日乗 diary - 来年の干支は丑 Next year's animal symbols is Ox

2020年09月25日 | 日記




Next year,

About animal symbols

It's Ox









I've been challenging to sell my photographs at PIXTA. It is a website that we can sell our works, such as photograph, video and illustration. 

I used to use my single-lens reflex camera but I sold it at the shop. My iPhone's camera has good qualities, so I can sell my works that were taken by my iPhone. PIXTA didn't allow to sell any photographs taken by a camera that belogs to smartphone but now they have allowed to do that.

It's a good news to me, because, single-lens reflex camera is very heavy, it's not easy to take it with me anytime. 

I photograph flowers. insects and natures when I go for a walk. But those photographs wouldn't be demanded by many people. Two people bought my photographs, I thank them!

Now I am following themes for the popular events through the year, such as new year card. Next year, about animal symbols, it's Ox. I'm trying to photograph about that, with my praying to both, the consumers and I.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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