’s capacity to function and maintain well-being throughout their entire working life. The individual’s working life must be able to be combined with family life and leisure time in a health-promoting way.

A good working life with well-functioning working conditions not only reduces work-related illness and the social differences in illness and contributes to improved public health in general; it is also a necessary condition for sustainable growth.

The work environment must be good, and in Sweden, an employer has considerable responsibility in this respect under the Work Environment Act. Work characterized by a safe and secure environment- physically, mentally and socially -should be strived for. Among the basic conditions for this are:
• having control, participation and influence over one’s own work,
• being able to adapt the pace and amount of work to one's current work capacity,
• being seen and being someone that counts,
• having some personal development opportunities in the job.

Preventing illness is one step on the way towards the target of improved health in working life. However, this does not suffice. Efforts that promote health in working life are also needed. The concept of Healthy Workplaces stands for workplaces that do not cause illness and are arenas for health-promoting views and activities in a broad sense. From a public health perspective, healthy workplaces should be strived for, as well as a health-promoting working life.



• 自分の仕事に関して、制御、参加、影響力を持つこと
• 自分の今の仕事の量に対して、仕事のペースと量の変更が可能であること
• 見られること、そして、評価する誰かがいること
• 職業の中で自己開発ができるようななんらかの機会があること


Health-promoting health services - Objective domain 6

Health services are of considerable importance to long-term health trends through their specific expertise, authority, broad knowledge and ability to come into contact with a large part of the population.

A more health-promoting and disease-preventative perspective should permeate all health services and be an obvious part of all care and treatment. Primary care plays an important role in these health promotion efforts.

It is in day-to-day meetings with patients that health services have their greatest public health potential. In working with patients, health services should contribute to less disease, less disability and less pain, as well as make it easier for the chronically ill to live a good life with their illness. Health services should also prevent illness.

This should be done by providing support to more vulnerable individuals or groups, and by supporting equal health at the population level. Work aimed at the population is done by reporting causes of health inequalities to the surrounding world, as well as by cooperating with other key actors in health promotion and preventative efforts.




