
Random Talks about Japanese Gardens

Fire Festival in Hachioji (Tokyo)

2010-03-30 | ...and all the others

I went to see "The Hiwatari festival", a religious ritual using fire performed by mountain priests known as "Yamabushi". Yamabushi were originally ascetics who practiced rigorous exercises in mountains.

The festival was held at the foot of Mt. Takao in Hachioji, Tokyo. When I got there 40 minutes before the opening, there were already a lot of people including many foreigners.

The ceremony by mountain priests who gathered from various places in Japan started at one o'clock. After that , the festival reached the climax.

They fired piled firewood.  


The flames blazed up high. Meanwhile, the priests were blowing conch-shell horns and chanting loudly.

And when the fire died down, the "Hiwatari" began; they walked barefoot one after another on the ground that seemed to be still hot.

The spectators followed the priests. I wanted to try. But since there were so many people in line, I gave up. Maybe next time?

The Hiwatari Festival is held on the second Sunday in March every year.

For inquiries: Hachioji city official site: http://www.city.hachioji.tokyo.jp/










Japanese gardens compared to Korean gardens

2010-03-24 | Japanese gardens

I read a book about gardens written by a Korean authour. He compares Japanese culture with Korean culture through gardens. He says, "Since ancient times, the Japanese have dreamed of bringing the vastness of nature into their own homes."

(Sengen-en with an active volcano, Sakurajima in the background: Kagoshima)

As for the Korean, they tend to go out and see nature rather than try to bring it in closer to themselves. It might be the reason why there remain few old gardens in Korea. They didn't feel the need to build gardens because of such a thought.

The style of the Japanese garden came originally from China via Korea. According to "the Nihon Shoki", the oldest Japanese history book., a Korean artisan built, for the first time in Japan, a garden featuring a replica of the legendary Mount Sumeru, the central axis of the universe in Buddhist cosmology. It was in the beginning of the 7th century.

So the Japanese garden in its infancy imitated the continental style. It was rather artificial. However, the garden inspired by nature was already established as the Japanese style in the latter half of the 7th century. The excavated gardens prove it.

(Pond with gentle curves in Motsuji-temple: Hiraizumi)

The Korean author continues, "Japanese Zen monks sought to bring nature to them, this approach can be seen in the abbot's garden found in most Zen temples."

(Dry landscape garden by Mirei Shigemori in Tofukuji temple: Kyoto)

Those dry landscape gardens became one of the representative styles of Japanese gardens. Unlike Japanese Zen masters, Chinese or Korean Zen masters preferred to meet real nature face-to-face and sought to become one with it.

Where does the difference between the two ways of thinking come from? I've heard that culture has been affected by climate. And maybe land space might also have some influence. What do you think?


The Garden of Kiabatakeshi--A Warrior's Garden

2010-03-17 | Japanese gardens

This old garden is now located in a village surrounded by mountains in Mie Prefecture.

However, that area used to be an important point along the main route from Osaka to Ise a long time ago and be governed by a powerful warrior in the beginning of the 16th century.

The garden was made at that time in the residence of the warrior. But there were a lot of civil wars in those days. So the warrior's family was destroyed soon after the garden was built.

Since then the garden has remained forgotten in the village among the mountains. I think even now most people don't know about it except for those who are very interested in Japanese gardens though it is designated as a national heritage.

It is next to a small shirine. When I visited it, nobody was there. Facing the old garden in tranquility, I felt as if I went back to the 16th century.

Though it was restored, the original techniques such as the shape of the pond and stone arangements were excellent. I was deeply touched by the garden that covers about 2,500 square meters.

For inquiries: Tourist Information of Tsu-shi ☎059-246-9020 



2010-03-07 | 日本庭園


















Garden of Joruriji temple--Garden to pray (3)

2010-03-04 | Japanese gardens

Joruriji temple is located on the boundary between Kyoto and Nara. This old temple was built in the middle of the Heian period, about 900 years ago. It is famous for its garden style called "Pure Land style" evoking the paradise of Buddhism like the garden of Motsuji.

In those days, Buddhism was more prosperous than now and  a lot of gardens were made imitating the image of the Buddha's world, that is, there is a large lotus pond in the center and a three-story pagoda on its eastern side.

The main temple where Buddhist statues, Amida, are enshrined must be situated on the west side of the pond.

Because Buddhism thoughts say that Amida comes down from the westward paradise to save people.                                                                                                                

The formation like this called "Pure Land style" is a primitive one among various styles of Japanese garden and few gardens keep its perfect form. One of them is this garden.

The garden is in a calm atmosphere suitable for the name of paradise.


An ancient road (above) links Joruriji temple to Gansenji temple. The path dotted with lots of stone figures of Buddha will please your eyes.