


2008-01-27 09:39:08 | Telegraph (UK)
FSA trawls Exchange in Societe Generale probe
By Philip Aldrick
Financial watchdog investigates stock market activity after French rogue trader's record losses are linked to bourse falls across Europe


Britain's financial watchdog has launched an investigation into stock market movements caused by Societe Generale unwinding the massive positions taken by its rogue trader Jerome Kerviel.

イギリス金融監督機関は、ソシエテ・ジェネラルがならず者トレーダーJerome Kervielがとった莫大なポジションを巻き戻すことで生じた、株式市場の動きを捜査し始めた。

Industry insiders said the Financial Services Authority is trawling for unusual London Stock Exchange trades made on Monday or Tuesday as the French bank closed out the billions of euros of futures positions taken by Mr Kerviel.


Bankers estimate that the value of the dumped contracts could be as much as EUR40bn-EUR50bn (£30bn-£37bn), a sum so large that it may have contributed to Monday's market rout. Sources said that counterparties may have spotted SocGen's actions, potentially giving them inside knowledge, and taken short positions as a result, further exacerbating market falls.


On Monday, the FTSE 100 tumbled 5.5pc, France's CAC fell 6.8pc and Germany's DAX collapsed 7.2pc. Sources said the French and German stock market regulators are conducting similar investigations to establish whether SocGen's position contributed to the falls. Insiders added that such inquiries were "routine" for such a major event.


SocGen's positions - in the CAC, DAX and Eurostox50, which includes FTSE 100 companies - were so large that closing them raised issues of market stability and, as a result, were wound up only after consultation with the regulators involved, including the FSA.


Ultimately, the bank lost EUR4.9bn - having opened on Monday with a EUR2bn deficit. Traders are still baffled by SocGen's decision to close the positions so quickly in such weak markets.


"They are French - what do you expect?" said British.

One senior source said: "SocGen must have had a huge position to suffer a EUR4.9bn loss, which could have contributed to the falling markets. Trades of this magnitude could have all sorts of effects. Counterparties might have noticed and that could have led to funny business."


The investigation will be conducted under the European Union market abuse directive.


SocGen is already facing the prospect of lawsuits from its own shareholders and traders who lost money on this week's markets. Didier Cornardeau, president of APPAC, a group representing small SocGen shareholders, said: "One should not be able to take positions worth EUR40bn without being spotted by an audit or a sophisticated computer system, everyone agrees on that."

ソシエテ・ジェネラルの少数株主を代表するグループAPPAC会長のDidier Cornardeauはこう語った。

The French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, has instructed the bank to provide him with "the information on what happened within eight days".


He also appeared to question whether the alleged fraud was carried out by Mr Kerviel alone. "It is difficult... to imagine how one person alone could, in a relatively short period of time, cause such considerable losses," Mr Fillon said, adding that "perhaps the government could have been informed earlier" than Wednesday.


Mr Kerviel allegedly dismantled sophisticated computer programmes, used fake names and stole colleagues' passwords to circumvent SocGen's risk controls and place his bets on European futures indices in the largest alleged banking fraud in history.


Because futures trading allows an investor to leverage their position, he was able to make punts worth EUR40bn-EUR50bn, bankers estimate. Chairman Daniel Bouton said a trader in his junior position would have been expected to make revenues of just EUR20m a year - implying a trading book of no more than EUR2bn.

Daniel Bouton会長は、彼のようなジュニア・ポジションのトレーダーは、年間ほんのEUR2,000万ほどの売上しか期待されていない、つまり取引はEUR20億以上にならないとほのめかした。

The ease with which he appears to have got round the controls is expected to have spurred all banks to review their internal procedures.






