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All Set Up Perfectly

2010-07-29 23:36:51 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)

7/28/2010 | rc
“It’s all set up perfectly”
完璧な プログラムが組まれている

Bayer 04's top signing is coming home. All the Werkself fans, and many others, are looking forward to the prospect of Michael Ballack’s first Bundesliga game for four years. The Germany captain spoke to members of the media at the summer training camp in St. Gallen. Here are questions and answers from the interview...

The first session with the ball on the training ground is over. What can you tell us about your current fitness levels?
ー グラウンドでの最初のボールを使ったトレーニングが済みました。いまのコンディションは、どうですか?

Everything’s as you’d expect it to be. It’s all going to plan. Obviously, you need to be careful and take it step-by-step. We’re making sure that we don’t get ahead of ourselves. It’s a case of responding to your body and discussing everything.
バ: 全て思った通りに進んでいます。計画通りです。もちろん注意しながら一歩一歩です。先に進み過ぎないことです。自分の身体の状態に応じて、相談しながら進めています。

How has your ankle reacted up to now?
ー 今のところ、踝の状態は?

It’s fine at the moment. But that doesn’t mean you can do everything straight away. It’s a gradual process and I’m in the best hands here. And I’m confident that there won’t be any setbacks.
バ: 現在、良好です。だからと言って、すぐ何でも出来る訳じゃありません。ゆるやかな回復をしています。ここには最高のスタッフがいるので、後戻りすることなく、回復すると確信しています。

Are you still hoping to play in the first Bundesliga game at Dortmund?
ー ドルトムントとの第一戦出場を目指しているのですね。

That’s my aim but it all depends on how I feel. If you’re out injured for ten to twelve weeks, including rehab training, then it may it take a week or so longer.
I don’t want to commit myself at the moment. I’ll have to be one hundred per cent fit.
バ: それが目標ですが、自分の状態次第です。怪我のため、リハビリを含めて10~12週間、戦列から離れると、一週間か、それ以上かかるでしょう。
( - or so longer の後に、何かワン・フレーズ抜けているような気がする。)

How difficult is it for you to wait on the sidelines?
ー 怪我で出場できないのは、とても辛いですよね。

I’ve experienced it before. If you pick up an injury, you want to get back on the pitch as soon as possible. You’re itching to get on when you see the lads playing or training. I’m making progress every day.
バ: 今までも経験してきました。怪我を負ったら、出来るだけ早くピッチへ戻りたい、と思うものです。チームメイト達がプレーしたり、トレーニングしたりするのを見ていると、ウズウズするんです。

How much does it help that Simon Rolfes is also in rehab?
ー ロルフェスが、あなた同様リハビリ中ですが、それは何かの助けになっていますか?

You never want another player to get injured. Nevertheless, it’s better if you don’t have to do the programme on your own. And you push yourself if you’ve got someone alongside you. And it’s much more fun than training on your own.
バ: 他のプレーヤーの怪我を望むなんて、絶対ないですよ。でも、自分のプログラムが無い時など、誰かがそばにいると、励みにはなります。それに一人でトレーニングするより、ずっと楽しいですね。

How are you settling in at Bayer 04?
ー バイヤーでチームに馴染めていますか?

It’s fine, there are no problems. I’ve had a good reception. It’s a good group with a good atmosphere like in the old days. The background circumstances play a role in that. It’s all set up perfectly and there’s a lot of fun as well as loads of hard work.
バ: いいですよ。全く問題ありません。温かく迎えてもらっています。昔のように、良い雰囲気の良いチームです。チーム環境が影響を与えているのでしょう。全て完璧な計画が出来ています。トレーニングは厳しいですが、とても楽しい雰囲気があります。

In the position you play, there are lots of young players who can benefit from your experience...
ー あなたの役割ですが、チームには、あなたの経験から多くを学べる、若いプレーヤー達が、沢山いますね。

The older you get, the more experience and responsibility you have for the whole thing and the other players. You don’t just look after yourself but speak to young players to help them take the next step. I know I’m in demand.
But it’s fun passing things on to the lads. Given all the individuality that they need to hold on to. That’s the good thing about football that you can learn from each other and you’re not an individual sportsman.
バ: 歳をとればとるだけ経験も増します。全体的なことや、他のプレーヤー達に対する責任も増してきます。自分自身のことだけを気にかけるのではなく、若いプレーヤー達に話しかけ、彼らが次のステップへ進めるようにも気を配ります。自分に求められていることを理解しているつもりです。

You’ve met your new team-mates. What do you think Bayer 04 can achieve?
ー ここのチームメイトたちと会いましたね。バイヤーの目標は、何だと思いますか?

We’ll prepare ourselves well. We’ve got the same chance as any other team of having a good campaign following on from last season with a its very good fourth place finish.
We want to improve and get in the Champions League. That means we need to finish at least one place higher. Our aim must be to win the title.
Nevertheless: You always have to take it step-by-step in the Cup, the Championship and the Europa League. We’ll have to take it game by game and see what happens.
バ: 目標に向けて、充分な準備をするつもりです。昨年4位という好成績に続いて、今年は他のチームと同様、良いシーズンにすることです。

You’ve been away from Leverkusen for a while. What’s changed?
ー しばらくレバークーゼンを離れていました。戻ってきて、何か変化がありましたか?

Back then, it was a professionally-managed club that provided outstanding conditions particularly for young players to develop. That was true for me too. And it’s got even better in the meantime.
The BayArena has been extended and it’s a fantastic football stadium. The training set up is perfect and the rehab facilities are ideal. That's a real sensation. The facilities and conditions are at least as good as at Chelsea.
バ: かつては、とりわけ若いプレーヤー達にとって、優れた環境を提供する、専門的な管理をしているクラブでした。私もその恩恵を受けた一人です。今は、さらに良い環境になっています。



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Ballack On The Way Back

2010-07-27 23:30:38 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)


25日、オーストリアのAltachで行われた、SCR Altachとのフレンドリーマッチに同行したバラック。


9/27/2010 | rc
Ballack on the way back
バラック復帰 へ向けて

His team-mates were just going through their stretches in the warm-up routine as Michael Ballack made his first appearance on the training ground. The injured new signing worked in a one-on-one session with fitness coach Holger Broich, which included running, sprinting and stabilisation exercises. And a ball was used in some of the drills. Michael ended the 45-minute session with a circuit of the training pitches.
Sarpei joins the squad
  -- 後 略 --



スイスで夏合宿中のレバークゼンは、25日にオーストリア2部リーグのSCR Altach相手にフレンドリーマッチを行い、2-0で勝利したそう。Eren Derdiyok とパトリック・ヘルメスが得点を上げたけれど、ストライカーのニコライ・ユルゲンセンが怪我を負ってしまったらしい。
負傷中のロルフェスとバラックも、合宿中のスイスSankt Gallenからオーストリアまで、その試合に同行した、と伝えています。

Strikers bag two goals in Altach

Austria appears to suit Bayer 04. After the two wins during the first summer training camp in Zillertal, the Werkself earned another victory in Altach on Sunday evening. Eren Derdiyok and Patrick Helmes scored the two goals in the 2-0 victory over Austrian second division league leaders SCR Altach. The only downside was an injury to striker Nicolai Jörgensen. The injured midfielders Simon Rolfes and Michael Ballack also made the short trip from the training camp in Sankt Gallen to Austria.

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Ballack Starts Training

2010-07-22 23:05:04 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)
Times に、懸命にトレーニングに取り組むバラックの様子を伝える記事がありました。

Ballack starts training at Leverkusen
Jul 21, 2010 4:43 PM

German midfielder Michael Ballack, who missed the World Cup because of an ankle injury, began training with his new teammates at Bayer Leverkusen, the German first division side announced.

The former Chelsea player, who joined the German club during the summer, took part in a 25-minute endurance race on Tuesday.

The 33-year-old, who injured his ankle in his last appearance for Chelsea in the English FA Cup final in May, said there had been no adverse reaction to the training.

"I am satisfied. There hasn't been a problem with the foot," he said before continuing with the session.

Coach Jupp Heynckes told the daily Bild that Ballack was putting in "more than six hours work every day".

Ballack's determination to return to full fitness has been driven in part by his desire to reclaim the captaincy of the German national team. Philipp Lahm, the man who covered for him in the World Cup, has said he wants to hang on to the captain's armband.

Germany coach Joachim Loew, who signed a new contract with the German federation this week taking him up to the 2012 European championships, suggested on Tuesday that he would not make up his mind until Germany's next game on August 11.

"I am going to discuss the matter with both of them. That will be just before the friendly match against Denmark," he said



7/20/2010 | rc
Thumbs up for Löw

Joachim Löw will continue as Germany’s coach for the next two years.
The German Football Association announced an extension to the contracts with head coach Löw, his assistant Hansi Flick, goalkeeping coach Andreas Köpke and team manager Oliver Bierhoff to 31 July 2012 on Tuesday afternoon.

This means that the current Germany management team will continue at the helm of the national side up to and including the 2012 European Championships in Poland and the Ukraine.

The decision received a positive response at Bayer 04:
Bayer 04 sporting director Rudi Völler: “It’s a very good decision by all those involved. It’s great that all four are staying. It’s the right move. This means that the developments over the last few years with the young and talented team can carry on. The basis for the future is there.”

Bayer 04 head coach Jupp Heynckes: “It’s important for the continuity of the management of the national side. The coaching and management team has done such a good job that the contract extension is a logical step in my opinion.“

Bayer 04 captain and Germany international Simon Rolfes: “Of course, I’m really pleased. The positive development for the national side in terms of football in recent years is reflected by the public image of the team. Continuity is always an important factor in being successful.”

Bayer 04 new signing and Germany captain Michael Ballack: “I’m glad that the whole team is carrying on. They’ve produced great work together. The players trust Joachim Löw so it’s right that we continue along the route he’s laid out.“

Bayer 04 and Germany goalkeeper René Adler: “I can only welcome Joachim Löw’s decision. He and his coaching team together with Oliver Bierhoff have done a lot for German football. I would have been amazed if Joachim Löw would have passed on the job he started to somebody else."
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Team Presentation

2010-07-20 23:16:40 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)





Spieltag Datum Heim Gast

1 Sonntag, 22.8., 17.30 Uhr Borussia Dortmund - Bayer 04
2 Sonntag, 29.8., 15.30 Uhr Bayer 04 - Bor. M'gladbach
3 Samstag, 11.9., 15.30 Uhr Hannover 96 - Bayer 04
4 Samstag, 18.09.2010* Bayer 04 - 1. FC Nürnberg
5 Mittwoch, 22.09.2010* Bayer 04 - Eintracht Frankfurt
6 Samstag, 25.09.2010* VfB Stuttgart - Bayer 04
7 Samstag, 02.10.2010* Bayer 04 - Werder Bremen
8 Samstag, 16.10.2010* VfL Wolfsburg - Bayer 04
9 Samstag, 23.10.2010* Bayer 04 - FSV Mainz 05
10 Samstag, 30.10.2010* FC Schalke 04 - Bayer 04


OFFICIAL: Germany Coach Joachim Loew Signs Contract Extension Until 2012
The German head coach has signed a new deal with the DFB...
By Stefan Coerts
Jul 20, 2010 12:26:00 PM

Joachim Loew's contract with the German Football Association (DFB) expired after this summer's World Cup and the tactician's future has been surrounded by question marks since the end of the tournament.

However, the former Fenerbahce coach is now set to sign a contract extension with the DFB after lengthy negotiations about a new deal. According to a report in Bild, Loew has agreed terms with the DFB for a new two-year contract.

The 50-year-old will be in charge of Die Mannschaft during both the Euro 2012 qualifying campaign and the tournament-proper in Poland/Ukraine as a result of the contract extension.

    --  後略  --

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Football and Racism

2010-07-19 22:21:45 | メスト・エジル(Mesut Oezil)



Players strike awoke 'racism' in France says Thuram
Jul 17, 2010 12:52 PM | By Sapa-AP

According to former France defender Lilian Thuram, players on the national team have "awakened the underlying racism in society" with their strike at the World Cup.

Thuram said French people could now easily make a “shortcut” and think that “all the problems result from the fact that there are too many blacks in the France team.”



The Observerの Kate Connolly記者による以下の記事、興味深く読みました。

Germans Love 'multiculti' World Cup Soccer Team

Yagiz Dogan wants a pair of orange and silver soccer shoes like those worn by German soccer player Mesut Ozil.
"I'm saving up for them, after all he's my hero,"said the 15-year-old, who lives in a flat in the Berlin district of Neukolln with his Turkish parents nad grandparents.
ベルリン市内にトルコ人の両親、祖父母と共に暮らす15歳のYagiz Dogan君は、ドイツ代表のメスト・エジルが履く物と同じような、オレンジと銀色のサッカーシューズを欲しがっている。

Yagiz hung a German flag from the window, much to the confusion of his mother.
"Of course I want Germany to win the World Cup," he said before its July 7 semifinal loss to Spain.

He also thinks it's fine that Ozil, the German-born son of Turkish immigrants, has chosen to play for Germany rather than Turkey.

"What shuld be strange about that? He was born here, brought up here, he speaks the language, understands the culture--just like me. I can identify with him."

The boy could be speaking for Ozil. But what's clear from talking to him is how natural it is for a whole generation of young Germans --known as "M" or "multiculti"--that theeir national soccer team comes from a diverse range of backgrounds.
しかし、この少年との話から明らかになったことは( M世代 、あるいは multiculti、として知られている)若いドイツ人世代全般に、彼らの代表チームが多様な背景や経歴をもっている、ということが、非常に自然に受け入れられている、ということだ

Not only is the German team the youngest it has been since 1934--half the squad are 24 or under--it is also the most ethnically diverse it has ever been.
ドイツチームは、 1934年後最も若いチーム -- チームの半数が24歳以下-- であるばかりか、これまでで最も民族面で多様なチームでもある。

No fewer than half of the players were either born outside Germany, are sons of immigrants or have one non-German parent, with roots in Ghana, Poland, Tunisia, Turkey and other countries.

The effect of such a radical transition cannot be overstated in a country that for years did not consider itself a land of immigration and where foreigners brought in to fill the skills gap were deliberately called "guest workers" on the understanding, or hope, that they would go home.

The change has come about thanks to a 1999 revamp of citizenship laws. Half the current team's players would not have been allowed in just over a decade ago.

Some bloggers on far-right Web sites have railed in anger, insisiting that the team was "no longer German".

One poster boy of the new generation is 23-year-old midfielder Sami Khedira, whose father emigrated from Tunisia to Germany 30 years ago to work in a steel foundry.

"I think it's an advantage to be a player of mixed origins. When two nationalities come together, it brings advantages--(Tunisian)emotions coupled with Gerrman virtures of discipline, ambition, concentration," he said.

Ozil, arguably the star of this team, said that he sees his "Turkish side" coming out in his technique and feel for the ball, "and the give-it-your-all attitude to my game is the German part of me."

It is hard to believe Ozil, 21, who recites the Quran during the singing of the national anthem, would have been accepted to the degree he has been, even five years ago.



( 『西ヨーロッパにおける移民問題』を参考にさせていただきました。)

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I Want To Win Titles

2010-07-15 20:48:48 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)


“Of course, I want to win titles”

Rudi Völler, Michael Balack, Jupp Heynckes and Wolfgang Holzhäuser (l. to r.)

Michael Ballack has returned to Leverkusen. After signing for the Werkself on Tuesday, the injured Germany captain was officially introduced on Wednesday. The media centre in the West Stand was filled to the rafters and the press conference was broadcast live on the German TV channels n-tv, N24 and center tv. Bayer 04 managing director Wolfgang Holzhäuser, director of sport Rudi Völler and head coach Jupp Heynckes shared the top table with Michael Ballack.


At the start of the event, all four stressed how much they were looking forward to working together.
“Until recently, I couldn’t imagine returning to the Bundesliga. The first contact was made at Bernd Schneider’s testimonial and that set everything in motion. I’m glad and grateful that it worked out,” declared Ballack. Michael’s last appearance for the Werkself was in the 2002 Champions League Final defeat to Real Madrid. The 33-year-old midfielder is currently fighting to be available for selection for his new club in the Bundesliga opener away to Borussia Dortmund.
Thanks to Bayer AG




After four-year spells at Bayern Munich and Chelsea, Michael Ballack is now coming home to Germany. “We didn’t just try to persuade Michael. We let him know that wasn’t only good for us that he is joining a functioning team but that it would be a good move for him too. It’s great that he chose us,” admitted Rudi Völler as he disclosed details of the negotiating process.


Other clubs were keen to seize the opportunity of signing the Germany captain. But Michael Ballack opted for Leverkusen in the end.
“It was clear to us from the start that we couldn’t fund this transfer from our own budget. So we quickly made contact with our parent company, Bayer AG, and inquired whether finance might be forthcoming. That was agreed,” said a satisfied Wolfgang Holzhäuser:
“The negotiations weren’t easy as there were significant offers from other clubs. However, from the start we banked on Michael accepting soft factors.”


『最初の段階から、我々クラブだけの予算で、この移籍金を調達することは出来ないことは明らかだった。だからすぐに親会社のBayer AGに連絡を取り、資金を用意できるかを問い合わせた。』


Thumbs up from Heynckes

Michael Ballack wants to get started again and follow on from his first period at Bayer 04.
In the three seasons from 1999 to 2002 he made 79 appearances for the Werkself scoring 29 goals and finished runner-up twice in the Bundesliga, once in the DFB and once in the Champions League.
“A team’s quality is decisive and that’s here and, of course, I want to win titles. You’ve got to have that target to achieve the best possible results.
We’ll see how we get on. At the end of the day, a lot of clubs want it but so do we,” commented Ballack on the targets for Bayer 04 in the coming campaign.




Ballack met his new team-mates before the Wednesday morning training session.
He already knows players like Simon Rolfes and René Adler from international duty with Germany and now he has the chance to get to know the new faces at the club.
The big new signing announced his intention in that regard and this was immediately approved by Jupp Heynckes.


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He's Back!

2010-07-14 21:19:15 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)

7/14/2010 | rc
Ballack back at Bayer 04

The big transfer deal is official: Injured Germany skipper Michael Ballack signed a two-year contract at Bayer 04 on Tuesday afternoon. The signing was agreed two and a half weeks ago and Ballack came to the BayArena yesterday for the first time since the agreement was made.

“It feels like coming home. I’m glad to be here. The prospects for the club definitely played a role. It was important for me to join a club that is competing for titles if I was to return to the Bundesliga. But the fans also played their part,” explained Ballack after putting pen to paper.

“This is possibly the most important transfer of recent seasons because we believe that signing Michael Ballack demonstrates our determination to finish in the top three,” explained Bayer 04 managing director Wolfgang Holzhäuser and sporting director Rudi Völler added:

“Regardless of his evident ability on the pitch, the way he leads teams can be very important. We’ve got a young team with several experienced players but Michael Ballack is a player who can help us with his composure and experience.”


Discussions were also held on Tuesday regarding the future course of the midfielder’s rehab. Ballack suffered a torn interior ligament and syndesmosis injury to his right foot that kept him out of the World Cup.

“I’m happy with the progress of my rehab training and I hope to be able to start running again soon. And then we’ll wait and see when I’m ready for full training. It’s important that it improves without pain and that’s the way it’s going at the moment,” reported Ballack.

Michael Ballack will be officially introduced at a press conference on Wednesday at 12.30 CET to be shown live on TV channels n-tv, N24 and center-tv.
バラックの公式記者会見は、水曜日12:30から、n-tv, N24, center-tvの3局で、生中継される。


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Ballack Will Be Germany Captain

2010-07-11 16:43:35 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)



Ballack will be Germany captain: Schweinsteiger
Jul 10, 2010 6:17 PM

Midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger expects Michael Ballack to become Germany captain again after he missed the World Cup for injury reasons.

“He is the captain of this team and he will wear the armband again when he returns,” Schweinsteiger told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper in a report made available ahead of Sunday’s publication.

Germany’s regular skipper, Ballack missed the World Cup, where Germany were to meet Uruguay later on Saturday in the match for third place, because of an ankle injury.

Schweinsteiger’s Bayern Munich team-mate Philipp Lahm was made captain for the tournament in South Africa and said earlier this week that he would not voluntarily hand back the armband. Lahm said it was up to coach Joachim Loew to decide.

Schweinsteiger said: “Two captains are one too many on the pitch. For me, Ballack is the captain of the team ... Philipp only took the position due to Michael’s injury and did a good job.”


Lahm is officially the World Cup captain while Ballack, who recently moved from Chelsea to German club Bayer Leverkusen, remains the team captain.


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Immigrants Help Germany Team

2010-07-06 22:42:07 | メスト・エジル(Mesut Oezil)





Germany play Spain in the World Cup semi-final in Durban on Wednesday and Loew acknowledged he had combined several styles to find the right mix in his cosmopolitan, multi-ethnic team.

“I’ve seen a lot of international football, I have soaked it all up and taken away many aspects,” he told reporters.

“In England the tempo is incredible and something to be emulated. In Spain, there is the free-flowing style, technique and skill and you can see that’s something that is second nature to them, even to their youth teams,” he said.

“In Spain the game is not just played or worked (at) but celebrated. It impresses me how easy it looks even though, of course, it isn’t easy at all. I like combination passing football and that is what I work towards,” he said.

“Italy won the World Cup in 2006 with perfect defensive play but the game has moved on in the last four years. The teams in the final four have solid defences but you have to have a more than that, a more versatile style of play,” he said.

Impressively, Germany have combined a miserly defence which has conceded just twice in five games, with a flowing midfield and free-scoring attack that has scored 13 goals, including eight in the last two games against England and Argentina.


Their performances in South Africa bear the signature of a clever tactician who prizes the importance of preparation and is an astute analyst of the strengths and weaknesses of opponents.

"This team, it’s the masterpiece of Joachim Loew. He has placed his mark on its make-up and created a perfect team," German playing legend Franz Beckenbauer said.

"I have rarely seen such mastery of the game from a German team. Perhaps only in the 1970s and the World Cup winning team of 1990."



Loew said he was not superstitious but that his staff and players want him to continue wearing the sweater because he had worn it during Germany's victories over England and Argentina.

"I am not superstitious but the coaching staff want me to wear it because we always score four goals when I wear it," Loew said.

"They won't let me wash it and I do think I will wear it again," Loew said.

Midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger also wants to see his coach wearing the sweater against Spain.

"I don't know how many blue sweaters he has, but I hope he has one or two left in his suitcase," Schweinsteiger said.


"The World Cup is all that matters at the moment," he told the Sun. "When I get back we can think about my future, but for now it's not something I want to give a lot of thought to. To the top players, the Premier League is attractive.

"You look at what Manchester United and Chelsea have achieved over the last five years and you see it would be easy to be successful at two clubs like that. I see what Michael Ballack achieved at Chelsea and the quality of players he played with and the temptation becomes obvious.
"Trophies are what matters to me. There are two teams in England always at the top and of course that's attractive, but the same is true for La Liga. They're the strongest leagues in the world."





ロイターが伝えた、ドイツのスポーツ省大臣Thomas de Maiziere氏へのインタヴュー:
Immigrants help Germany team, minister says
Jul 5, 2010 4:37 PM | By Reuters


Immigrants have helped give Germany a strong team at the World Cup, the country’s Sport Minister Thomas de Maiziere said in a radio interview on Monday.


He said the large number of players of foreign origin in the side was an indication of improving integration in a country of 82 million with a foreign population of about seven million.

“It’s tremendous progress — 11 of the 23 Germany players are from immigrant families,” de Maiziere, who is also the Interior Minister, told Deutschlandfunk radio.

“They’ve worked hard, delivered a great performance. They wanted to become German citizens and they’ve done that without turning their backs on their home countries,” he added. “We’ve accepted that and they’re loved as much as anyone else.

“It’s a successful example of integration — a role model for our country.”

The families of Miroslav Klose and Lukas Podolski came from Poland, Mesut Ozil is of Turkish descent, Sami Khedira’s father is from Tunisia, Jerome Boateng’s father is Ghanaian and Mario Gomez was born to a Spanish father and German mother.

Before the citizenship law was reformed in 1999, conservative governments had said Germany was not a country of immigrants.

The national team has been opening itself up since the 1998 World Cup when many in Germany hailed the ethnic diversity of the French side that won the trophy after an all-white German team lost 3-0 to Croatia in the quarter-finals.

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2010-07-02 23:19:57 | ミヒャエル・バラック(Michael Ballck)




Monday, 2010-06-28
Ballack praises German World Cup side

Captain Michael Ballack followed Germany's game against England in Herzogenaurach, where he paid a visit to a golf tournament hosted by adidas. He hadn't expected such a steep scoreline, Ballack said and added: "The team already proved against Argentina, in the first game, that it is capable of fantastic football. Now we've left our mark and are among the favourites, whether we like it or not. But we've got to keep our feet planted firmly on the ground."

Tuesday, 2010-06-29
Bayer take up training without Ballack

On Monday, the new league season started for Bayer Leverkusen with the first training session at the BayArena. Michael Ballack wasn't yet part of the team, he'll travel to South Africa first and meet up with the German World Cup squad on Thursday. "Things are looking very good after the injury," Bayer coach Jupp Heynckes said about Ballack's healing process.



Sky sports June 28 2010

Boss buoyed by Ballack return
Midfielder turned down lucrative offers to return to Bayer
Last updated: 28th June 2010

Ballack agreed to return to the club he represented between 1999 and 2002 after being released by Chelsea this summer.

The 33-year-old resumes his love affair with the Bundesliga, a league where he has won four titles.

And despite the division already containing players such as Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery, Heynckes believes Bayer have acquired the block-buster name.

"Michael is going to be the attraction of the league," said the Bayer coach of the injured Germany captain in Bild.
"It is incredible that such a fantastic player is now back in Leverkusen."

Heynckes also revealed that the 33-year-old had turned down several more lucrative offers to return to the BayArena.

"I would never have thought that he would sacrifice so much money, and I told him this," said Heynckes, who led Leverkusen to fourth in the Bundesliga last season.
Heynckes will hope Ballack's arrival can take Leverkusen onto the next level and enable them to challenge for silverware next season.

"(He will give us) dominance in midfield, a goalscoring threat from free-kicks and the youngsters can learn a great deal from him," said the 65-year-old coach, whose team started pre-season training on Monday.

Ballack was an absentee as he is due to undergo further tests on his ankle injury in Munich before flying out to South Africa to lend his support to the national team for the remainder of the World Cup.

ESPN June 27, 2010

Voller says Ballack completes Leverkusen jigsaw

June 27, 2010
Bayer Leverkusen director of sport Rudi Voller believes Michael Ballack is the missing piece in the club's jigsaw and that success is now just around the corner.

Leverkusen signed Ballack on a free transfer from Chelsea earlier this week, bringing the 33-year-old back to the club he represented between 1999 and 2002, and Voller is now optimistic about his side's chances of glory next season.

"We were just lacking something and I think that Michael is that,'' he told the Sonntags-Express newspaper.

Leverkusen led the Bundesliga for two thirds of last season, going unbeaten until midway through the second half of the campaign. However, like in previous years, they fell away in the end and only qualified for the Europa League.

Voller suggested that his side just lacked a bit of experience to match the likes of champions Bayern Munich and challengers Werder Bremen, and with Ballack now on board, they have the right mixture in the squad.

"Ballack should be a reference point in the team,'' explained Voller. "He is the ultimate lead figure.''

Ballack is unlikely to become captain at the Bundesliga club since Simon Rolfes has done a good job in that role, but even without the armband, Ballack "can lead a side'', according to Voller.


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