one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Good bye ラーメン学校 Ecole de nouille

2011-12-10 05:05:19 | Foods(食)

This is the bowl of Rahmen noodle of “The School of Rahmen.”
I have had it only a few times. I've thought I could have it anytime.
But this place closed in the mid of this November. I miss it.
The owner chef gave up cooking to become a office worker.
(二葉二丁目、Futaba, Shinagawa ward)
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夕焼け市のお店番marché aux puce

2011-12-06 18:50:47 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The mirror and chest is only one euro. But those are too big to bring home by walk.
She is boring. Her grand mother enjoys talking with the neighbors.

(Asagaya Sundy Afternoon Flea Market, Asagaya, Suginami ward)
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とても食えそうにない marché au puce

2011-12-06 18:48:23 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The first sales-team have already sold out their food and drink. All cups of cocktail are 5 euro. A paper dish of curry and rice is 4 euro. The cup of beer is 4 euro. A cup of whisky with various teas are 4 euro.
And the second team, the three girls start to sale their second hand clothes.

(Asagaya Sundy Afternoon Flea Market, Asagaya, Suginami ward)
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天華の坦坦麺 nouille Sichuan

2011-12-06 18:42:20 | Foods(食)

The old chef is proud to say to a young woman from Sendai,”Our bowl is the genuine original Sichuan hot noodle. There is no restaurant but mine to serve the genuine one in Tokyo. The genuine Sichuan hot noodle has very little soup. I am proud to say mine is the number one Sichuan hot noodle in Japan.”
I think the chef shouldn't say too much his proud of really great dish. Without any explanations, the good dish is good.

(天華、港南一丁目、Konan, Minato ward)
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2011-12-06 18:39:49 | Foods(食)
The Ming-ming Chinese restaurant's Sichuan hot noodle is also good and taste of Osaka. The hotness is a little mild.
This fine place would be soon closed because of the reconstruction of the building which is badly damaged with the 3.11 earth quake.

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フック le crochet

2011-12-06 18:33:20 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

This pulley block is for ship crane.
When I take this hook, seagulls come close to me for the vain expectation for foods.
I've already had my lunch completely.

(八潮一丁目、Yashio, Shinagawa ward)
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ちくちく piquant

2011-12-06 18:31:55 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具

When I walk beside the railroad, I am always pricked with those seeds in this season.

(Yashio, Oota ward)
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門柱 petites choses

2011-12-06 18:29:56 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I find curious things on a gate post.
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黒猫 chat noir

2011-12-06 18:26:54 | cats(猫)

A black cat is very sleepy in spite of the cold wind.

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赤いリボン le ruban rouge

2011-12-06 18:25:11 | cats(猫)

This black cat ornament is very cute and designed skillfully.

(弁慶、西品川一丁目、Nishisinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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