
Random Talks about Japanese Gardens

Matsushima and Basho---Tohoku region

2010-10-20 | ...and all the others

Matsushima is located near Sendai in the Tohoku region. The main tourist attractions are historic temples and particularly the bay dotted with more than 260 islands which have various shapes.

I took a sightseeing boat. The islands looked as if they were natural sculptures.


In the Edo period, Matsushima was more popular as a scenic spot than these days. The famous "haiku" poet, Matsuo Basho loved this place, too.

He wrote in the beginning of his travelogue about the Tohoku region that he was looking forward to seeing Matsushima.

However actually he didn't make any "haiku" in Matsushima though he made lots of noted "haiku" poems at every scenic or historic place during this travel. Why?

There are two guesses. One is that the scenery in Matsushima was too moving for him to make "haiku". It is the major opinion.

The other is that he was a "ninja" or spy of the Tokugawa shogunate and he had a mission to investigate the feudal lord domains.

It is said that Sendai where Matsushima is located was the main place to investigate and Basho didn't have time to make "haiku".

Since he was born in Iga, one of the ninjas' hometowns and he walked so fast, the theory that Basho was a ninja has been supported. I am interested in such minor stories which are behind the main history.




2010-10-18 | 神社






(上: 青石貼りの参道が社殿前まで続いている)






※アクセス: JR和歌山駅からバス新和歌浦行きで20分(または雑賀崎循環線)「権現前」下車すぐ



Garden in the Momoyama Period---Wakayama

2010-10-07 | Japanese gardens

This is the garden of Kokawa-dera temple in Wakayama Prefecture built in the Momoyama period.

Wakayama in the Kansai district boasts the production of "Aoishi", or bluish stones. These stones were used as construction materials to build gardens, stone walls or paving. (It is restricted now to quarry out the stones to preserve them, though.)

(Above: Paving and Walls in Wakayama Castle)

 (Above: Wall in Kimiidera temple)

Those stones were used for the garden of Kokawa-dera, too. This garden is famous for its dynamic formation with huge stones.

It was built in the Momoyama Period at the end of the 16th century. This period that is situated between the Age of Civil Wars and the Edo Period lasted only about 20 years. However, it is an epoch-making age in the cultural history of Japan.

People regained energy and vitality after the wars. And the Western European culture was introduced directly to Japan for the firt time by missionaries of Christianity in this age.

So, art works including gardens reflected the trend of the times and became powerful, dynamic, decorative and gorgeous in contrast to the feeling of quiescence generally seen in Japanese art works.

Every time I see gardens in this period, I say, "Wow!"

※Kokawadera HP (in Japanese only): www.kokawadera.org