
Random Talks about Japanese Gardens


2019-06-29 | 日本庭園




(上: 旧家の格式を伝える冠木門。奥に門長屋が見える)

(上: 豪壮な門長屋)





(上: 門長屋と表玄関をつなぐ端正な前庭)


(上: 茶室・眺春庵)




(上: 小山のような屋敷林)


(上: 枝振りの良い木が景色を創っている高梨家書院前の庭)




# 詳しい利用案内については、「上花輪歴史館」のホームページなどをご参照ください。 kamihanawa.jp/

Yakushima Island・・・"Princess Mononoke’s Forest"

2019-06-13 | Giant trees, Sacred trees

Yakushima (屋久島)which was placed on the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List in 1993 is an island of about 500 square kilometers located to the south of Kagoshima, Kyushu. The island is covered with in primeval dense forest. And it is said that the divine forest in Hayao Miyazaki's "Princess Mononoke" was inspired by the forest of Shiratani Unsuikyo valley (白谷雲水峡)(Photo below)

I joined in a hiking tour to visit the forest. There were 15 members and two local guides in our party. We entered the forest. According to the travel brochure, the hike was supposed to be for beginners. However the course was hard from the beginning. The trails were so narrow and steep.

Since there were rocks and trees' roots everywhere, it was difficult to walk. We worried a little whether we could finish the hike; yet the beautiful scenery comforted us.

We walked along a stream. The island is blessed with a lot of springs and clear streams because annual precipitaiton is very high at 5,000 to 10,000mm.  


This abundant rain nurtures huge trees and rich vegetation.


The forest is covered with a variety of mosses. What a beautiful world it is!

Yakushima is famous for cryptomerias, or Japanese cedars called "Yakusugi (屋久杉)"; but if it is less than 1,000 years old, it is called "Small cedar" and it doesn't belong to "Yakusugi".

So, only Japanese cedars that are more than 1,000years old are called "Yakusugi". And especially old and huge ones have a name such as "The Jomon cedar","Two generations cedar"or "Buddha cedar".


(Above: Buddha cedar)           (Above: Kigen cedar)

Though the trunks of Japanese cedars are commonly straight, over-thousand-year-old cedars have lots of knots on the trunks, which are mass of resin. Those trunks look like a face with expresion. Their unique forms pleased our eyes.


An hour later, we passed through tunnel-like cedars and got to a special place named "Princess Mononoke's Forest".

It was at the deep end of the hiking trail. Facing the divine forest, I felt as if my heart was purified. 

I am proud that it is in our country. It is the very heritage that should be passed down to next generations.