Powder Blue Sky


Interview With Stern

2010-05-29 01:30:46 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)

Stern:“You still seem to be excited after your injury.What do you think and feel?Anger?Or a large emptiness?”

Ballack:”At present there’s still no emptiness,but only anger.This foul was a knock out for me.I felt well to visit the german national team together with my family.But constantly I think,that someone has injured me on purpose,with speed and force.”

Stern:”Boateng has got threatens to death,in the internet there are campains against him.Your advisor is thinking about a due.”

Ballack:” I don’t want to talk about this player furthermore.The most important thing for me is now to become healthy again.”

Stern:”Are you conscious about,that now at the age of 33,you will not be able to become world cup winner at all?Everybody remembers to your tears after the lost w.c.semi-final in 2006,including your missed w.c. final 2002.”
33歳となった今、もうワールド・カップの勝者にはなれない、と感じますか? 2002年大会で、あなたが決勝戦出場を逃したこと、2006年大会準決勝で破れ、あなたが涙したことを、だれもが覚えていますが。

Ballack:”I will be really sad,only when w.c. will start.But that’s life in football business:Injuries can destroy targets.”

Stern:”Where will you watch the w.c.?”

Ballack:”I don’t know.I try to fly to south africa to watch one or two matches,to support my team mates live.But I have to think about my injury.I’m not allowed and it isn’t possible for me to become lazy now for 6 weeks.”

Stern:”Will you become tv expert for german tv during w.c.?”

Ballack:”Perhaps,I’m thinking about.I’m still part of the team.”

Stern:”You are still experiencing the most emotional days of your career.E.P.L.win and FA-cup win after 4 years Chelsea.”

Ballack:”The happiness has already disappeared.Because of this(he is showing his plaster cast)”

Stern:”For the winner party on the field you invited your 3 sons,they are between 5 and 8 years old,each of them with number 13 on their shirts.Till now you were hiding your children from the public,right?”

Ballack:”The only father on the field without his children,that should have been impossible for me.Naturally I want to protect my kids,but some time you have to do things that you really want to do.The kids were totally happy on the field,watching and holding the cup.”

Stern:”The german w.c.team will be the youngest in german history.What is the team able to reach after your lack.?”

Ballack:”After the draw,I said,pepole should know,that it is possible to defeat vs. all teams in our group.Australia,Serbia and Ghana are athletic and strong teams.Many players of them are playing in the UEFA C.L.But ourv team has a good and strong mentality,they will not hide themselves.Jogi Löw will reach the optimum,I’m quite sure.The last tournaments,we reached the 3rd and the 2nd rank.Why should we not be successful?”

Stern:”The young players seemed to be inhibited in the friendly test match vs.Argentina.”

Ballack:”That’s not bad or negative.The ARG team has great players.But in the k.o. round of a w.c.you can’t make that,clearly.Our team must reach his limits to beat such great football nations in the k.o. round.That’s valid before my injury and after my injury.”

Stern:”The german people are expecting always the semi-finals,perhaps even the final”

Ballack:”That’s clear and true,regarding our football history”

Stern:”Yopu always have to win as a german footballer?”

Ballack:”Yes.Germany is a nation,which must always win.It’s difficult to convince the people like in 2002 and 2006,that the quality isnt first class.”

Stern:”Who will become now captain and leader of the team?”

Ballack:”Difficult to say.There are no players with my experiences and in my age,except of Miro Klose.Perhaps Torsten Frings,but he wasn’t nominated.The next most experienced players are ‘Schweini’,Lahm and Miro.But also Mertesacker and Arne Friedrich.I know my team mates very well,this will develop.”

Stern:”But the squad has many young talents:Özil,Marin,Müller and Kroos.What do you think?”

Ballack:”Yes,that’s true.But a w.c. is long,it’s the most hard and difficulttornament in the world.You can’t expect miracles from such young players.The main things the older must do.”

-- パート2へ --

28.05.2010 13:30 National Team Men

Philipp Lahm skipper of German team

Skipper of German team: Philipp Lahm

The 26-year old Philipp Lahm will captain the German team in South Africa. One day before a friendly match against Hungary in Budapest (Saturday, 8 P.M., live on ZDF), German coach Joachim Löw made the announcement during a press conference at the team’s training camp in Eppan, Tyrol. Lahm is a defender of FC Bayern München, which had reached the Champions League final against Inter Milano recently.
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